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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October 20, 2020

One year ago today: October 20, 2019, typing 40,000+ spaces.
Five years ago today: October 20, 2015, more like pawn shops . . .
Nine years ago today: October 20, 2011, on the Moon, we’re cavemen again.
Random years ago today: October 20, 2007, why I like making boxes.

           Today was not my favorite. While everything was carrying on as expected, there was one that fe1l short. The millennial business model. It doesn’t work. Or maybe I should say it won’t work that well until everything else is brought down to its level. I’m going to get away with giving one seemingly weak example, but it portrays a much more serious problem. Over the centuries, business has learned there are certain principles that make things work right. And those things are not dependent on the technolgy used to conduct them. This is a lesson of history that the wired generation seems to need to discover the hard way. From the blog that dares, here is that promised photo of the uneven tread wear from the flat tire y’day. Yep, that was the fun part of the day.
           One of those major principles is deadlines. What I discovered repeatedly is that too many people are relying on technology to keep things going—and the newest technology will alwayw let you down unless the people using it are top experts. The average office flunky doesn’t make the grade. My example is the number of deadlines nearly missed when I arrived. I say nearly, because my system caught them. There were a number of causes but the one I point the finger at is relying on technology, in this case the smart phone, to do things for you. It does not work on its own and works even worse then applied to standard business practice.

           Yes, I know that over time those standards will change. But they have not changed yet and it is fooiish to use software and gadgets that work on futuristic conditions. The records and files were here but time and again I’ve seem wired in people miss the boat on deadlines that were more than mayber four days into the future. I won’t go long-winded on this, but it is no surprise to me when things go really wrong. The American system works best when there is a sense of mutual purpose. These computerized systems are, in my viewpoint, defensive. Everybody is tweaking the system to look out for themselves, whereas not that long ago it was mostly the banks doing that.
           Each participant has to do it because he thinks the other side is using a computer for the same things. Well, I showed up, took the pile of business documents and marked the deadlines on a good old fashioned calendar. One check for nearly $500 had “90 day expiry period” that ended tomorrow. A pencil and paper worked. True, there is probably software out there that takes care of this—but I just finished saying you need people who are practically experts or it ain’t gonna fly. All my magazine subscriptions have expired and bank statements appeared that I really needed last month. Yet, the Tennessee system works fine for years for the on-line ventures the Reb undertakes. I see the ambiguities in my comparions, but I say again that is why people with many times my income barely scrape by.

           At this stage I would like to point something out. I am not against change and innovation. When I say the average millennial is stupid, consider a few things. Stupid does not mean uneducated or unindoctrinated in this sense. It means a failure to learn from experience,. I have not singled out the millennials for criticism, every generation has its dumb bastards. I’ve seen the beatnks, the hippies, the yuppies, the genX-ers, watched them adapt, and paid attention to their group behavior. If I was some codger who could not keep up, I would have said the same thing about each of those demographics. No, I did not see real, collective, herd stupidity until the millennials arrived. Those that came before had the seeds of self-correction. I know people who throw their monthly bank statements in the trash unopened.
           They probably could learn just like the rest of us if they saw any good reason to do so. But we’ve been over their refusal to do that many a time. If it was pre-Internet, they block it out somehow. I caught most of the errors and immediately clamped down on how paperwork is processed, until deadlines (and other related items) are properly done. I expect there will always be a group that will bely-ache that makes me a dictator. But hey, they are talking about my money, not their own.

Picture of the day.
The Tioga at Coos Bay.
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           Sparkie has a hip problem. He was born with it an now it makes me sad to see him in pain he does not understand. And he has a kidney problem. A change of diet and some supplements gave good results, not that his diet was not amongst the best available before. I took the boys for a walk this morning and both were tired after ten minutes. Sooner than me. So i let them lie on the foam matteress they so love. They slept for an hour, it’s funny how dogs dream. Chasing rabbits? Here’s the Reb in the late afternoon Tennesssee sun.
           I went shopping, I’m talking a major shop. Things go fine when I’m not here, but I tend to keep somewhat larger stockpiles on hand. It’s a Florida thing. items ranging from paper towels, to coffee, to baking supplies. Wow, $182 in no time for what some would say was overkill. But how recently have they seen panic shopping? The Reb & I walked the dogs an hour to make for the short morning shift, she reports they gain back energy later in the day. But I noitce how they detect instanly when we are turning forhome and lean on the leash the whole way.

           [Author's note: I was unaware that the above picture would be the last (and loneliest) picture of a family walk together. It is the saddest picture ever of us together.]

           So, in order to give the libtards full opportunity to insult and harangue while pretending to answer questions, the microphones will be muted for the final debate. It’s hard to say who that will benefit, since they will be asked six prepared questions with two minutes each to answer. If this goes like before, Trump will use the time to answer the questions, Biden will use the time to fling accusations, insult Trump, and insist he’s not against white supremacy. Others say the muted mics will force Biden to talk more than 30 seconds and he will talk himself into a corner.
           The liberals have basically announced that if elected, they will establish a commission to go back and punish everyone who supported Trump. Hard to believe this is America. The huge overiding factor if the left takes over is that this has never been done or even tried in a country where the population was fullyarmed. Also, the left would not be able to enforce such draconian measures without the police and military, both of which are strong Trump supporters. Note I did not say right-wing, because to the left every other position but their own is evil incarnate. No middle ground recognized or permitted. Seems to me I remember reading about this in history books.

           I’m siding with McDonald’s on a history issue. For half a lifetime I’ve opposed the courts keeping evidence on file after an accused person is found innocent. I’m even against the courts keeping a record that an innocent person was even charged. Keeping such files is a form of character assassination. In Hialeah, a McDonalds has a tape that shows an attack in their parking lot. The courts want it and McDonalds says not so fast. We’ll give it to you on two conditions. You don’t give any copies to the media and you give it back afterward. Well, every two-bit establishment lawyer is going ballistic on that one. How dare you tell the courts there are conditions.
           Well, courts, you finally got called on your bullshit. The issue is not the evidence on the tape, as you like to make out, but the threat of a limit on your power to do as you please regardless of the consequences for innocent people, or in this case, an innocent business. I support McDonalds, if only because the tapes are for their security, not to assist the government in catching criminals, which they are already paid more than enough to do if they’d get off their asses. Another point is McDonalds is not charged with any crime and should have the right to prevent harm to themselves, to not get involved, and be allowed to take precautions that anything they do turn over will never be used for any other purpose. This type of reform is long overdue in America. Yes, the courts should have power, but not the power to do anything they please.

           My concerns about Sparkie are not based on the facts as others see them. The Reb knows and trusts her vet and so on. I’m okay with that but also influenced by what I saw long ago, and I feel when a pet dog gets old, they begin to lose some cognizance. It’s usually momentary. They will get protective of their food, snarl at familiar people, and seek out a different sleeping spot, especially outdoors or where it is cooler that usual. Like they are trying to get comfortable. I believe they have an awareness when the end is near, that is a necessary instinct. I say, this is just my opinion. He’s getting the best of care. Little things have changed, indicating arthritis here and there. He might have years left for all I know.

Last Laugh