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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 12, 2017

One year ago today: September 12, 2016, studying NAND gates.
Five years ago today: September 12, 2012, age, the worst indicator.
Nine years ago today: September 12, 2008, computer talk.
Random years ago today: September 12, 2010, I’ll take two.

           Well, that's interesting. I miss a few posts and 2/3 of my regular readership moves on. Oh well, blogs that worry about that kind of thing don't last ten years, do they now? I will catch up, from the last post which was around the 5th of September. Be sure to read them in order of posting, and I'll tell you about the explosion. For now, all I can tell you is the beautiful Honda Rebel 450 is no more.
           If you are reading this, the library opened at noon. The gas lineups are much smaller, so I had the day to recover and chase around. How am I? Ha, you think I was in pain, there’s a guy who drinks over at Kooter’s who can tell you a tale of real hurt. Are you ready for this? He fell off a ladder and broke four ribs. He also injured his head, so they would not give him painkillers. And for that two week, he had a terrible bout of constipation.
           The heat again found me listening to NPR on the Tailgater [radio] and practicing acoustic guitar. The best hurricane reports arrive from Tampa, so today was my longest stretch ever of listening to “teen” music. There’s a term I thought I’d never utter. I have no other word for it, being as objective as I can. While there are some truly talented vocalists, what I’ve heard has all been done before. Kind of like they went to truly talented vocalist school.

           None of the voices was original in the sense of Rod Stewart, Louis Armstrong, or Mick Jaggar. The songs did not all sound alike, in case anyone was expecting me to say that. What I found repetitious were the themes and beats. I suppose the generation before me found the same thing about sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. There is a difference in this case between dislike and intolerance. You see, that the disco beat that pervades today’s music was around in my teens and I didn’t like it then, either. I find most disco to be an annoying, retrograde step.
           ’s music is very well-recorded, as one should expect from a generation who could take it as a credit course. Not so great is the way the music is full of special effects that would be tricky to perform live. And if it is pre-recorded, well, I think the same of such music the same as I would anything canned that is presented as live entertainment.

           The music harps on a few themes I consider boring. Politically correct music reeks. I want a little rebellion now and then. “I Fought The Law” type music. But these brainwashed public school go on about how everybody is equal and okay just the way they are. What bullshit because the message is that nobody has to try to improve or be nice or treat anybody with respect back. It’s always the other guy who has to learn to like them. The reality of today is most millennials need their asses kicked and then need to get off those asses if they expect to ever be anything than mediocre.
           Why should they strive or struggle? The government will always bail them out. That’s why I was intimidated by the writer Gary White from the ledger. He headlines that Floridians are waiting expectantly for FEMA or other government aid in the wake of this disaster. Puh-lease Gary don’t lump me together with your type. You may view the world as lazy and useless, but some of us prepare adequately and do not rely of gubmint hand-outs when things go wrong. He’s so shallow he does not understand half the statistics he quotes are from studies that were designed to find liberal facts to start with.
           Biggest and most successful liberal lie? That the largest group of people on welfare are whites. Wrong. The government classifies Social Security as welfare purposely to cloud the issue. More on this in the addendum.

           Make sure you check for the ever popular links and new photos.

Picture of the day.
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           Time to update my hurricane supplies list. What worked in Dade will not work in Polk. There’s too many game-changers out here where there is often a single supply source that gets sold out in one day. Obtaining butane canisters or propane bottles out here is a no-go after the first two hours. Having time for research, here’s an update on the now 200 plus deaths on Mount Everest. The connection is that people who climb mountains are expendable in my view, but they also use survival gear. Of the documented Everest deaths, here are the causes.

                      Avalanches: 67
                      Falling: 46
                      High Altitude Sickness: 17
                      Hypothermia: 11
                      Sudden Death: 7
                      Unclassified: 17
                      Disappeared: 27

           I wonder a bit about “sudden death” because you find it so often in police reports. As in, "One was shot resisting arrest and the other died suddenly." The intriguing categories are “unclassified” and “disappeared”. Insert Marie-Jo Kopechne and Jimmy Hoffa jokes here. In more interesting news, robot-wise, the group that built a modern and working copy of Babbage’s calculating machine has added a printer back in 2002. I heard nothing about it, but isn’t that the type of news the media should be covering instead of this contrived North Korean nonsense?
           Folks, North Korean is not a threat to the USA. Does anyone think they are dumb enough to take on a super-power from a home base that has famines on a regular basis? That whole issue stinks of politics, it was the Clintons who gave North Korean two nuclear reactors and a few billion dollars back in the 90s. If that doesn’t set of your alarms, you are just not paying attention. On the surface it looks like there is a lot to the theory that the US always needs a military threat to keep the economy strong. Now we are going out there and creating them?

           In this day and age, you can build a rocket out of California mail-order parts. We have biomedical companies that export anthrax viruses to totalitarian regimes. The equations to build a nuclear reaction can be viewed on-line. Nope, folks, if anybody is actually going out there and doing these things, there is some hidden agenda behind it. I’ve resolved to find a photo of this mechanical printer as it pertains to the Babbage difference engine. Meanwhile, I chose this photo because it shows the [colossal] size of the machine, which took 17 years to build. It was demonstration that the machine would have worked if Babbage could have built it. I didn't need convincing, but it was still a monumental effort by 1991.

           Is Social Security a form of welfare? If so, that creates 70 million white people to the public dole. This is obviously flawed logic, since white people represent a majority. It is further wrong because Social Security is basically funded through taxation of the same people. They pay the premiums (whether they like it or not) and thus are entitled to the benefits. When I say welfare, like most people, I’m referring to the long-term, chronic, intergenerational types who exist on government handouts and are entitled to nothing. Are we clear on that?
           When Social security is taken out of the formula, as it should be, only 18% of welfare recipients are white. And if you take away those who are on welfare less than three years, the rate drops to 2%. In reality, there are 62.5 million non-white people on long-term welfare in the United States, of which the largest group are single mothers. Single mothers represent 55% of the total. Very few people are dumb enough to argue with that statistic.

           Also, be careful as some states classify Hispanics as white to fudge their crime and other rates. If you want to look at a potential abuse of welfare, ask why 18% of Asians are on the list. They represent a tiny ratio of the population that it is shocking how many, in total, are welfare cases. Especially considering the media’s well-oiled mechanism to present Asians as industrious and reliant on family for support. Overall, I support Ann Coulter’s view that these welfare programs were designed for Americans, and one illegal on welfare is one too many.
           Every liberal should take a trip to Mexico City and try to get free medical. Oh, but they are not as “enlightened”, they’d just say. More tax money is needed so Americans can set a better example. It’s pretty disgusting. And that’s why I agree with Ann. These points should be argued after the welfare tap is turned off.

Last Laugh

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