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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 9, 2018

One year ago today: January 9, 2017, we want names.
Five years ago today: January 9, 2013, remember Peek Freans?
Nine years ago today: January 9, 2009, it was a ‘pain clinic’.
Random years ago today: January 9, 2015, Newton's 3rd Law - a must-see.

           Here’s the house out on the Alaskan coast that my pal has been working on all summer. There’s some odd framing design there I don’t follow, probably something to do with snow load out there. It rarely snows on the coast, but when it does, call it wet and heavy. That’s Mitch, the pal who was out here a year ago last September. Like the majority of my erstwhile old school chums, he bought himself a huge house for retirement. I appear to have the smallest house of my entire crowd.
           The conference call this morning revealed a number of things. They’d be nothing except for the accuracy with which I “guessed right”. That’s not bragging since I was one of the most surprised. Remember the forms I filled out for Agt. R last summer? It turns out everybody has trouble with them and St. Augustine reports almost nobody every gets it right. And of all the funny operations out there over house auctions, short sales, and foreclosure outfits, I seem to have chosen the reputable one. Trust me, this was pure luck and not a good method of making plans.

           The second question they asked was did he file the motions to dismiss and extend? Yes. So what we have here is entering the next phase of a long battle just getting started. What seems like a successful defense is more like delaying the game. It might look like good work, but the reality is I often first found out about some of these actions a single day before I filled out the forms. This is the diciest way to go about things so everybody keep a level head.
           Again today I get a flurry of comments, mostly warning me of which writing companies to avoid. Special mention to the ex-copy writer for the Sun Sentinel. Yes, I remember that rag, and you’ll find plenty of comments in this blog if you read back far enough. I’ve adopted your phrase that this blog is ‘a solid daily output’. Maybe I’ll move your advice to the top of the list. Alas, due to circumstances, it may be a while before I blog any more motorcycle trips.

Picture of the day.
Laperouse – French private restaurant.
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           This photo from Nashville on my last birthday got rediscovered today. Lost files during transfer have been a perpetual drag and drop problem with all Windows systems since they removed the I-bar placement symbol. The significance is that it shows the view from where I parked my car and in the distance, there is a neon sign saying “Cash”. I took it at first for a payroll advance operation, but then something hit me that this would be not the best neighborhood for that business. As I walked to the intersection, I saw it was the Johnny Cash museum, one of the best visits of my life.
           Staying in this afternoon to read, nothing else got done. Okay, I ran through my song list and talked to Lady Nick by phone. We rescheduled to Thursday, but she not only assures me she’s doing the homework but that I will be surprised. Wouldn’t that be something? That’d be a welcome change from endless disappointment. Why such anticipation on my part?

           Because if she follows through, this band will be a sure thing. It won’t be the a band for the masses, that was never my intention. But yeah, a small mass all in one place would be a good thing. Let’s find that circuit of clubs who are fed up with the massive crop of guitar players who all have the same song list. It looks like initially I may have to sit down and use music sheets. I’m still new at this singing game. And with my bass playing, the guitar does not have to be that good, but of course I'm hoping she is a real pro at it.
           I took the time to redraw out my electric wiring. I have a notion to rip out what I’ve done and replace the whole second bedroom with 20 Amp 12/2 cable. That room also doubles as an office. That would mean just two minor parts of the house on 15 Amp service. Except for coffee at the LibrĂ© I was out of the loop today. That’s the cafĂ© at the local library. Excellent friendly self-service.

           Here’s one for you. I regularly check my on-line presence. While still at the libray, I was after the information on pipl because they are the best with names—but not much else. Plus, I know where they get the majority of their information. Credit applications, voter registrations, and the telephone company. If you faithfully feed disinformation into the system, pipl faithfully picks it up. You should be aware that a paid membership only gets you on their system. Once inside, everything costs extra. Want that report printed out? Click here and that’ll be $2.99. Want a picture? That’s a premium feature, $19.99 please. I signed up for three months, after which time I change debit cards.
           So imagine my surprise that I was “last seen” in March 2011—and that’s the only piece of information that appears on-line about me any more except the last address where I had a phone in my own name, back in 2002. Which I promptly disconnected once I found a job. They say you can’t fly under the radar, but you can certainly minimize your signature.
           According to available on-line data, I have no neighbors, relatives, licenses, memberships, driving records, or business connections. And that is the month I filled out the application to buy the unit at the trailer court to save the money to buy this place. The very information the Jews who ran the place told me was to be kept private. Their lying ways is a matter for record, and I remind the reader that in the Jewish religion, it is not a sin to lie to non-Jews.

           After more frustrating time with the tablet, I’m looking at whether they make a docking station. I was trying to find out how Iceland is coming along with switching to geothermal energy. It was in the works to switch the bus system and it’s an ideal place to bring in hydrogen or electric cars. I mean, other than Reyjavik, where is there to go? The country was a bit of a model for renewable energy, considering they used to import coal to make their electricity.
           The photo? Why, that’s the ‘before’ picture of Michael Jackson.

           Trivia. We were all taught that Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake” when told that the peasants had no bread. There is no proof she said that, rather it appears in later accounts. Apparently she did say something like “Let them eat brioche”. This is a more expensive pastry made with eggs. Even then, the context is taken wrongly. Because at the time, bakers in France were required by law to sell their brioche at the same price as regular bread.
           I got that info from the Davenport bookstore, where I picked up the latest book by P.J. O’Rouke, the one-time writer for National Lampoon, was it? It concerns the 2016 election. Titled “How The Hell Did This Happen?” I dunno, but at $26 for the hardcopy, I can say exactly why it went right back on the shelf. Sorry, P.J., you’ve been pre-empted by 26 daily crossword puzzles. A fair trade.

Last Laugh

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