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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July 11, 2017

One year ago today: July 11, 2016, in complete denial.
Five years ago today: July 11, 2012, never in conjuction.
Nine years ago today: July 11, 2008, dealing with gypsies, again.
Random years ago today: July 11, 2010, two life memberships?

           I’m not home yet, thanks to FedEx. Here is a picture from Ray-B out in California. He’s in the San Diego valley. He’s picking up singles gigs, and as far as I know, developing a real preference, not for country music, but for the effect that country music has on even non-country crowds. I wonder where he’s getting that from?
           He reports this all-girl band does the lounge circuit. Meet the Rosalyns. The band with the drummer with the white panties.

           You might find it interesting that my guitar and my bass/acoustic duo acts also take dead aim on these girl-groups. You see, I find them also to be too standardized and very clone-like. Most of them lack oomph. Once you get past the all-chick appeal, these bands rarely have any substance. They are also guilty of playing guitar-centric claptrap.

Picture of the day.
German redhead.
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           Well, I get the call from the motorcycle shop. Fedex is claiming they have a signed delivery slip that a Mario accepted delivery of my motorcycle chain. Wrong, but I told you how Florida will jerk you around. This is the world the millennials have created for themselves. They are the generation that wants somebody to blame for all their shortcomings. So the supplier, the order desk, the shipper, everybody along the line will swear under oath they did their job right. And my chain did not arrive.
           We waited through the delivery window, one hour and no driver. So we tracked the shipment to the distribution warehouse. The driver says he delivered. And Fedex took his word for it, despite the two of us saying we waited. It’s like this doctor I know, he’ll stick up for people he knows are in the wrong rather than accept vicarious responsibility. There’s your “thin veneer of deniability” in action. We walked down all eight bays and asked if anybody had accepted a delivery. Nope, except the first bay was closed early and the owner gone for a week. There’s no way to be certain it wasn’t him before the 19th of the month. Somehow, Fedex knows this, it's uncanny. What a way to do business.

Quote of the Day:
“'Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause,
and of obstinacy in a bad one.”
~ Laurence Stern

Last Laugh

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