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Saturday, June 4, 2016

June 4, 2016

One year ago today: June 4, 2015, the PO-TA-TOES gif.
Five years ago today: June 4, 2011, where’s my house for $5 grand?
Nine years ago today: June 4, 2007, trying to bribe Spybot!
Random years ago today: June 4, 2012, wieners & D. Trump.

           Raking leaves. I actually put in a couple of hours in yard work, partially last night and again this morning before the heat wave. I don’t really have a neighbor across the back. What I though was the rear of his bungalow was an abandoned barn, shown here. Or maybe it is used for storage. There is a pet door on the side. The neighbors house is fifty yards away, to the right of this photo. And I’m jealous because look at his beautiful lawn compared to my dirt on this side.
           I’ll be doing something about that at first opportunity. Like maybe pouring a concrete pad and putting in a double garage at the back. I’ve measured out there is enough space back there for a good-sized greenhouse. I’m not ruling anything out.

           It was the heat, not getting tired, that made me stop raking. That’s pretty positive for me. Trent called and we met up for lunch downtown. At the Magnolia. He’s got that wedding to attend up the road a ways. Maybe he’ll have time to drive back here for entertainment, we all know how them weddings get after. It’s the Hatfields and McCoys.
           I’ll clean up the yard a bit more but I’m heading back early tomorrow due to a pending tropical storm. Shortly I’ll be back with tools, including a wheel barrow and a small (electric) chain saw. There are a lot of dead limbs and undergrowth that will need clearing. That will still leave five or six mature oak trees and some figs on the north side.

Wiki picture of the day.
England heroin poppy field.

           Here’s the tree JZ says can’t exist. I had estimated it at 62 feet tall. And it is home to around six different creatures. Too bad, it cannot stay, so they will have to move on. I’m basing the height on the paced off shadow early in the morning, so give or take 12 feet. Trigonometry was never my subject.
           A survey of the neighborhood shows may of the buildings are on the same type of footing. And I counted another 17 buildings with porches clearly added on later. Several have been closed in. I don’t foresee any problems if I want a porch.

           Trent inspected the property and it gets a thumbs up. He’s driving another new Prius these days. He sure likes the small-town atmosphere, although Lakeland isn’t exactly small. Once it absorbs the surrounding metro areas, it will rival the existing population centers. And those [big cities] have become overpriced and in traditional American fashion, a little too attractive to people on welfare.
           As a project on the side, I’ll see if I can find any riverfront property he might like, but those have become incredibly rare and expensive. If you are just looking for a cabin anywhere near a river, I may have gotten the last one. What’s out there is frightening expensive. Those little old fishing shacks are long gone.

           What’s this I hear Hillary has finally attacked the Donald. Good, he’ll bring his guns to bear. I have to details, but all she can really do is portray his popularity as based on empty boasts, though that didn’t work for her co-conspirators, er, I mean running mates or whatever. The establishment people that support business as usual. Or I suppose she’ll claim Trump can’t manage the country like a resort. That will also get her nowhere. Let’s stand back and watch the sparks.

+++ Ig Nobel Prize Winners +++
           Vicki L. Silvers : Literature, 2002. I kid you not, Vicki “Victoria” Silvers had a research paper done on the harmful effects of reading material that had previously been “inappropriately” high-lighted. People like her need to be handed a Sharpie and told it is the latest highlight color.
+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

           If this place is insulated, it needs to be redone. The outside temperature is the inside temperature with a six hour delay. And it was 95F out there today. So I headed over to the library to find somebody parked in my spot. I mean, it’s not like libraries are a big Saturday night for these small towns.
           Ah, leave ‘em be. I’m not the first to tell you that nothing will ever change the fact that average people are in the majority and you can’t fix that. So here is my favorite reading spot, with a view of the lake. There’s a book on decks, one of many things I’m checking out.

           There’s a dozen projects I’d like to begin, but I’ll have to pick any two. The deck can wait, I know that, so I’m reading to learn any tricks of the trade. So when the time comes, my plans and cost projections have a little more substance. I was the last person out at closing time. I confirmed that tropical storm coming in from the Gulf side on Monday, so that means Sunday I’ll hightail it out of here.
           It still being early and I have not yet found a late night coffee shop worth patronizing, I zipped into the club for a couple. There was a dame, but it didn’t quite take off. She was late thirty-ish, nice summer skirt, and though the place was empty, she sat directly in my natural line of sight. Very nice legs, if a little on the muscular side. But she never smiled or looked over.

           It appeared to be one of those chase-me-honey situations that I consider a waste of time when you are over a certain age. You know my criteria: immediate, positive, exclusive. Y’know, she met that, but I realized it wasn’t quite immediate because she walked past looking to see who was in the pool room in the back first. It was not positive enough because she said nothing and I am a very approachable person. And exclusive is a judgment call—I was the only person in the room.
           My alarm signal said no. Not unless she drops the slightest hint, for all I know, she could have been waiting for her boyfriend to show. It was just not quite the right mixture.

           Who remembers those geography “proofs” from back in the sixth grade? I passed the test, but I never did get adequate instruction on the how and why of all those strange procedures. I’ve decided, as brain aerobics to take another look and see if it makes any more sense this time around.

           Oh, and in September, a friend I have not seen since I was 23 is arriving in Orlando. He was the class genius, but you know me, anybody who didn’t play music was a nerd back then. Stand by, because if all goes according to schedule, it will be maybe a half-hour drive from the new digs.

Last Laugh

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