They plainly see the computer as a toy to plug into the Internet. Whereas I have abandoned using the Internet as a source of serious inquiry, it is pretty clear there is a huge IQ gap when they and I commence to ciphering. I tend to view surfing the Internet much the same as sports. It is something the guys who aren’t very good at learning get into a lot. To me, “teaching” sports is a waste of the taxpayer’s money. Now do we have a parallel the way they are “teaching” computers?
In the news some lady shoplifted a Chihuahua. When she saw the security cam clip plastered all over the news, she decided to return it. I probably would have forgiven her, but she was arrested and charged with a felonies. Note the plural, more than one felony. The other charge was presenting an expired driver’s license. This is a felony? Only in America could we have the completely stupid concept of “expired” ID. Does this indicate it is even a worse felony to present no ID at all? What next, will it become illegal to even possess an expired document? Just sick, America.
This reminds me of the time when Rusty and I tried to get all our business licenses and renewals timed to occur on November 30 instead of year round. We were maybe 24 years old at the time. We discovered that it is impossible to coordinate these licenses, or even to get them set to a single month. The system is designed to keep you off balance year round, to make sure you can’t get away for very long.
We found out when we tried to hire somebody to renew for us that it is often your physical presence, and not the paperwork, that they were really after. My near-total distrust of the system goes back to around this era. They want to know where you are, as one clerk said, so they “can come and get you any time”.
That fake Craigslist notice {I designed as a joke) seems to have caught droves of stupid people. I finally pulled it off the Internet. The Runt is posting malicious messages again, but now we just leave them alone to let the world know how insufferably stupid he really is. I swear, he has around a grade eight education equivalency. Dumber than a sack of wet hammers, that boy. No wonder he never got anywhere in life.
I played the jukebox today. The last time was like never, it was so far back. But I just had to hear some versions of my tunes. After five selections, I could not find anything else on the cyber-jukebox worth playing and left my credits for the next guy. Every generation has its own music, but aren’t you supposed to be able to tell one tune from the other? It seems these new bands go all out to have suggestive song titles and drastic album art. One surprise is the huge presence of thirty-year old music, that is, a good third of the music was pre-1970. America, with 135,000 recording artists, still can’t fill a jukebox with modern music? Ask yourself, when is the last time you played music that was a hit before you were born?
Last, for the record, we have a suspicious newcomer. Drives a white pickup truck, but does not live around here. Chances are he is just picking up a friend to go to work. But he is not by every day, and doesn’t like that each time he passes my place he triggers the floodlights. He’s also discovered no matter how early he arrives, I’m awake to see him. For the record.