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Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24, 2018

One year ago today: September 24, 2017, most are already criminals.
Five years ago today: September 24, 2013, 'scientific', my eye.
Nine years ago today: September 24, 2009, stale as a Seinfeld rerun.
Random years ago today: September 24, 2016, with music, it isn't cheating.

           Yes, spirits are down at the moment. I’ve estimated we need just one day of sales exceeding 300 hotdogs to restore the enthusiasm. Here’s your promised picture of the fence going up. It is constructed from used materials, and is primarily designed for privacy. Talk about grunt labor, you do not ever want an outdoor job like this in Florida. Shown here is the leveling process and a pre-built section leaning up to be put indo place. This is the inside; the polite rule of fencing is always the good side faces the neighbor. Strangely, this fence design creates an equally sized area on the other side, but unless they take down a panel or install a door, they can’t get to into it. Hey, not our problem.

           We have an entire front fence section that looks permanent, but it is an 8-foot gate that swings open. During the day, I also removed and reinstalled new railings that raise the storage container, you may see a photo of this below. The cart has become valuable over the number of hours we’ve spent getting it into shape. For example, the front leveling wheel was installed backwards. It is designed to roll into place, then self-break when kicked 180° around. We’ve been dragging a wheel we thought was turning. The funny part is so did everybody who operated that cart before us, duh.
           The relocated chest makes a handy storage space underneath. Last day I mentioned Agt. R’s old antique store. Yep, he had an outlet on main street. But he was driven out of business by the city. What happened was the building across the street developed a cracked foundation. So the city barricaded the entire street past his business for six months. Agt. R spent the following six months cussing out the city official who pulled that. By the politics and networks of small towns, the guy is now retired but a regular at where Agt. R works during the days. So he still hates the guy, but has to be polite all the time.
           It is still too early, but later this morning I am finding out what happened to our health inspection. I paid $597 for it and I want it asap. I stayed awake extra last day deciding that if the various bureaucracies that give the runaround over business licensing all operate in isolation, that can be used as an advantage. I’m saying that compliance seems to center more on the absence or presence of a license than how operations are actually conducted. Even a license that allows a business activity does not seem to prohibit anything else. And if the city doesn’t know what the county and state are doing, why tell them? They are the ones that like working in a void.

           I have some trivia for you from JimmyR. Why do clocks turn “clockwise”? It is because clocks were invented in the northern hemisphere. And that is the direction that the shadow moves on sundials. Makes sense to me. My bass arm was acting up, so I wrote letters and watched the DVD, “The Usual Suspects”. I liked it because I never guessed the plot, like a good detective novel you might say. Yes, it is worth a watch.
           And here is the world's first calorie-burning car .

Picture of the day.
Crown princess of Norway.
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           Then it hit me. Boy, am I getting slow in my old age. Remember when I asked Agt. R to contact the guy who sold us the cart to see if he knew what happened to the burner rings? How he “looked it up” on-line and fooled Agt. R, who knows zilch about computers? To me, when an adult looks something up on-line, it means the sumbitch doesn’t know the answer. But he has been around school-age children, who are taught to look things up instead of learning them. Adults like that pick up they can often fool their contemporaries. But I wrote it off, and that was a mistake.
           He kept telling Agt. R that the paperwork was easy because all these years he’s only had a business license, which he pays up annually. So, this time I asked Agt. R to ask him the physical directions to the office where he pays the fee. Agt. R comes back, and behold, he looks it up on-line again. Actually, that is where it hit me. The bastard doesn’t know. He doesn’t have a business license, nor any of the other required paperwork.

           If I’d been there, I would have stopped him looking on-line because that is not what I asked him to do. He did the usual bring up an easy screen, sort of gee you guys are dumb look how fast I found it. I’d asked Agt. R to count the number of keyboard taps the guy made, and it was “less than twenty”. That is not enough to do a deep search, so he would not know what year the screen was posted or when it was last updated. Aha! He was just trying to make Agt. R go away. Got you, you dumb bastard. You are running an unregistered, uninspected, uninsured food operation. I won’t do anything, but let the guy get an ulcer knowing that I know he lied to us.
           Meanwhile, take a gander at this pieces of lumber. This is the new storage bin base from y’day. The connection here is that these three pieces of lumber required 55 minutes for me to produce. Ten times longer than necessary. I’m not going to explain why, only that I hauled the 2x6 to the table, measured, marked, and cut. No mistakes, no false moves, no hitches. It should never have taken 55 minutes. But it did. And I am not pleased.

           Wait, there is more. Some lady may have complained that I snubbed her. I’m wary of this type of complaint because true or false, they rarely go away. The third or fourth-hand version I got was that she asked me to dance and I turned her down. I can’t recall. But I can state that even if I did say no it would not be in a ‘complainable’ manner. On the other hand, I have turned down women before who were shocked that it could even happen.
           Anyway, I listened to such details as came out. Yes, I was there that night, and I did get asked a few times, but I don’t recall anything impolite. I’m more likely to say I was tired or that I wish I was six months younger, but snub? Not likely. I will avoid dancing with little old ladies who come across like I’m a little old man. You know, the bingo set. Was it me? Again, I don’t recall. Did it happen? I suppose that depends on the odds there is some other man who dances and sings “These Boots” who was writing in a scribbler, but I would point out all such evidence is circumstantial and eight months was a long time ago, so no, I don't remember exactly. Why is everybody looking at me?

           Alaine has been in touch and she is making a special day trip here soon. She did join with up the animal shelter visited last May 18 as a volunteer. Often, when a pet owner dies, the animals are traumatized and don’t adapt well to the shelter. She often takes them home for temporary adoption until new owners can be found. This photo is a lady from the shelter holding the two Alain took home for two weeks. That is likely an ideal situation for all involved. Alaine is an emotional softie from so far back it’d make your eyes water.
           The reason for the trip here is to consecrate the hotdog cart at my personal request. It will be a short ceremony, during which I’ll find out if Agt. R has a suit. I could be ornery and insist on bowties, but since I just recently learned to tie on myself, I’ll go easy. It’s like tying a shoelace, and you an always tell a clip-on because they are perfect. The hand-tied version cannot be made perfect.

           Afterward it is my treat to lunch at the Magnolia and an hour’s tour planned. But it is rainy season. There is not much to see here, but nor are there any casinos, whore houses, and drugs are not a major factor west of Highway 17/98. They plan to leave by 6:00PM at the latest, like myself she is not a fan of driving after dark. The distance is 71 miles, but more like 85 if you take all the freeways.
           Oh, and blog readership has recovered from the lure of Twitter. And have you seen the warnings all over the place these days? Warnings about “trusted” companies like MicroSoft, Google, and Facebook? Hmmm, nothing new for those who have been reading this blog ten years or more.

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