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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 5, 2019

One year ago today: August 5, 2018, he’snstill ballistic today.
Five years ago today: August 5, 2014, a fast post.
Nine years ago today: August 5, 2010, where privacy is lacking . . .
Random years ago today: August 5, 2008, one good old day.

           The bright side is I almost had running water. Here is the mini-vent assembly that prevents back-siphons. Instead of a regular elbow toward the sink drain, install a tee fitting, and on top of that tee, and adapter and the one-way valve. That’s the black object at the top. Notice Memphie-Two. He agrees. Today I begin the hunt for a set of faucets, even if they are temporary. Because then I have my bathroom back, in function if not design. I still need a half-day to clean the yard before I head out. And I don’t have my table saw yet. This bathroom renovation was extensive.
           We’ll see if I cannot rig something up by design, at least hot running water. I can get by with a pail and the tub faucets, which work. In my life, I’ve had to do a lot worse. I forgot the ReStore is closed Mondays. Last evening I felt like grabbing a Budweiser, but I also forgot this is Polk County. There’s nothing open late not because there’s a law, but because there’s no customers. It wasn’t raining, so I wound up driving to Winter Haven to the Ritz.
           It really isn’t the Ritz, which is that downtown theater, but the lounge on the same corner. It’s open until midnight if you can stomach that pseudo-rap ghetto chanting they pipe in. It’s sad because that part of town isn’t that kind of place. The male staff are all hipster types which might be a partial explanation. The planet is full of mediocre men who will like anything if they think it makes them look kewl.They are driving customers away.

           TMOR, the comments show that compulsory auto insurance isn’t universal. I was pointing out that insurance is the only product in America that you are required by law to purchase if you drive. The other is medical insurance, which is a good idea, but not the brand that is government administered. There are many types of insurance, but the police will not arrest you and impound your property if you do not have them—except auto insurance. As far as I know the only justification for this is because that’s how they did it in England.
           To be specific, it is not just the enforced insurance, it is that the price is set by the private companies. And they know how to gouge, they’ve been doing it for 2,000 years, except for a brief spell during the war years, when everything was being rationed. It is ridiculous to suggest you can avoid the cost by not driving, because not driving in America costs even more. Hark back to the time it took me something like eight hours to ride the city bus thirteen miles.

Picture of the day.
Rubik’s dice.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here’s a difficult view of the underside of the counter. Visible at the far back is the white-colored 1-1/2” drainpipe set into the back wall. You can see one hole plugged, this isn’t the first mistake I’ve made with this puppy. The cutout at on the bottom panel is to feed the P trap to the stem, but it isn’t otherwise needed. I told you, installing this piping takes a lot of dealing with. I’m returning $250 worth of faucets today that could not be made to work. The reason the drain isn’t ready is the faucets came with their own stem. I’ll pick up some generic ones today, with some stoppers.
           Oops, I missed your food picture. It was a good one, in that except for in my coffee, many people find it peculiar that I don’t distinguish between fresh and sour cream. Today’s fare was apples and sour cream, best when both are fresh. People eat yogurt with fruit, this is one taste step further. I’m still finishing the video “First Knight”, where Gere doing the medieval Rambo thing. The bad guy, Malagant (Ben Cross), is the better actor and during his orations for taking over, he does raise a number of salient points concerning the vices of primogeniture.

           Speaking of Camelot, it is nowadays agreed JFK (Kenney) did not write the books claimed. I guessed that myself having read only the opening chapter of “Profiles in Courage”. And that other book where his father bought, what, 30,000 copies and hid them. So the book would make the best-sellers list. I do recognize that Kennedy was a hero to his generation, there is no mistake about that. Myth or not, he stared down the Soviets (most Americans use “Soviet” and “Russian” as the same), and set the space race in motion. He also broke the mold of electing old army generals, but began the era of electing lawyers. I consider it the worst mistake America has made.
           Check in later, I’m going looking for any kind of tap that works, and hope to investigate this ad that Boss Hogg keeps running about work at home. I want to see how close I am to guessing it is a pyramid sales MLM scheme. The ad never mentions the work, only the aspect of firing your boss and that your income is dependent on you. Sounds familiar and smells fishy. This is the ad that says a 39-year-old billionaire found the company, bought it, and now is seeking people to make it his next venture.

           I’m even curiouser why a billionaire would want to take on people when, with that kind of money, he can exploit them without getting too closely acquainted. I found the video, “Return of the Pink Panther”. What a hoot. It reminds me of the USA in its prime, when air travel was fun, women were pretty without makeup, and people who didn’t get high marks were held back so they couldn’t block the way of others. The decay was always there, because at first it was only middle-class whites with a misplaced sense of entitlement. But it took the first real generation of Common Core indoctrinates to allow the decay to get the upper hand and become morally acceptable. It used to be a disgrace to be on welfare.
           The movie industry is an easy comparison to what happened to this country. There were no racial quotas and the studios hired talent that sold. It was all about supply and demand, and anybody who wanted something different was free to go start their own studios and achieve it. But no, they didn’t want their own studio or bicycle. They wanted the “right” to tell you what to do with yours. By 1990 every other movie had your token single mother, fat black lady, queers, feminists, a hooker with a heart of gold, autistic stage brats, and worst, leading ladies that were not blonde-single-sexy-slim and athletic. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m just saying when left alone, things were not like that.

           I have a bathroom sink again. But it is not what I had planned. There are no leaks in any of the segments or joints I put together. Some of that flimsy plastic drainpipe has minor drips, such as round the sink drain. But I heard there is some special putty you can buy that takes care of it. What I did, to get service now, is buy a single kitchen faucet that swivels between the two sinks. It barely reaches over the rim, though that frees up more of the vessel space. Rather than wait to make it pretty, I simply forged ahead. Some of the feed lines could be routed a little better. And, because of this arrangement, I only needed one set of the shutoff valves. I learned a lot.
           And it will wait until I get back. The Reb was on the line just before dark and I may leave as soon as tomorrow morning. I’m not happy with some of you, I must say. This blog is free, yet the moment I get busy and miss a few consecutive days, a third of my readership disappears. While most Americans don’t live the life I do, there is a wealth of contemporary lifestyle information here, although I’ll admit once I got busy with owning a house, the scientific, robotic, navigation, and microcomputer posts have tapered off to zero. But you get in-depth insight into music, probably the most complete description of a bass player’s perspective you’ll find in the universe. So work with me here.

           “I’ve Just Seen A Face”, a Beatles tune, was on the learn list. I vaguely recall bits of the chorus. It never made an impression, partly because the vocals are un-Beatles-like, more like folk singing. Once I caught on it was McCartney playing a piano riff on guitar, I quickly had a country bass line ready. The tune is fun to play, it has a series of spots where measures are truncated, a McCartney hallmark.
           In no time at all I’m playing what isn’t there, including a bass “harmony” to the instrumental break. Woe to the guitarist who tries to be a hero with this tune. I remind the reader that I never over-play or use volume or change the character of any music. If I had to measure it, I would say my technique is to garner just 1% more attention to the bass line that usual, giving it a dancing or listening aspect. And 1% is barely perceptible, almost a subliminal appeal.

Last Laugh