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Thursday, June 6, 2019

June 6, 2019

One year ago today: June 6, 2018, the predictable 12 songs.
Five years ago today: June 6, 2014, iced tea at Quizno’s.
Nine years ago today: June 6, 2010, like, his captives.
Random years ago today: June 6, xxxx, WIP

           I’m just in a puttering mood today, and that gives me time to ponder all kinds of things like that. How about some unfamiliar terms to enter this blog vocabulary? TF, TB, TL, TR, and TH. That stands for turtle front, turtle back, turtle left, turtle right, and turtle height. You are already familiar with TC (turtle circumference) and both TD’ and TD’’ (turtle semi-major and semi-minor axes). All this is going to be on the exam.
           The turtlemobile involves some intricate cuts, more than I’ve ever put into a single project. And I can only do 45° cuts other than square. That should be enough as it still means working with tiny pieces. I terminated several designs and still have nothing that lets my turtle roam free. Or at least thinks he is, hey, it’s a turtle. I usually multi-task since it takes time for glue to dry. I managed to product a copy of the beer caddy. Note the solid workmanship compared to the millennial style which is probably for floofs who drink lite beer.

           I spotted a potential problem before even starting. That carry handle is going to be in the way. There are no beer bottles to test it with, so I may have to go out tonight. Um, you know, a field test. See here where I’m pointing, there is not enough knuckle room in either design. My model has more pieces and more cuts. As shown here, it can easily be dismantled for the pattern. I felt the dividers were a nice touch, since the box can be used for other, less-necessary, supplies. Maybe even ketchup for, say, a hotdog stand.
           It was robot experience that got the project working this well on the first try. I put in a solid bottom rather than a drawer bottom as in the flimsy design. This has the advantage of not requiring a router cut and using one size of lumber. The box as shown here is cut from a single piece of cedar dog-ear fence picket, with some left over. The dividers are removable, and will flex a bit, which might work for cans. As shown here, the box could sell for $9.99 and turn a profit if mass produced. The material cost is around $3.58.

           I purchased a Wal*Mart jigsaw for the project, and I’m impressed by the design. It has the newer blade release mechanism and a wonderful idea in a roller that supports the blade where too much pressure so often snaps the piece. This $19 tool has a locking trigger, variable speed, and a vacuum attachment. Not bad at all. Yes, I’m one of the guys who reads the manual first and I noticed the literature had a warning to remove the vacuum hose when cutting metal. Makes you wonder how many sawdust bins caught fire before they wised up. The tool, however, is light duty only, locks only in 15° increments that are not very accurate, and the vacuum port doesn’t fit anything hoses you have in your shop or your house.
           I’m going to have a go at designing a carry handle that rises above the bottle necks, since there is no way to make a cutout on the existing design without weakening the entire handle. Not a wise idea if you like your beer in a bottle, like I do. There is a piece left over from the cutting that is around the right size. As shown here, all cuts on the case were either 90° or 45° and where length cuts were needed, the tail pieces fit exactly as the dividers. Wasn’t it jolly foresightful of the lumber yards to cut fence pickets the correct width for a six-pack? How did they know?

Picture of the day.
Chinese maple tree.
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           How about those liberals, now saying if they can’t get Trump while he’s in office, they’ll get him when he’s out. They just don’t know how to quit while they’re ahead. Trump was not groomed from birth to be a politician, so what he did before getting into office is not anybody’s business. The problem is, the lefties don’t have much other choice. They lost fair and square, so unless they can upset the applecart, they’re toast and they know it.
           Here’s my attempt to fix the rotten chair. There is a joint shown here repaired by the white glue, but the rest I’ll patch with water putty and a long wood screw. These chairs aren’t worth fixed much, but it was me that broke it back in March. As for today, this was the high point. It’s been spitting rain, the dog’s eyes are bloodshot, and the cat’s knocked another picture off the wall.

           The neighbor was over to chat and he confirms the cave-in with all the Corvettes. That must have been one expensive show. His car was not parked there at the time. What are those things these days? The base price is $57,000 so let’s continue. The bigger motor and 8-speed transmission take you to $74,000. If you decide on the most of everything, it rings up at $90,000. There’s more. Those are for Stingrays, but there is yet another offering called a “supercar’, the Corvette ZR1. It is hailed as “overwhelmingly capable”. With 755 horsepower, it has clocked 212 mph. It features magnetic selective ride control that reads the

           Happy D-Day, and isn’t it around time to check on our fugitive, J.D., the guy who’s been tried and convicted in the media because he’s wanted for questioning? I wonder how many people think there is some law that says you have to submit to questioning just because the authorities want you to. Well, there is no such law. Get a lawyer immediately. You are one wrong answer away in transitioning from a witness to a suspect. What’s wrong with that if they let you go when they find out you didn’t do it?
           That’s the question of a trusting little baby. Pal, once you get on a suspect list, you can never get off it. If there is a similar crime within a hundred miles, you are checked out whether you are contacted or not. And that affects everything from your credit rating to your job resume to the magistrate’s attitude toward you if you ever do wind up in court. Worse, they check everything. And these days, you have no way of knowing what “everything” is. Right now, you are probably breaking several hundred laws.

           For the record, and what a pity I have to repeat this, I think the guy is guilty as hell and he’s hiding out with the Mormons. But I also think the press has made it impossible for him to get a fair trial, the authorities have offended public sensibilities by trying to demonize the man, and the fact he’s evaded the Feds so long despite their domestic spying capabilities is a worrisome indicator of just how badly the legal system has lost the respect of the average citizen. Brown cannot stay hidden like he is without a large and organized network of people who know exactly what they are doing. It surprises nobody that there are resistance groups ready to swoop into a power vacuum, but nobody wants it to be you-know-who.
           Moral of the story? Stay off the suspect list and stay off as many lists as you possibly can. You cannot have your 15 seconds of anonymity, but you can make the other guy an easier target. That shouldn't be difficult if he's one of those types with nothing to hide. Here’s a picture of Seattle cinnamon pie, when baked square they call it coffee cake. Same calories per serving as hotcakes and syrup.

Last Laugh