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Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018

One year ago today: November 30, 2017, eleven dollars!
Five years ago today: November 30, 2013, democratize?
Nine years ago today: November 30, 2009, Elrod, you tell me.
Random years ago today: November 30, 2008, on true leadership.

           Back to balmy weather, they say it won’t last. I got a lot done but the car has to go into the shop on Monday morning. That tire shimmy will only get worse. I’ve made the appointment for Monday morning and that’s not the cheapest shop in town. Back at the cabin, I tackled the soundproofing on the big wall. Now that I have some experience with this, it would be more accurate to describe it as sound-deadening. You get used to it and realize you still hear the sounds, even the radio.
           This insulation is fireproof as well, but it does a poor job of actually insulating. Years ago I had a summer job with this guy who did spray soundproofing. This is a similar material, a light mixture of old powdered newspaper and a corn starch treated to be fireproof. These bats will easily fall apart of even stressed. Shown here, they are fitted into the 6” deep wall, to be covered with tarpaper, then thin drywall, more tarpaper, and a final 1/4” layer of drywall. There is enough space left, if you look, to consider another layer of insulation. This room is a Faraday cage, something every house should have these days.

           Note the blue tarp on the east wall. That is where the plumbing work is slowly taking place. At the moment, my tools are stored there pending setup of my PA system for rehearsal. I can only hope the new guy has reasonable expectations and one of them is that this band will never be anything like any ideal bands either of us imagined. Instead, time is short and we will have to get underway without ado.
           I’m further gathering that he thinks he is going to make good money on the side. That’s a short trip to disappointment-land. I’ve yet to hear the guy play, but I don’t care, as long as we get out there asap. I’ve gone through his entire song list, oh, I’d say, eight times so far. If he can strum and sing, we’ll be on stage within the week and I’m not fussy where. Tips only has rarely let me down.

Picture of the day.
Rogue Wave of 1995.
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           Friday or no, I drove out to the club on Hwy 60. That white-haired guitarist with the expensive backing tracks was there with his wife, also a vocalist. They put on quite the show and I stayed for three hours. My fan club was there as well, so I actually socialized a bit. But, I can tell you one thing, if I ever get visitors from up north, which by the way is pending. The major reason people I know back west do not visit Florida remains the same as 30 years ago. Florida is too expensive. For the same money, you can go some place nice.
           On that topic, allow me to give you a sketchy idea of Florida as a vacation destination. Don’t, unless you seek only warm weather and beaches. The Atlantic side is the Gulf Stream, so the water is warm. On the west is the Gulf, the water is even warmer and shallow for a mile out except where there is an estuary. Otherwise, the state is one massive tourist rip-off. Disneyworld is basically a large shopping center where you pay $100 per person per day to get into.

           There are few sights in the rest of Florida. The Everglades and Cypress parks have a single two-lane road with no services inland. There are the usual museums and amusement parks, but they can be hours apart. The Keys are an eight-hour traffic jam and hotels all over you are looking at minimum $200 per night, probably a lot more. You cannot park overnight to view the rocket launches, the alligators are less than half the size you are led to believe, one orange grove and you’ve seen them all, and the bottom third of the state is a Third World crime zone.

           In fact, I have a picture of the only really good thing in the State. These are at Dunkin, a donut and a donut hole where the donut hole used to be. No, I didn’t try one, since I’m watching my figure, and so was Dawn last night. I had discovered that I could now slip into my skinny jeans, the ones with no back pockets. Yep, that broad could have had just about anything she wanted, but she played hard to get and also did the age thing. She’s older than my ex-wife but is about equally adept at spotting a good man.

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