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Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29, 2018

One year ago today: December 29, 2017, never tust TX statistics.
Five years ago today: December 29, 2013, a quarter mile apart.
Nine years ago today: December 29, 2009, that's never lived there . . .
Random years ago today: December 29, 2003, duck's quack.

           Sparse pickings today becaue I biked all the way to the Bartow Dunkin to discover I left the old flash drive at home. A number of places are having their New Year's celebrations so the roadways were deserted. The work for this morning consists of chicken and lightbulbs. There's a likely combination. I can explain. When I do eat meat, it is mainly chicken, as in fatless, skinless thighs. And as of November 23, I may be cutting out most pork as well. What do you expect for news on days like this, these are tales from the trailer court. But I'll tell you a little incident too add some spice.
           I forgot one of my battery chargers at the old club a few days ago. But this place is not as "diversified" as Miami, so it was still there, plugged into the wall. In fact, things are so undiversified in this area you don't even have to lock your bicycle. So I walk in and that heavy gal is running the Karaoke, she's got a shine for me. Actually, very heavy, so not my type. But she's sharp and knows I put on a good show, so she calls me up and names the tune for me. It was a sort of duet, so I stood beside her to share. The crowd likes it when you share. The picture is the old bird feeder, just to give this page some color.

           As she swung her chair toward the microphone and I stepped closer, my anatomy came into full contact with her. From neck to toes for me, a full frontal to her side. One layer of my tighest clothes, so I was in sharp definition, physically. And, shall we say, I had just finished typing an e-mail to a close lady friend. Now, I know nothing of the Karaoke ladies home life, but well, I don't know how to put this, but you know. Like a jolt went right through her to all the right places. Oh, yeah. We sang, I finished the e-mail, and I left.
           Wait, there is more. I had planned on going to the old club to catch Ryan, I need the truck. He was not there, but one of his co-workers was, along with her kid sister. The kid sister is younger, better looking, and blonder. She's keen on me, but at half my age, I did not pursue anything. I said hi to the older one and asked her to pass on the hi to the younger one, who was at the opposite end of the building. Holy moly, little sis lit up like a schoolgirl. Talk about giving me the look, she was across the bar in a second, and also cuddled up to me. The spark was lit, believe you me. But I noticed she was with somebody. Turns out it was her husband. Six-three, handsome, toned, and ignoring her.

           I asked him if I could borrow her for a dance, polite guy that I am. He sort of grunts, what a brute. Gals, never marry a man who is prettier than you are. Anyway, I got her on the floor and she was putty in my hands. I'm a strong and easy lead so she must have thought she was dreaming. I had her floating across that dance floor. Of course, I had to pull her close a couple of times and let's just say she forgot she was married. The message was transmitted through all three points of contact. Folks, that is why I do not date married women and I don't think I should ever dance with that one again.

Picture of the day.
Miss America 1933.
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           If I have time, I'll include some pictures of the birdfeeder repair, the now lit up shed, and who knows. That explains the light bulbs. It requires 1200W to eliminate most of the shadows. And I now have to wire the other shed to the same standard. Remind me to set off some insect bombs in there, now don't let me forget.
           Last for now, that guitarist doing the startup contacted back with some links. This guy is good. I know how I get all encouraged whenever I find someone who can actually play, but listen to this guy play acoustic. The thing is, he described what he was seeking in a bassist. Although he did not know the correct terms, he was talking exactly about my specialty. This could be better than the rest, his song list is virtually identical to mine, telling me he's learned to avoid the standards. His instrumentals are lightning fast, but most of his vocals are crooning ballads. Here's a list of his favorite artists, exactly as he sent it.
           Cash - Alabama- Jennings - Rabbit - Rogers - Strait - Nelson - Travis - Jackson - Williams Sr and Jr -Robins etc .

           Washington Post again reports the American tragedy. From the richest nation [down] to the most in debt, all of it cleverly manipulated by the banks, credit bureaus, and the medical insurance industries. They are, it says, going through exactly what I had to as I was growing up without a penny of help. Good, these Xers and millennials need to know what it is like. To have prices going up faster than you can save a down payment because it costs every paycheck just to get by. Did you know 26 states now have laws that override the provisions of your will. You can no long die in debt in those states.
           And that was the thrust of the survey. It says here four in ten adults can’t come up with $400 cash. Hmmm, that’s how much is up in my cupboard for the hot dog cash float. It was credit abuse that got prices so high that people with cash could no longer buy things. So they are not suffering as much as they are getting a taste of their own medicine. What prompted the survey was the government shutdown, but it really isn’t a shutdown. If they dared to do that for real, too many people would figure out what I have about government employees. That they are useless and should be sent home.

           It’s dandy to say there is a nice system out there, but there is no government worker or department that I have ever dealt with more than I absolutely had to. I don’t even know any of those people socially. But I recognize the lifestyle. Having kids and buying houses they cannot afford, trusting everything to the future that is increasingly uncertain unless that wall is built and the tariffs go up. Sure, they have no money when they rent $2,000 apartments when they earn $12.50 per hour. I don’t think, in real terms, I’ve ever had a job that paid that little since I severed all ties with my family and struck out on my own.
           Remember, this was not the 1930s when you could make it with a sixth grade education. In my, call it the 1980s, it was imperative that you get significant help (money) from home. It was not a tolerable situation. They won’t help, they prevent you from helping yourself, and they block others from helping. It was amazing to see the comments that were solicited by the survey. These millenials see no connection between letting in 30 million undocumented aliens and not being able to get an entry level job. No connection whatsoever. Pretty amazing, if you ask me.

Last Laugh`
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