Another Blues album cover featured in today’s photo. The sagging economy and the “one way” sign to match. This is along Sheridan Street, looking east toward the Atlantic Ocean somewhat over a mile further away. Consider this a typical Florida winter day, notice the deciduous tree behind the sign. Weather is a perfect 68 degrees with a mild warm breeze.
This morning I had a five-hour callout that didn’t pay that well (but for a steady customer). I dropped into the book store (Borders) and stayed a good three hours. My reading habits have changed to match the new selections they have, but a warning to visitors from out west: Florida bookstores are not a good place to meet intellectual women. Not a recommended singles activity.
I sprung for coffee and a cookie, set me back $4.00. But I’m again just able to afford little treats like that. No, not brakes on the car or a new bicycle tire, but that will follow in time. Again, business has expanded ever so slightly and I have no idea why that could be. The bustle of motion that was so evident a few years back is gone. Even the traffic on the streets is sparse instead of the usual Sunday madness. Can someone remind me of that economic rule that says people spend more if they anticipate coming into money in the near future.
Due to a touch of the flu (the mildest flu I’ve ever had) I relaxed and read most of today. Every few years I get away from intensive computer reading, which I like to keep up on. I’m finding a renewed interest in mechanics. That is something I have zero background in, particularly gears and gear ratios. Today I found out what a CNC device is, I think. It is a machining tool that cuts or shapes parts. A while back I mentioned the new Apple 3D printer that built up items designed on screen. Unbeknownst to me, these are computerized versions of CNC apparatus. The articles I read assumed, wrongly, that I knew what the letters stand for.
But that is okay, how many people know why MP3 was invented. Have you heard of the ISO, International Standards Organization, the people who made the specs for ASCII code? They developed MPEG Audio Layer 3 for sending music over telephone lines and had nothing to do with computer disks. It was not until the Pentium chip came along years later that computers had the power to play MP3s.
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