The prescription of the decade. That’s the second decade, meaning this up to 2020. It sums up what is left for me to do regarding my long-term prospects. Since balance has been otherwise restored, this is taking direct aim on being overweight. The doc explained the regimen, I agree the bicycle is no longer providing enough exercise and I am now capable of more. I’ve learned my limits, and while it is true I could drop dead out of the blue, so could everyone else. Is this really a prescription for America?
I’m certain I want to continue with learning to etch printed circuits. Singapore says no, focus on the programming, but E24 says it is worth the learning experience. I lack only a laser printer to go ahead. My first project will be a dummy Arduino board, a board that does nothing but accept a pre-programmed Atmega [chip] and play back the void loop continuously. If you don’t understand that, then blame the jerks who claim C+ is an “advanced” language.
Web pages are back in the ring. We got out of html years ago because there wasn’t enough work to justify keeping abreast of the changes. Using only basics, I’m about to construct a small but distinctive web page for Professor Howard. Equally challenging is the upload and placement of the page, because it is impossible to get a straight answer out of anybody how to do it. They talk in circles and get miffed when you tell them to quit, their attitude is that you are the one not getting it. No, I am the one that knows bullshit when I hear it
I found an outdated textbook on pathogens and it reminded me of several detective novels I’ve read last year. Where did the author’s get such advanced knowledge of blood work? So I scanned the biomed offerings at Broward College (formerly Broward Community College). Nothing. I see the college has cleaned up their act. But I found no courses on how to conduct simple blood tests. You can buy kits, but the instructions don’t tell you how the test works.
Trent was in town, but we missed meeting up, that is now slated for Thursday. We both got a lot out of the practice sessions and recording gear, I would have no objections to continuing those as a hobby. It would keep me connected with music instead of taking the sabbatical I was contemplating. Nor am I one to overlook the potential of a guitarist who has a completely independent and unbiased approach.
I am gearing up for programming tomorrow with Cowboy Mike. These few recordings will double his repertoire and I need the extra bucks for another PA cable. And gasoline—the trip to Palm Beach was not in this month’s plan. I’m tapping out the beats on the digital drum box since almost everyone, upon hearing a drum track alone, will say the speed is wrong. Let’s see, it is 8:30 PM now, will I get this finished tonight? First step, put on a pot of tea.