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Monday, February 8, 1982
February 8, 1982
Just time to tell you what I did. No consequences. First, a walk on the beach. Beautiful, I found such a rock. Andy opened or me, I was late due to this turkey immigration asshole at the border. Big medal in a leather pouch, "What's our name?" - Donald Duck. "Where do you live?" - Hiroshima. "What's your citizenship? - Martian. "Pass."
Anyhow, I got Marty into Smitty's for coffee. "Lane" comes in, but I think he gets the idea he has offended me. Anyhow -I watched the pretty girls, which I realize Darcy noticed but definitely didn't appreciate. Tough. Anyhow, I painted the spots on the car, Unit 1 and drove into BHAM. Where I got an amazing amound of things done. Talked to Chris Seal, bought pants, wrote postcards, paid bills (including Case Blue to Dr. M), ordered clothes. It was hectic. It's all done for the week, tho. I got bck in time to do work at the shop. It's bad news, money-wise.
I taped Bobby some music, mopped the floor, tanked up, cashed in the US change (which has accumulated to the point of just throwing it out if I can't ditch it) and still got to the PI for a beer with Ted and actually - me - fraternized with a barmaid.
Now I'm tired. The world is round and of course it rains every day. There is no doubt tho, that I will move South within a few years, likely permanent.
Not that it makes any difference, but this girl, I should say lady watched me for a really long time at this antique store. It took me a while to notice and she was about 25 or 30. She walked right up to be after about a half hour and she was going to say something. I just turned right at her and stared. She reached for my hand. I drew back and shook my head. I walked away.
[Author's note: another post that comes from notes jotted over the day. To this day, I don't do barmaids, or react well with 30 year old women unless they are really dynamite, and I still cut off any approaches that don't spark me right away. Smitty's was a chain of pancake houses and there was one just across the border from my house. Darcy was the manageress, she would have been the one but she hesitated a bit too long.]
[Author's note 2024: 42 years and 1 day ago, the J. Geils band got their first really big hit, "Centerfold". I did not pick up on it for another few months as it was on the pop charts, which I never followed. Here's the band, as it was.]