Jack, my computer guy was in, and we now have the prototype working on the Internet. This is warp speed compared to Art. Jack is crusty and set in his ways and that means we can work together quite fine. From my perspective, he has moved too fast in that all my cost projections are out of date. I am not really prepared with any plans to move ahead. But everyone who has seen the pilot agrees it is a great idea.
Let me recap the idea. I have a WPS or “Web Page Simulator” that allows any business to have a unique web page for a cost that is unbelievably slow. It is so low, there is no room for competition, so it is self-protecting in that way. It is definitely to the stage where it can be mass marketed. I was expecting a localhost version (a laptop demo), but in fact, I logged on to it this morning.
The analysis of FireHow is also going faster that predicted. It is clear now, although I have not found my El Dorado, I’ve found at least one key to success. The highest ranking article I’ve written was the test to tell if it was your battery dead or a bad alternator. I have thus been tipped off that people need something that solves a problem they have, but right now. And they mean right now. If you can write such articles, you will be able to lay yourself up a good fortune.
The perfect weather has arrived again, exactly 79 degrees with a 5 mph wind all day. I took the afternoon off and went for a ten mile bike ride. I believe that as long as I can do things like that, I should do so. Five years ago you would never have seen me on a bicycle, now I cannot live without it. All my doctors still have not assimilated that I get that much exercise and keep advising me to “begin” a regimen, but I understand why they think Americans over 30 never exercise. I now have 6,100 miles on my bicycle.
I did a quick search because I cannot remember what year I started my business, since I more eased into it than having an opening day. The earliest reference I can find on my records is that I bought a scanner there in May, 2005. It was shortly after that I set up the computers. So this makes it my fifth year in business.
Two years later, after many failed starts (finding a decent guitarist), I began playing at Jimbos. My records show an equipment buying spree in early May 2007, indicating I was fed up with something and had decided to go solo. On the 26th of that month, I played my first solo gig in my life, making $5.00 in tips. I never sang a note, just announced between songs. My song list then has only five tunes I still play today.
You know what I miss most? The extra $100 I paid rent in February. Now I’ve gone without that vitally needed drum box and I cannot practice my own music. It takes tremendous coordination to play, sing and operate the box at the same time as putting on a show. It is intense practice that cannot be accomplished any other way but with the proper equipment. But, my lady friend needed a hand.
Tonight’s bingo was a trendsetting event. That $40 pedal I bought has lived up to expectations. With practice, I can now work both pedals smoother than a disk jockey, keeping the sound effects matching the crowd moves. The pedal has a mechanical glitch but I fixed with an old cupboard handle and some duct tape. As far as bingos go, this could very well be the best in town. Did I mention, last week we had a powerball winner.
veryatlantic veryatlantic this is a test of the google search mechanism