Here is some neo-trendy graffiti. Appleism is the term now applied to members of the Mac Cult or the adoration of Apple computers and products. This was the first I’d heard of it, but I looked it up knowing the word was too long and spelled too correctly to be Florida-grade cave painting.

My question is how does the Florida weather know when you have an armload of documents to start an afternoon downpour? I got flooded in, even so there isn’t much news this day and it is so wet here’s some dry humor. I used to work in a blanket factory, but it folded. Does the name “Pavlov” ring a bell? If the world was fair, Elvis would be alive and the impersonators would be dead. That’s enough.
Trent was over for a two-hour jam session. We have the makings of some original Blues stylings. We had a hunch some of the other boxes would sound weak compared to the BB King that’s become a favorite. Not so, it is a matter of again avoiding certain notes at parts of the 12-bar structure. And we worked on two styles of triplets. The planning is again leaning toward recording some of this music. Initially it will be a type of country blues, because that’s pretty much all we can play at this point.
Tanking up, which means me spending $5.00 on gas, I bumped into the management team from My Buddy’s Place and got a special invite to Karaoke. I said yes before the afternoon two-hour cloudburst covered the roads a half-foot deep. No way even if I was driving a car. Let me confab: the ozone layer is letting in the global warming which is melting the Greenland icecap so the extra moisture in the air is raining on my yard. There, solid proof that with effort I emulate the logic of a redditer.
The security camera guy is giving me a free portable DVD recorder. Since it takes direct camcorder input, I’m thinking ahead of the trip to Colorado. With the Boss mixer, my first priority when I get some cash, I’ll have quite a setup to produce my backing tracks. (Cowboy Mike seems to have left town without saying I could borrow the Tascam.)
Last, I reviewed a series of e-mails I wrote while recovering from last week’s procedure. I do not doubt those who received them knew right off that something was quite wrong. While the messages were clear, the writing shows that when I am strommed on painkillers and recovering from anesthetic, my spelling matches that of your mainstream Craigslist poster.
Silver continues to fall as the smart money sells out. On June 1, I begin my move away from cash as a store of value. I’m small fry in that game, but I figure some defensive action is needed as inflation brews up. Since investing at any level is still work, maybe there never is a truly secure retirement. But your choices are speculate or watch your purchasing power twirl clockwise down the tubes.
My plan addresses the [inflation] problem indirectly, in that I’ve seen people on a fixed income paralyzed by worry, hoping past hope things won’t get any worse each month. They cling to the dollar in misplaced faith. But I’m a veteran of double-digit inflation and I know how indifferent the system will be to entire fortunes being wiped out by devaluation. Don’t trust anybody, folks, they’re in it for themselves.
You can see I’m hide-bound on many money topics. I still watch the price of gas instead of paying attention to how much gas I can afford compared to the next guy. It’s that brand of ratio that is more important since it is not enough to win. Somebody else must lose. That is how the middle class defined the game since 1960 and now it’s payback time. So starting next month, I search for non-dollar ways to tread financial water.
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