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Tuesday, May 20, 2003

May 20, 2003

           [Authors note 2023: this is another recently discovered loose sheet of notes. Such items are extremely rare and the original is badly deteriorated. While dates, being dates, tend to be accurate, this blog is NOT accurate as to names, faces, ages, and money to name a few. This means any references in these posts, if lost, are probably lost forever. Any pictures are probably just representative. The blog is entered twice on different days in an effort to get the best interpretation, but this took too much time.]

First Version:

           Let’s look at Frank’s record since he got the truck. Next day he didn’ show at 11:00AM, so at 12:30PM I drove to his place. Costs me time & money. He’s not there, I got back and there he is on the doorstep. Says he got lost. Next weekend he brings the truck on Friday, not Sat. AM so we go directly to work and [this] blocks the roommates parking spot. I noticed there were 2 keys when we bought it. He puts one in the lock and says it is hard to open, but he forced it. So he gave me the other key.
           Turns out it is a 2-day system, he broke the lock & I could not start the truck on Saturday. Another wasted trip to go get him. We arrange on Sunday he is to bring the truck for repairs at 11:00AM. He shows up at 12:30PM, by which time I had to beg the mechanic to look, it’s first come first serve.

           Then over to the hardware store where he locked his keys inside (by now I had a backup set). Then to prove he is really a cautious driver, he backs out so slow the lady behind us had time to get in her car, start it, and hit us from behind. Next day I left him with instructions for an A/C part. It wasn’t available, so instead of contacting me, he went home for a sleep and was still asleppe when I drove over again.
           Here, I noticed instead of parking on the relatively safe side of the stree, he was parked right on “hooker corner’. He doesn’t like to get up and move it early on weekdays [ . . . . . ]

           [ . . . . . .] I send him for the A/C part at Bud’s.[ . . . . . ] lose more money driving over to [ . . . . . .] the bank for cash, he pulled the truck ahead, causing the loose [ . . . . . .] to fall out and drove over it. The truck is now in my yard. Oh, and he lost the money I gave him for the parts.

           I repaired the A/C on my own at mileage 159,634. Then sat down at Denny’s and drank lemonade. Thinking.

Second Version:
           Let’s look at Frank’s record since he got the truck.

           The next day he didn’t show at 11, so at 12:30PM I drove to his place. Costs me time and money. He’s not there, I got back and he’s on the doorstep. Says he got lost. Next weekend, he brings the truck on Friday, not Sat AM so we go directly to work, and blocks the roommates parking spot. I noticed there were 2 keys when we bought it. He puts one in the lock & says it is hard to open, but he forced it. So he gave me the other key. Turns out it was a two key system, he broke the lock and I couldn’t start the truck on Saturday. Another wasted trip to go get him.

           We arrange on Sunday he is to bring the truck for repairs at 11:00AM [on Monday]. He shows up at 12:30PM by which time I had to beg the mechanic to look. It is first come, first serve. Then over to the hardware store, where he locked his keys inside [the truck] (by now I had a backup set). Then to prove he is a really cautious driver, he backs out so slow the lady behind us had time to get in her car, start it, and hit us from behind

           Next day I left him with instructions to pick up an A/C part. I wasn’t available, so instead of contacting me, he went home for a sleep and was still asleep when I drove over again. Here, I notieced            instead of parking on the relatively safe side of the the street, he was parked right on Hooker’s Corner. He doesn’t like to get up early and move it on weekdays (faded writing) I sent him for the A/C part at Bud’s . At 2:00PM I (faded writing) lose more cash driving over to discover (faded writing) opening the hood and I said he (faded writing).

           There is a side-note saying:

           . . . to the bank for cash, he pulled the truck ahead, causing the loose (faded writing) to fall out and drove over it. The truck is now in my yard. Oh, and he lost the money I gave him for the parts.

           [Author’s note 2023: not much of this is clear, same with my memory. I had bought a used truck to take our display to California, and it was up to Frank to get used to driving it. He had not driven in many years, but assured me he was a seasoned long distance driver. Lies. I recall some parts of the antics like how that truck had different keys for the door and the ignition.
           The passage that says the truck is not in my yard means I took it back and parked at home where the needed repairs could get done like they were supposed to.
           You may view the original pages which contain no formatting, 2003 was too early to trust anything on-line. This carries over to 2023, where this blog is still not composed on-line. Too risky, it is word processed and then pasted into the blog template. I was not in a great mood and this explains why I don’t take on partners. Real partners are supposed to add synergy, not destroy it.
           This truck was to take us to California in the summer heat, so that A/C part was necessary. In the end, the truck lasted as far as Sarasota.]