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Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1, 2017

One year ago today: December 1, 2016, top millennial recipe! (on-line)
Five years ago today: December 1, 2012, on falling house prices.
Nine years ago today: December 1, 2008, vet-recommened cat chatting.
Random years ago today: December 1, 2009, listen to the crow.

           Who’s a fan of laughing at other men when they make stupid mistakes? Show of hands, please. All of you, huh? That’s what I thought. When I planned out the joist extentions, I forgot to allow for the 18” that the new bathroom wall will offset the length. Thus, to continue as planned, I would require 18-foot joists, and it turns out this is not a locally stocked item. I discovered the measurement error by the expedient of building a scale model, shown here. The solution may have already suggested itself: Joists can overhang a supporting structure by up to 1/3 of the joist length.
           Here’s one of those situations where it is easy to jump to conclusions. If you like doing that, you can go first. The porch is totally supported, it is the sister joist that would overhang and that, as shown in the photo, would be completely clamped in place by a similar pattern of carriage bolts. The actual mud sill overhang would be four feet, but it would be a double plate and glued solid as well. I could then get away with buying only 12-foot joists, that would represent an overall savings. You can judge by the mockup if this is going to work.

           Today was a work day to make up for y’day. Don’t be expecting a big Friday on the town anyway. You know my policy on going out Friday nights. Instead, I carefully went over the performance of the Taurus A/C. Pastor Bob charged it up in Ft. Meyers while I watched, but for the life of me I can’t recall how he did it. I talked to him today and he says I was distraught at the time. Yeah, that’s the word, “distraught”. I offered him ten bucks not to do it for me, but to teach me how to do it myself. Good deal. Maybe tomorrow.
           I’m working and JZ calls. He met this gal that wants him to go camping at the Flamingo grounds. The snag there is that nobody calls it that, but it is the place Wallace and I visited twice. The one where the forest ranger lady was trying to get him to you-know, take a private tour of the station sometime. Man, she was hard on the eyes. Flamingo park is that moonscape south Tamiami Trail, a place so desolate even the Spanish didn’t bother invading. He’s my buddy so I had to tell him about the mosquitoes. Sure, they spray, but he’s the guy that horseflies try to attack through auto glass. Bug repellent just lets them know where he’s hiding. I think he’s going to ignore my advice, folks.

           While JZ was on the line, we discussed the phentermine pill, it seems we both presumed it was a narcotic, but it contains no such substance. His medical background covered all these families of prescription drugs, a subject that would drive me bonkers. I could tell you the names, but not the dosages of my five medicines. I always take vitamin pills when dieting, but rarely otherwise. For the first time I know of, JZ actually recommended a brand name product for me. One-A-Day. Anyway, keep checking back for results as last time it required three days before the effect kicked in, meaning I spent a day feeling famished. Meanwhile, Chumley, you can eat all the leafy vegetables you want.
           And fall is finally here. Time to rake leaves and contemplate why it took me so long to get some leaves to rake. Well, hey, it’s not like the world is full of compatible women. What? Oh, sure, they are all compatible with money, but work with me here. Without such a woman, there wasn’t much incentive to buy a house. In the end I only did so because I saw the danger of planning to pay rent forever. Inflation is insidious. Sure, it looks like $5,000 in the bank is a lot of money, but it would take me 1% of that to buy a single good textbook.

Picture of the day.
Whales, asleep.
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           Music. Once again, bass is distracting me from the acoustic guitar. That, and now that I’m a certain distance into it, I’ve been listening to others who I thought were great and having doubts. I mean about how they play stuff. A lot of cheating and comping and sloughing and dropped chords. Such things have always been below my standards, but I see that is not a universal trait. I mean, I sort of guessed they were doing it, but such music bores me much more than most audiences, so I never listened long enough into their renditions before to notice it. If I could just find that guitarist who’d listen, man, we’d have a killer band with no competition. And yes, that is important. In music, there is never enough to go around.
           I devoted some time to expanding my guitar list and happily found ten tunes right away. Sadly, they are the type of music I considered filler, another item that is below my dignity. I know that other guitarists do the same, but until now I thought they were just too lazy to work up a real set. Could it be some of them are as talentless on the guitar as I am? There’s a scary thought. Right now, I’ll take a break and see if I can’t learn me a better way to play “Good Hearted Woman”. Why? Because last night I saw more people react to that tune that some of the new country material. I like the song so if it still ranks, I’ll learn it.
           Later, yeah, I got it. Throw it on the list. My first Waylon tune. How did I overlook this gem? Easy guitar, distinctive bass line, no lead break. The probable explanation is that I couldn’t sing it before. (And I’d still rather just be playing bass.) This photo shows the A/C product I have great hopes for. If there is an addendum today, I’ll provide a few particulars.

           I’m out of DVD movies again. I watch around two per week, so around a hundred so far this year. I don’t mean actually out of movies, but that I have to scrounge through the cabinet to find something. And I’ve hit a rash of those 1990s “universal soldier” productions. Today’s was “Far Cry” which says the movie is based on a best-selling video game. Which I’ve never heard of, but I thought that’s a neat reversak. Good but time-worn special effects, the actresses have a good shape, the old secret island lab, German scientist, and your intrepid reporter.
           But don’t spend your money. Every line and scene in the movie has been done. It is, like most millennial culture, predictable to the split-second. To me, this type of cloning typifies their generation. Expert copy-cats. They seem incapable of the mental effort to come up with anything new. It is amazing to watch how their educations are so shallow, they believe they are some sort of new teen counter-culture.
           Their food, clothes, games, music, behavior, even their attitudes and heroes, all of it is lifted from their last most recent encounter with the Boomers. Not one new idea, invention, or as I like to point out, not even a movie monster. The first American generation that accomplished inventing nothing. The Calibri 11 hoodrats. Most of them could not pass a 1970 sixth-grade science exam. But you can’t make them do that because being called on the bullshit offends them. Hey, my age bracket had the same thing, but they were not a majority. Is what I’m sayin’.

           A quick analysis of the Taurus A/C says there must be a small leak. After two months it takes somewhat longer before the cool air comes on. Knowing nothing of the mechanics, my guess is that is a small enough leak to be sealed by some commercial product. I’ll check Wal*mart. I’m familiar with those squat cans of freon, what’s it called, 134a? But the directions are never sufficient for a totally inexperienced person to follow. Rotate the can between 12:00 and 3:00 o’clock position while shaking. I presume that means hold the can upright most of the time? See what I mean? That’s why the Internet came along. So you can find out how a million idiots do it wrong.
           It is still early, but the sealant product seems to have worked as hoped. The cool is instant and icy. Before I had to aim the jets on my position, now it can get the whole interior biting cold. Not bad for what I paid. Not bad at all.

Last Laugh

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