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Saturday, September 21, 2019

September 21, 2019

One year ago today: September 21, 2018, Keysville, FL?
Five years ago today: September 21, 2014, “deep” reading, get it?
Nine years ago today: September 21, 2010, That’s what they told me.
Random years ago today: September 21, xxxx, WIP

           This is not a repeat photo. Can you spot any differences? Look closer, like I did. Yes, the fencepost is new, but see way back through past the neighbor’s house? Hey, you are not supposed to be able to do that. I walked over and that house around the corner I wanted to buy is gone. The beauty of a shed is still there. The house was a fine older structure that just needed renovation. No doubt City Hall will herald this as a victory, an old character building torn down to make room for new places, like condos. Yuppie condos where the only thing you really own is the paint on the walls.
           As figured, my help did not show up at 9:00AM, by which time I had two hours into the yard. I sunk two posts and dug three more until I hit roots. Saber saws, even at HF had almost doubled in price. I’m thinking for the extra $20 to get something that will last. Blog rules, I have to report what happened this morning, besides baking coconut chicken with hot peppers. At dawn, the chicken family was in the yard, they’ve picked up that I’m not a threat and now don’t scatter even when I make sudden noises. Just don’t tell them what I was cooking.
           I dropped the orchard smoker as I put down some bricks for a solid base, that was a racket. The things are made of thin sheets of tin or something similar. The chickens didn’t even look up. According to Agt. R, this one is in working condition, but he was not here at 9:00AM to show me how. You put diesel in the tub part, I think. I watered the plants and see the poinsettias do not respond well to cuttings. The devil’s backbone cuttings, mind you, have already turned to the sun. One day, that’s not bad. I didn’t forget to call Alaine and yes, there is an event I’ll try to get to. It’s Friday October 4th, and is some type of international pet blessing day.

           We have hopes for JZ’s visit, since he’s called her multiple times on it. That’s new and different. If I recall correctly, Alaine’s husband has a convention next Saturday for a week. I’ll strong-arm JZ into visiting because he knows she isn’t fully used to being alone in a house that size. I know, I’m predicting, but this is a big deal for all of us. Checking with Alaine, the pets do not have to be present to be blessed, so I’ve got to thinking. Next year, if Trump doesn’t get in, the public will demand a leader who isn’t afraid to name names, and I’d want to be able to say my pets have been blessed. It’s something I’d expect from the leader of the free world.
           The first thing I would do, or one of the first, is comb through the federal employee list and purge certain individuals, then their families, and if I feel like it, all their friends. Don’t laugh, it is the first thing Trump should have done and he’d have his wall by now. Instead he’s got entire departments of deeply burrowed Obamatards dragging their feet. This is why I say civil servants should not be allowed to vote, it is a conflict of interest. And those who use their job as a political platform need to be let go. Now. Their job is to follow the President’s directives, not pick and chose which they will obey.

           I finished the DVD on the Appalachian tours. It didn’t show anything that didn’t involve shopping or spending money. I may drive through there next trip to see for myself. The video was outdated anyway, by the cars, clothes, and hair styles. And far too much political correctness. A head count of the tourists would be close to 600 individuals. Not one slim sexy blonde babe.            There are a few momentary glimpses, but they are careful to be shown always holding hands with somebody. Lots of fatties and plain Janes, though. I think 1977 was the last year America was full of hotties.
           Many on-line sources for the valley are religion based. The wax museum scenes are a hoot. I didn’t know Mary was a redhead or that Jesus wore blue eye shadow. The web sites may be new but the depictions are likely older than me. Even the cave tours have church music and the park rangers still wear those funny hats. Rangers, my eye. Most of them would panic if their uniform got seagulled.

