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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 25, 2017

One year ago today: October 25, 2016, less than ten minutes per day . . .
Five years ago today: October 25, 2012, my heart says to move.
Nine years ago today: October 25, 2008, $65,000,000 per hour.
Random years ago today: October 25, 2013, a day on the road.

           Yep, I got a rich deal on that Magic Wand. It checks out 100%, except I’m missing the carrying case. Here’s a scan of my monitor display, I don’t know why it came out monochrome. With the amount of time I spend in the library, nothing is safe now. Recipes, formulas, graffiti, and the music notes on that Beethoven book they want $10 bucks for. Mine, all mine. For that matter, the scanner is overkill. Even in the lowest resolution, it creates files way to huge for the refresh speeds I want on this blog. The SD card is an 8GB which is enough for me (about a ten dollar value when you include shipping).
           That card will hold around 7,000 photos. Why, I’ll never buy a magazine again. Just kidding. In low-res, it says maximum scan length is 98”. What’s that used for? Wallpaper? Tapestries? Heiroglyphics? My income statement? Forget the Beethoven book, they donated it to a music teacher just before I arrived. And how the photo here got past the censors is beyond me. Nobody gets to see my folder contents. Except Trump. And Coulter. And Taylor, don't forget Taylor.

           The porch is back in focus. You see, the front of the building along the footing has to be replaces, and that is one section of the job. Except for what went up in smoke, I have all the plans and parts lists ready. The porch would be screened but that is only above a railing which is approximately 32” high. The railing is boarded in under that so that the bottom half of the area is not visible from the street. That would instantly solve my storage problem until I got the interior floor level. Why not proceed? Because that car has more than skinned me. I had to borrow dollar y’day so I didn’t have to pay the $10 fee to use a local ATM.
           Which is why I was over in Winter Haven this morning again. Picking up some cash for the weekend. I stopped at the usual joint for fries and gravy. It is becoming difficult to order that snack at many a millennial restaurant. They act like they’ve never heard of it, similar to the way craft brewery employees pretend they’ve never heard of Budweiser. But this diner has excellent gravy, a quick way to get my business. These yuppie places of course want you to order an expensive meal, they are so phony about it because their diets consist of high fructose corn syrup and genetically modified organisms. And that glop they call pizza these days.

           And a cold morning it was, I actually threw on a jacket. Um, my two expensive trips to Arcadia a week ago were a waste. Turns out the address the head office gave me was changed two years ago and nobody updated the files. Or the webpage. But what can you do? Did you see how Equifax pulled a fast one? They got their government buddies to pass a law that they cannot be sued for the damage they caused. Must be nice. If you need any omens that the USA is on the way out, there’s all you need.
           You’ll hear more on the porch soon enough. Talking to people tells me the majority view in this county is you don’t have to get any permits to work on your own place. You do if you bring in a contractor, but not if you do the work yourself. Exceptions are plumbing and electric, but no way is the average house in this town totally up to code. Instead, let’s talk about vinegar. First, the anti-rust treatment. We tried two independent batches and came up with the same results. The surface rust sloughs off, but the underlying metal remains tarnished. Well, more so that with store-bought rust remover. Thus, we have decided to look into buffing or polishing capability. We have lots of aluminum oxide, y’know.

Picture of the day.
Concorde interior.
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           Now the other product, it is called ‘sipping vinegar’. It’s apple cider vinegar infused with various flavors, including blueberry. I chose the ginger and honey. I’m a regular consumer of vinegar because I believe it helps against gout. I make tea with it, but this product is tasty enough to take a small spoonful a day, which is more convenient. The brand is Vermont Village, you get it at Wal*Mart and it ain’t all that cheap. Next, how are we doing with the new hand-held scanner, the Magic Wand. Looks like I got quite the deal on it and it is one of the more highly rated of its class. I had to dig out some AA batteries and throw them on the recharger, but I find nothing that indicates anything wrong with the device. That’s how slow a day it was.
           This photo is your Vivitar of the truly unique invention at the Maker Faire exhibit. I didn’t spot its relevance at what is basically a computer show, but maybe your imagination works better than mine over such matters. It is a horse manure picker-upper. Particularly since the operator would have to stand behind the unit, I can envision reasons why this machine would benefit from being robotified.

           You could say we had a club meeting. Is the club as defunct as I say? In one sense anyhow, the club is still in existence. There is a monthly newsletter, just a page of events and some pictures. There always was an unspoken link in that it also provides a place for intelligent people to be comfortable talking to peers. I know there will never be a study that evokes sympathy for such people but anybody with a brain can tell you how associating with ordinary people day in and day out drains your soul. You can’t ask them anything, they don’t know. Need advice, they’ll bullshit you.
And even when you find somebody with brains to converse with, you can’t talk just anywhere. The ignorant have an innate hatred of the educated who talk in public. This, I’ve often concluded, is why men for clubs to keep out the ignorant and the women. A safe place to talk things new and radical in peace and quiet.

           Remember that fart that used to come in at Jimbos every day at 7:30 PM weekdays to put money in the jukebox because he knew the team couldn’t play Jeopardy without hearing the audio. So the team switched to Wheel of Fortune and did that ever piss him off. That reminds me, except for the two owners and some bit players, everybody from the old club has passed on. A year ago I was driving past and saw that reject Michael (don’t call me Mike) staggering down the roadway. Still no job since the electric place laid off all their senior staff. I just drove on. Like the jukebox loser, let these people die in obscurity. I’m not being harsh, I’ve said it before: these people are not suffering. They are getting exactly what they worked for and deserve congratulations for achieving their life goals.
           Thus, the club also provides the atmosphere for open discussion on projects that may fail and ideas that don’t fly. There’s no told-you-so or finger-wagging. Funny, it is, when some intruder horns in on the group and discovers he is outnumbered. Dumb people are not used to being a minority. For that matter, it is not all that extraordinary in Florida to meet somebody who has never actually met an intelligent person in his entire life before.

           Did I just say robotified? What? It isn't? Well, in that case just remember you heard it here first.

           Factoid: you are 1.5 times more likely to die within 3 years IF
                      a) you are male and under 50
                      b) you received a blood transfusion from a woman who has ever been pregnant.

Quote of the Day:
“Most of Australia’s imports come from overseas.”
~an Aussie minister.

           Remember the fancy redhead from the library who told me she was already seeing somebody? She’s also a grandmother. They had a take you kids to work day, and them are grandkids. How ever did she stay so pretty? Reminds me of my ex, who is still in dynamite shape. Ah, that’s me reminiscing because the thermometer fell to 58°F last night and I froze my twinkle toes. Until I mustered the gumption to go get an extra blanket. But I’m at the age where that blanket need to be electric. When I moved all the boxes in the living room, guess what is on the bottom. C’mon, guess.
           Because you won’t guess the next project on the drawing board. Turns out I’m not the only one frustrated not being able to find the correct polishing disks. Everybody sells the car repair type that are not suitable. I’m talking about the nylon brush type, the soft grey ones that are attached when you buy a new grinder, but otherwise they cannot even be found by Google. Unless you want to import a container unit from Alibaba. Or buy a new grinder because you go through these fast polishing metal.

           And we have metal to polish. So remember that shoe polishing machine I picked up for a song? It has two rotating drums that, whew, rotate at the right speed. I’m going to see if I can rig up some kind of device with that. The trick is to polish the metal but not scratch it. Easy? Not if you give it a try. We have some excellent knife blades that could bring in $50 or $60 once we figure out how to get them shiny again. I know everything is taking forever, but I am supposed to be retired, gang.

Last Laugh

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