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Saturday, August 10, 2019

August 10, 2019

One year ago today: August 10, 2018, happy birthday this tablet.
Five years ago today: August 10, 2014, our old “new” music.
Nine years ago today: August 10, 2010, a sick circus.
Random years ago today: August 10, 2006, anniversary coincidence.

           This is a breeze, the dog’s new diet is, shall we say, common to my own to an uncanny extent. Ground turkey is the base ingredient. I began to substitute that for beef some sixteen years ago now. A few day’s batch is cooked up in advance, which also further suits my opinion about how dogs should eat. That’s the high point of the day. The Reb left on the airplane and the rest of us opted for big afternoon siesta. A day like this can’t be made any more exciting. I’ll catch you up on a few slow-moving situations, then please, you take an lengthy break yourself. Tell ‘em I said it was okay.
           The gig on Labor Day is another marina. Ah, I hear you. There are more marinas in Nashville than most seacoast cities. Don’t read much into that, since you could say the same of Elvis impersonators. It just means I don’t know which one. I hope it is on the lake, since for me that is practically walking distance. A new e-mail arrived, allow me to see if there are any more new list items.

           Lookie here, I got you a more representative picture of the jigsaw puzzle. I know these things are no-brainers, so I’m showing you the challenge. It works like so. You put the puzzle together, and the cats randomly take them apart. Part of your fun is finding pieces on the floor, and you never know which ones the cats will eat. Do you want to know the real reason for jigsaw puzzles? It is two-fold. One is that they keep me near the kitchen when things are cooking and near the porch when glue is drying. The other is that a daily photo of the progress is an excellent way to reassure pet owners that their precious kitties are getting their quota of attention.
           While on this vein, when I take the doggies for a walk, that’s pet-walking, right Good, glad you agree, because it is also pet-sitting. So today we climbed the hill behind the shopping plaza and did some sitting. We watched the sunset over Nashville. I fell asleep for a half hour. The doggies followed suit. The moral of this story is I covered both bases. Pet-walking and pet-sitting. How was your day?

Picture of the day.
Russian steel rod factory.
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           I found this Alctel flip phone, but it is rigged to use only T-Mobile. I admit, I don’t know about phone rules these days and I’m not interested—until I have no choice. The point here is that at least I know they still make the phones. However, I thought they long ago settled the issues about product lock-ins and made anything like tht illegal. If I recall, one of the cases we studied in pre-law was the way vacuum cleaner companies would void the warranty if you used anything except their very expensive dust bags.
           We’ve entered a new era in business, where it seems the authorities are unwilling to apply established law against electronics items. Look at what MicroSoft has been getting away with. Or Hewlett-Packard and the ink cartridges. Google got their asses kicked in Europe, but they are free to break every consumer law they please by saying the old rules don’t apply.

           Music. I have the new list items. Five more I’ve neer heard of. And one of them I totally hate, you can guess which. Give me time tomorrow to give them a listen, some may be cheap learns.

                      Papa Loves Mama
                      While My Guitar Gently Weeps
                      Fast As You
                      Lay Down Sally
                      Somebody Like You
                      My Church
                      Harvest Moon

           I pirat . . evaluated as many of these as I could and I found I hate a second number without really hearing it. Another droner, “Harvest Moon”. Why not just slip your audience a Mickey Finn? Wasn’t it Karl Marx said Neil Young is the opiate of the music industry? I fired off a missive to confirm the artists. I mean, does anybody really know how many songs are titled, “Somebody Like You”. From context, I’m guessing this band means Dwight Yoakum, but we do have that lady singer. It could mean Amy Winehouse. The list is rather cryptic so I’m guessing at some of these. I think Gunpowder might be Lambert’s “Gunpowder & Lead”.
           At this point, they are adding new material faster than I can learn it. That’s hardly the point, plus I see a pattern to the list already. There is always a limit how far and fast they can pile on these obscure pieces. Regrettably, once a song gets on a list, it is difficult to later get rid of it, thus blocking a slot for a more suitable number. No matter what you play, somebody will applaud and that makes bad tunes stick around long after they are dead. Think Bob Dylan, Grateful Dead, Moody Blues.

           Yep, I can hear the Hippie chuckling that in the end, I did learn tunes I refused to play in his band. Well, that’s wording it harshly. I told him if he was going to play guitar funeral music, call somebody else. It’s when we agreed not to play junk and he did anyway that caused the rift. All’s I can say, dude, is yes, okay, I’m playing Last Dance and B4 You Cuz Me. But I’m playing them in Nashville, not North Miami, and I’m likely to get paid more per show than you paid out in six years. That difference may seem subtle to you, but the rest of the world can spot it.

           Restaurant prices are rising in New York. Good, it’s about time you people learned that your business model is wrong. Something like one worker in seven up there is undocumented. As long as New Yorkers accept that, as normal, they are passing the cost on to the rest of the country. That’s why nobody cares now when they whimper about having to pay the going rate. It was always expected they would try that juvenile tactic when the time came. Dipshits never like pulling their own weight. And don’t explain whose fault it might be, I never heard of any public outcry from that city over the number of illegals in their midst.
           And of course, no snowflake ever blames itself for the avalanche.

           In a scarier development, Cisco, a major software supplier, has foisted an “upgrade” on its users that restrict their ability to transfer or sell their old software. I toold you these millennials lacked the IQ to see what a mess they were creating for themselves. The whole concept of one-user software is reliant on the seller being able to monitor the user, not the equipment. And that is one frightening development no matter how you look at it. And this time, the millennial tactic of just not looking has been anticipated.
           When the software detects a combination of changes in user profile (gee, I wonder where they got this concept), the software changes back to evaluation mode. Knowing these ass-ender generation types were suckers who can be convinced new is better, the update and its monitoring capabilities were marketed as “Smart”, and they are eating it right up.

Last Laugh