Picture of the day.
Bonsai Maple.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           It was tool maintenance time and I have no space left. After nearly five months in Tennessee, this place has fallen into complete disorder. I’m buying things new, like laundry soap and drill bits which I have aplenty and cannot find. I’ve no choice but to pile up things inside the red shed to the point I cannot move around in there any more. Extreme storage. And back in there goes my 5-string bass until order is restored. Part of the reason for digging the post holes is to determine how many roots I run into.
           This picture shows a big fat root vertically across where I’m pointing. Cut too many of these healthy pieces and instead of looking at your tree, you might be wearing it. The idea is to get some idea of what the back yard will be like for posts and it will be heavy work. Good thing help is on the way.

           I’m listening to Tampa radio and the howling has started up again. These leftists and renegade conservatives have not learned a thing. They are lining up to pull the same tactics that got their asses handed to them last election. Phony promises, corporate donors, talking points, they are again not running for president, they are running against Trump. Let’s hope this craziness continues so they can just hand Trump the trophy.
           For the record, I’m not pro-Trump. I’m anti-Establishment. And that Establishment is, disconnected as they are, going to try to take things back to before Trump proved the whole game was rigged. Millions in ad campaigns? Wasted money. Caucuses, Congress, and keystone states? Figments that most people don’t understand—and perceive as a rigged system anyway. And the expensive pollsters and consultants? Circus clowns who up to the night before Trump was elected staked their reputations that he could not win.

           The biggest belly laugh was over those people who gave that Bush weakling $120 million dollars expecting to get their money back in favors and patronage after he was elected. He blew the money on consultants and ads that were already shown to have no impact on the race. People turned off the ads and read Trump’s tweets. The people were tired of the old ways, of being lied to and told they didn’t understand the issues. This is nothing new, every generation since the 1930s, when FDR began to usurp power that rightfully belonged to others. He showed the globalists they could get away with it as long as things were done piecemeal.
           And it worked for 70 years. There were other populist candidates in the 90s and early century, but things had not yet come to a head. Trump came at the right time with the right message. He fought back when attacked and the Establish thought they had squelched that behavior via political correctness. It appears they are going to try the same noodle-brained antics all over again. All their claims sound like, “Let’s get the country back on track.”

           That’s precisely what people voted against. If the choice is between a globalist and a populist, it’s already over. What? Okay, I’m informed those are not universal terms. TMOR, a globalist is one who thinks America is just another country in the world community and should lower its way of life until the whole planet becomes one big happy family, in theory. A populist is a person who appeals to voters because he is against the existing system. Notice—this does not mean a populist is against any particular issue proffered by the other side. It looks like Trump’s America First policy is against the globalists, but that is only a fragment of the issue.
           This explains why many of Trump’s Republican cohorts don’t support him. They have agendas that may outwardly appear positive, but are dependent on the old order with its corrupt and abusive government mechanism. Trump is a threat to that arrangement. Confounding the clash is that the press largely behaves like a third opposition party that will do anything to prevent rule by the will of the people. Because they’ve stated repeatedly that “the people” don’t have the IQ to understand the big picture. Only the ruling elite and the left-leaning press possess that ability.
           Me? I’ve got to buy another saber saw and cut out some buried roots. That Trump, when elected by the largest landslide yet, do the same.

           Three extra hours and I have a handle on the guest bedroom. Tomorrow it gets cleared out and JZ says he’s bringing his own bed. I told you rich kids are idiosyncratic and he’s saying he’ll leave it here if I pay for half. If it is super nice, I just might. He says it is queen size which I’ll need since I’m “back with the lady”. See, I told you I don’t discuss these things. He hasn’t a clue over the reality with the Reb & I. I’m got the extra $100 from the car insurance budget so do I dare mention the table saw again? I want the biggest commercially sold for home use, which is a 10” blade, enough to cut a 4x4 post.
           This is the blog with the audacity to show you pictures of post holes, roofing tar, and flat tires in Tennessee. So here is the view from the kitchen window as of today. Left to right we have the Marion tree, the smoker, a post (for a whirlagig), and in the foreground, a bird feeder. The improvements have been gradual, so I don’t have a before and after. Most noticeable are the mother-in-law tongues.

