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Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018

One year ago today: November 18, 2017, until you smarten up.
Five years ago today: November 18, 2013, what are the odds?
Nine years ago today: November 18, 2009, not dishwasher safe?
Random years ago today: November 18, 2002, on toothpicks.

           That's where it dawned on me the only other time in my life I had a breakdown on the road was at Castle Rock. Remember Unit 1, my 1974 Mustange. It took me to California and most of the way back, in 1984. Dang, every 34 years, like clockwork. All in favor that I do not drive past Castle Rock in 2052 raise your hand. Carried. I drove the wagon another fifty miles and it acted up again. This time the hub was burning hot. I pulled off the freeway at a little sign saying Jefferson. It was a wind twenty-mile road. There I found two guys working on trucks and negotiated they buy the unit for $40. I sold it and kept on going.
           I would point out that this trip had a variety of motives, one of which was to sort out a long-standing mystery. I put in 91 hours of deep thinking before I came up with an answer. Based on new information no available 30 years ago, I made a major mistake and I paid for it. Financially, emotionally, socially, I paid for it. And it is because I was a coward at the one spot in my life when I should not have been. It was not a game-over situation, but you bet I regret that incident. Confession is good for the soul. Not so much for the career, though. It irks me today because I should have seen it.

           These posts may get a little repetitive or convoluted, I've been on the road two weeks. The car is not as user-friendly as a motorcycle. You need a computer to find out every problem or pay through the nost. Besides, so what if I repeat, this is my blog. I'm not Google so I don't keep track of everything said. I complied with all the conditions, but Google sent back one of their all-time retard messages. To the effect they said okay, so you can receive messages at the blog e-mail, but they still have no "proof" that the blog is mine. One has to ask if it is even possible for anyone to be that asinine.

Picture of the day.
Oregon coastline.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I drove on through Oregon, I'd forgotten how mountainous the California border is. I chewed up a tank of gas just negotiating the passes, and sadly due to the wagon troubles, I missed even the enjoyment of the scenery. The four-hour delay put me in pitch blackness. But I made it to Redmond, and forgot what I was going to say. Anyway, here is a snap of the offending piece, the right-side wheel bearing. The housing was subject to a sligh wobble and that is all it took. My net loss on that wagon? $460, an expensive lesson. But that brings up another topic.
           Cold weather travel. I am woefully unprepared for it after 19 years away from the other coast and 39 years away from the prairies. It's plain if I want to travel now, it's a small panel truck. By shifting the motorcycle budget to maintaining a van, I could just squeeze it. But this time, I'll be smart and take the plane or train out west, buy the vehicle, and drive it back. The time of year I have to travel is just not made for light transportation.

           I made it to Bakersfield. Here's a solar array I passed on the way. I'd rather see that than those wind turbines. Hang on, my camcorder is acting up. It has been dropped a couple of times, but wouldn't you know it, the only unction that isn't working right is the files. You can see them but can't play them or download them. This would be so typical of the downfall of Sony, that they even build something where that could happen.

Last Laugh