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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11, 2016

One year ago today: October 11, 2015, I made this.
Five years ago today: October 11, 2011, anything for a buck.
Nine years ago today: October 11, 2007, building the lo-hat.
Random years ago today: October 11, 2010, monsters who eat cows.

           Ah, back home and getting ready to hit the library. A no-egg breakfast of fried spuds, tomato, and chicken. With sprinkly cheese. Wanna hear my home-spun philosophy on breakfast? Okay, you asked. I think 300 years ago in one of the greatest unknown inventions of time, an Englishman made a plate the exact right size for breakfast, see? Try it. Now folks like JZ put store in being a good cook, but also in arranging the food.
           Arranging is a positive, there is no doubt it enhances the dining event. But other than kind of squaring the food into thirds (you know what I mean), I think food right from the frying pan onto the plate is a form of presentation in itself. It’s the one Russian custom that Texas did right by adopting. Besides, any Texas boy knows you can’t much arrange grits ‘lessen you cook ‘em too much.
           This is what your semi-truck looks like with no back wheels. You know, when they simply fall off the truck in downtown rush hour. I was in Publix a block away and heard the noise. You get this photo for your morning laugh. I mean, how does this even happen?

           Back to my routine, I was in the library looking further into the matter of corrective lenses. I visited the Shore Lens website, but they want you to create an account to view their products and it is evident they won’t sell to non-opticians. Screw them, but there is a positive side to such trade protectionism. It creates rebels and now I know there must be companies that abhor such restrictive policies. I found some charts I don’t know how to read but no directions at all on how to create your own lenses except by painstaking hand grinding and polishing.
           I also updated my database of blog addresses. Finally, I have a proposed solution for the date parsing problem and I’ll let you know how it tests. This is the spreadsheet formula that won’t correctly extract the date portion of the URL in some months. The fact is, this database is effectively an index. The work involved is so index-like, it is almost self-defining. Am I headed to be the first non-corporate blog in Internet history with a workable index? We shall see.

           Looks like the Carolinas got Matthew, the hurricane. You can’t much tell by the news reports which parts got hit the hardest, but I’ll give you a hint. It’s where they’ve been arresting the most looters.

Picture of the day.
Meanwhile in New York . . .
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           Hey, look at the oak pieces I cut. One of them is still orange after a week. A fungus? I’m going to slice that with the bandsaw later to see if it permeates the log. Other pieces right nearby are the regular color. Orange oak for sale, only $250 per slice. I have never seen this before. If anything comes of it, there is a Department of Agriculture office a few miles from here. If it is worth anything, I have a whole tree full of that needs chopping down.
           I’m going to get my lot soil tested there [at the department] for citrus trees. I know they will grow here, but the fruit never ripens. It becomes edible while remaining green. Just think, an actual citizen walking into the government office to ask them to do something. I wonder, will they require my life history? Like the Miami “Public” Library?

           Mr. Trump, get rid of those deadbeats on the committee. Starting with that twerp Ryan. He’s continually showing he is a pawn of the establishment and not doing his duty to the country. How long before you dissociate from these useless pawns? They are not in charge and people are frankly sick and tired of them thinking they are. Ryan, go for the brownie points on your own time, if you are capable of it.
           The strategy of the losers against Trump is emerging, but it is hardly gaining steam. Countless news stations are pumping the message that Trump is “losing ground” and “losing support”, but have only the flimsiest facts to back anything up. As I’ve said, the common element of their attacks is getting people to believe the election is still in doubt. So, they’ve unearthed some video where Trump mean-mouths women. Problem, it is ordinary locker room talk, so they come across as hypocrites. It is too obvious they’ve done the same. However, being scoundrels, their timing is impeccable.
           It is too obvious they are out to discredit the Don rather than come up with their own viable ideas or candidates. These people are rats and I think one may have found a route into my living room. I baited a “live” trap to catch it. Later, I mean. The soft and quiet cushions around here spell no afternoon nap if you can find time to make it a full siesta.

           I slept in today (to past 9:00AM) and I’ll do the same tomorrow. Because I can’t tell you how much I enjoy these cooler afternoons. I didn’t even mind the discover that the scooter leaks gasoline if you park it too steeply. Remind me to pick up more Old Spice aftershave. The librarians are all unmarried women, though not necessarily single, I didn’t say that. Har!

           Here is a photo difficult to interpret. I’ll explain. It is the ground below my birdfeeder. If you look closely, you’ll see slightly brighter bits of leaf in a round pattern at the center of the photo. These are the tiny plants beginning to grow from birdseed scattered on the ground. It’s undoubtedly Nature’s way that birds are messy eaters.
           Yes, the evenings around here have slowed down. If they didn’t, I’d have to go in there and slow them down myself. I took a quick tour of the area to further my familiarization. Then decided to stop at the club to show Agt. R. the photos of the coin separator. He tells me there is a tractor pull this weekend. I ain’t never been to a tractor pull. Stick around for that. I have nothing planned for entertainment between now and Xmas.
           That doesn’t mean my time is free. I took in a bit of the Karaoke show, some new gal with a syrupy voice. I did one song in the wrong key, but headed home right after. One beautiful thing about your own place is the quantity of leftovers. The night was actually cool, so please let it be this way all winter. Did I mention leftovers? Chicken stew.
           I called JZ to report I’d got home okay. This is policy with every trip, not just the robot club. And sure enough, the A/C guy showed to replace the fan with the same three bolts we didn’t want to chance taking off ourselves. I wish we had tried because the repairman wants $250. As far as I’m concerned, he should work for free because he’s the one that wired it wrong. His argument is that JZ should have bought the extended warranty. Don’t you hate people who do that?

Last Laugh
Borat wallpaper.

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