           Yes, I myself notice the yard is progressing toward something familiar, something maybe in a movie, or such a distant past, some design. Certainly nothing from my childhood. If you spot the theme, tell me so I can do it right. I’m only on disk 6 of “Saving the World”, the tale of the Spanish smallpox innoculations. They’ve reached the New World and already the contract is breached, the expedition leader wants to send home the boys that have already been innoculated. They were to stay together as a family. I have my own opinions about Spanish contracts.
           They would have to return on an empty slaving ship, where the Captain could just chuck them overboard. Then, the story lapses back to the present. I think I see where this is heading. Her neighbor is blind and dying of cancer. Her mysterious son, and ex-Marine strong silent type “upsets” the women when they see him, apparently because he chops firewood wearing only a light vest. The 80s was a time when the media was on this big kick to convince people AIDS was just another disease, an epidemic we should all work together to cure. Hogwash. Nobody bought it, but political correctness made people act in public as if they did. It was a disgusting spectacle.

           The tip-off in this story is all the concern showered on the blind neighbor is to score on the compassion index. Our lady’s husband is helping set up a clinic in the Caribbean and he sent a fax mentioning AIDS, out of the blue. Let me guess, the son who the women won’t admit they think is a hunk is going to announce he has AIDS and they will shower him with political correctness. The lizard pic is for the hell of it. I'm out of everything else, gang.
           I don’t recommend the book already over this annoying theme. It’s like talking to a religious nut. You already know how every conversation is going to end. However, if you find it fascinating how shallow women can be, by all means listen to the serious dialogs between the protagonist and her best friend, who is single, 40-ish, and joins in a lot of protest movements popular at the time. Global cooling was it? Anyway this is not a humorous work and if what these women talk about is an accurate portrayal of their minds at middle-age, thank god in person that he invented cats.

           It’s now to the point I must set up a database. I checked for duplicates and they are in my system by the tens of thousands. Most are small files, such as blog posts. But for years I used an auto backup that, unbeknownst to me, was creating duplicates. I had optioned it not to do that so I have entire hard drives of material in subdirectories that I never found. I estimate six hard drives of material with probably eight copies of each, but the work of sorting it out is monstrous. Difficult as it seems, creating a database of the items with numbers would be an overall savings.
           Don’t suggest, as some sources do, using the MS search feature to find duplicates. I have around 800 files with the word “robotics” in the name. MS search can’t find them. Plus, MS is an all or nothing search, which takes 15 minutes to go through all my drives. It is a finicky search algorithm to start with. Many of my file names contain the consecutive letters NHB, which sounds pretty unique. It isn’t. Ther
Did I just say Obamatards?
           After checking what is available for databases, I’m tempted to revert back to good old flat-file 1990s File Express. They have new versions but want money. My only hesitancy is the difficulty of data entry and that the program (it’s a real program, not an “application”) won’t run on anything after XP. However, it will export files that can be read. The actual coding is DOS and it is, Internet wise, hack-proof. I key entered my most frequently used phone contacts and I see that 46% of everybody there is connected to the music industry.
           It’s coming back to me. This ancient clunker of a database requires the user manual, which is hard to find. Like old spreadsheets, items like incremental record numbers must be hand coded. The upside is the resulting files are tiny and pretty much invulnerable to being opened by most other software, including Notepad. Remember, the best computer security is a good lock on your doors. The Internet is the washroom wall of the universe so those who put their data there deserve what they get.

           FE Pro won’t allow cut & paste, but it can react to data split up by text formula. Tell you what, let me see if I can locate a user manual Sunday morning. If so, there is an option to import the blog index. If my thinking is right, I could have the only blog in Google that has a daily index. That is, you can easily navigate to any date—and I would turn the index right-side up, with the newest addition at the bottom, like a book. I’ve tried before to get a list of what dates are missing, plus I would like to do more of my own stats. Keep tabs on Google at the same time.
           The records they display only go back around 8 years, which tells us they don’t have many blogs that last that long. Now I really need that user manual and that means it will be a bitch to procure.

Last Laugh