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Friday, January 9, 2004

January 9, 2004

           Up and at ‘em. I’m getting used to beating the blah feeling from my prescription. It does also cause weight loss, but there must be far cheaper ways to accomplish that. It’s been a nearly perfect month, much like cool fall days back in Seattle. My little garden of herbs is sprouting, but I lost the book and don’t know which parts to eat. It’s okay, they are so pretty I might not eat them anyway. It’s also time to take stock of the investments during 2003 and plan 2004. I don’t think I will really change anything unless an opportunity to buy a cheap house comes along. There is a surge in prices going around, and I cannot understand people who buy as much house as they can, even to impoverishing themselves.
           Myself, I’m looking for something small and comfortable. Easy to clean. With a small space for a home workshop. A back yard to putter in. Anything in Miami is at least comparable to so-called first class hotels I’ve stayed at in some parts of this world. Besides, once I’m asleep I could be in a cardboard box. Remember me grousing about mortgages, that the information you had to give out was too personal and too much? There was an article on the net, you can now get a “no-doc” mortgage, one with very limited personal information. Typically, they charge extra for it.

           Taking a closer look at the ads other men put on the internet, I conclude that around here I am better looking than usual. Let me qualify that, what I mean is I don’t have that monkey-man greaser look, though I know women that actually find greasers attractive. Also, the pictures are all taken from a distance of at least 12 feet, as if they don’t want you getting too close a look. No class, either, there is one beer-gut sitting on his lawn chair, wearing a ball cap and drinking a Coor’s. Yet, I have no doubt these people get responses. I got up close, almost passport photo, with a little gem just showing over my left shoulder – if the babe is sharp enough to view it at 200%, she can clearly read the date on the calendar. Last month. I likebabes that are sharp enough.
           Most of the pictures were undated and did not match the ages stated. Also, I get around, and the ratio of good looking women in the ads is totally unreflected in Miami real life. Maybe only the good looking ones put ads in the personals? Like Paul says, they use a model. But the men, I can’t figure out how the human race survives sometimes. All the same dumb jock crap. That 1950s he-man, macho, outdoor type over and over. There ain’t any “outdoor” around this city, unless you count the shadeless parks and the highway medians. The rest is stinking swamp and nobody goes in there.

           Worse yet are the broads that find these ads appealing. Clear cases of arrested development. They put in there that they want a biker, or that they are sports fans. I grew out of sports before I was twelve years old, and basically wonder about people who didn’t. All the women I know who claim to be sports fans really do it because they think it increases their chances of getting a man. Except Jaimie who is hard to define in any case.