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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

October 21, 2020

One year ago today: October 21, 2019, 8,500 per day minimum!
Five years ago today: October 21, 2015, intimidatingly beautiful.
Nine years ago today: October 21, 2011, at 4,000 miles.
Random years ago today: October 21, 2004, wierd post.

           It took the first 48 hours to get things on an even keel. No major problems, but I’ll say it again, do NOT rely on non-family over things that go wrong. They’ll gladly help when they can but when things go wrong for them, you are not a priority. That’s the fundamental situation. The neighbor who walks the dogs had a seizure, the other neighbor who was paid to tend the yard had to quit, and you get the idea. These are good people, but they are no better than most at being prepared for accidents. I drove straight here from Punta Gorda with just a few hours sleep at the cabin.
           This is your only picture today, which I will use to prove my point. Ask yourself this question. When things really go wrong, who is going to wax your turtle? It’s not that I’m the last hope, more that I’m the guy who knows their diet, habits, medications, and how far to walk them at their age. You can imagine I know the household as well and how to do the shopping and so on.

           You get this one brief entry, unless you want to know how long and hard I shopped. $182 in a wink. I made arrangements to finally get a smart phone and had trouble getting them to understand I did not want WiFi, just unlimited talk and text. They seem to have been trained to consider that a signal to upsell. I was setting them back in their places every few minutes. I finally got them to order me the phone, it will arrive tomorrow they said.
           I will have a bunch to say soon about the process of getting a smart phone. I purposely did not have one. Thus, I was not conditioned to put up with all the Google bullshit and tons of other nonsense that these phone providers have gotten used to shoving on people. Many times I had to stop them during the signup process because they were doing too much typing for the amount of information required. Their system would not let me connect a phone with out a “valid address”. So, you know that abandoned townhouse up the drive, the one where the roof caved in?
           It was a process of going through the phone and deactiving app after app, and even then in the end, I had to accept ten of them. Until I figure out how to delete those. Many of the Google features cannot be deleted. But I may be able to isolate them.

Picture of the day.
Eight-deck card shuffler.
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           Here's an evaporative air conditioner.

Last Laugh