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Saturday, December 1, 2018

December 1, 2018

One year ago today: December 1, 2017, rake leaves, contemplate.
Five years ago today: December 1, 2013, Lonesome Mississippi,the photo.
Nine years ago today: December 1, 2009, he was actually arrested.
Random years ago today: December 1, 1981, 300 payments, voluntary.

           If you are wondering why the extra day’s delay, it’s due to reconciling the statements to find who owes who that $3,000. And now, there’s a missing $160 money order. This could be a fun weekend. For added fun, the nozzle on my A/C hose is not fastening right.

Picture of the day.
Award-winning receipe, seriously.
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           Talk about Deadsville. The town was vacant, the streets were empty. It’s like hockey night in Canada. I drove past the old club and saw four people. I’d have gone in, but even the Karaoke was packing up. And that’s all you get today.

Last Laugh
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