One year ago today: January 31, 2018, a major practice.
Five years ago today: January 31, 2014, the tip bucket was empty.
Nine years ago today: January 31, 2010, coffee & a cookie.
Random years ago today: January 31, 2012, remember airline pricing?
The coldest overnight yet, the house heating could not keep up. This is a hint of snow on my windscreen, but that's a close as I ever hope it gets. The car is already showing a few signs that it was never used in a cold climate. The fan belts squeak on startup, the tires get over stiff, the rear defogger has broken elements. Still, I was over to Donelson and tried to get some reconciliation work done. This might not be so easy.
The files are on three different formats and none of my millennial-grade equipment can work them adequately. I was at the same plaza as y'day and got to poke around. Found a $9 haircut place with a lady barber. Her right arm a good 70% covered with tattoos. Um, I quickly noticed her and other people in the area are not used to dealing with people like me, but more in a social way than merely the fact I'm a stranger.
Several times y'day and today I picked up on how people seemed offended when I walked around them the long way rather than ask them to excuse me. But the same thing four or five times today. I'm trying to recall where I've encountered this before. Other than my family, I mean. The Thrift lady noticed I was walking up and down every aisle and managed to push her shopping cart across one end as I arrived. I backtracked to walk down the entire aisle rather than engage her in a conversation. If she wants to scowl about that, fine. Husband hunting at the Thrift.
A word about Donelson. Until I got there, I regarded it as just a stop near the airport. I found the Thrift on a small side road, bbut have learned it has a claim to fame. It was the first or one of the first places in America to have what later became known as the "strip mall". There's my old travel Karma holding out--this is hardly the first time I find something interesting only to find out later that sensation was justified.
Then, I get to the library and without thinking, tried to log on to this blog. The ass clowns at Google locked me out again. Somebody who knows your password, they said, tried to log on to my account. Read my lips, you sub-human grunts, that is the purpose of a password. It goes to show you the average employee at Google to be unable to grasp this basic concept. Then again, I suspect such a low mentality is a good match for their average user, as well. Speaking of idiots, I've found I can boost readership by posting about their mistakes and quoting this blog as the source. But as for Google, ignorance must be the primary virtue over there.
Miss Germany 2018.
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The biting cold remained all afternoon in the bright sunlight. It was like Montana that way. I'm in the process of relearning how to use a credit card. I'm causing a lot of smiles for what I don't know, yet from my perspective that so many people consider certain things to be necessary fact is beyond scary. I'm leery of why it is difficult to make payments on a card without a bank account, Robynette has never known it to be any other way. In my day, you could mail the payment direct to the card company. Today she could not say if that is still so.
I've been key-entering old hand-written posts, this time for February 1982, I don't know if I can keep that going. Like everywhere I go, soon after I get there, an entire new set of priorities arises. This time, there was some talk about monetizing this blog, The relevance here is that Robynette knows a lot more about this, or knows a lot more people who know about this. And from what I get from her input, nothing has changed since the Internet arrived.
Not referring to my specific circumstance, we talked about passive income. I would like to create the content, but have an agent plug it for a percentage of the profit. But she says it works this way: I create the concept, test it, publish it, promote it, and when I have a thousand people willing to pay $100 for the product, contact an agent. Myself, I say if I have to do all that myself, what do I need an agent for?
Is it my musician's mind-set? That once I record the music, it is somebody else's job to do all the promoting and chasing around. I do understand that even after the above description, the agent will still have lots of duties and chores. It just seems to me that by then all the hard work is done. I don't ask the agent to haul around my bass amp and he should not be expecting me to go find him some customers.