Now just suppose you found a wild little lady in Florida who wanted to go for a little ride. My guess is you would not want to be owning a truck like this one. The police would arrest you and give the lady a ride back to her place. What would a truck like this be used for? Even the roof is glass. It is not a traveling aquarium because the back panel is hinged to open upward and there are open cabinets built into wall behind the driver, possibly a whole row of air conditioners.

Jay-Jay, the disk jockey, called. His show begins in September, this time for sure. I think. The only available time slot is at 6:30 a.m. so I don’t know how that is going to help me much. I’ll broadcast something to see if it flies. I don’t think he realizes how many times I’ve been on the radio without making any money at it yet. Still, it is free. I’ll push my music lessons.
Lois has disappeared. Could be all that homework I gave her. She has to learn the overall process, did I mention she has never done anything like this before? I did not know that when we started. She has a room full of brand new top-quality equipment, something I would have died for at her age.
Then to the doggie wig place. I have to revamp the database, because it has evolved past its current usefulness. Management is asking for details that it is not equipped to handle, such as what do we have in medium blue. You are supposed to know the product first, then ask what colors and sizes. The data is all there, I just have to rearrange the keys and links. It takes time, a precious commodity around there.
Another order is pending and again the database saves the day. It is curious how the Orient makes a series of errors that cancel each other out. It was just 1% off in a $13,000 transaction. That does not mean it will get glossed over. Some products are priced 30% off what was mutually agreed. We do not know what the top sellers will be, so it is best to ward off any difficulties now.
The new web guy, Boris. I’m sure he’ll work it out, but I’m beginning to think that some web people are a little flakey even by Florida standards. He did not, since last time, follow up with the shopping cart. I specifically told him that shopping cart was a priority and to contact us immediately about any money or information he needed. Today, he strolls in and casually mentions he has not done anything yet because he doesn’t have a credit card number. If this happens again, I will suspect that nobody in this state understands the word “priority” except where it applies to what they want.
I strongly told him tomorrow, and up and working when I walk in there Wednesday, or else. This is a going concern and he appears to not have listened well when I told him we needed that web page last week. Though, when I think about it, haven’t I long known that there are very few people who can do the entire job themselves? Haven’t I had to get person after person in for every major stage in the past, and pay big time for the overlaps? My diastolic was 105 when I got out of there today.
New prices, new enemies. I mentioned my fee schedule above. (It turns out the bank manager got a parking ticket outside and thinks it is our fault. Buddy, that is what happens when you don’t put money in the meter.) The most annoying people use this approach, “You could do it in five minutes. It would take me an hour. It is only five minutes. You can’t be doing something so important that you can’t stop for five minutes.”
Or the ones who try to blur the question, thinking they are clever enough to fool me into thinking it is just a conversation about computers. Like I won’t recall the 900 page manual I had to read twice to get the answer myself. There are a group of around a half-dozen people who have “forgotten” to pay us for small things here and there. They are the worst offenders. No more of that, I’m happy to report.
One thing about a word processor, if you know how to use it there are some amazing features. If you print matching sets, you can lock-step the pages in sequence down your monitor. That is unclear, but think of printing flash cards, where the question and answers have to match. Also, I know that, including coffee breaks and all interruptions, I can sustain a typing speed of 31.5 wpm all day long, or 1,890 wph, or 14,175 wpd. (Although I’ve never typed all day. This entry took 45 minutes-but I'm getting faster at it. But I also know I don’t make 25 cents per word, that is, I don’t make $3,543.00 per day.
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