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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019

One year ago today: November 19, 2018, Route 66, sort of.
Five years ago today: November 19, 2014, interesting links.
Nine years ago today: November 19, 2010, the death of Limewire.
Random years ago today: November 19, 2013, on Beale Street.

           Guess what this is. Mine is that it is part of an old drawer pull with the knob missing. But it is now part of the church-shaped birdhouse. I’m gaining lots of ideas about what can be used as decorations and back home my shed is a goldmine of what can be turned into these ornaments. This one I just painted yellow. Because I have a lot of yellow paint, okay? I took more time to look at the box of router bits and I might design a router-based birdhouse with lots of fancy trimmings. The end goal here is the turtle hacienda. Except for what has already been done, I can’t fnd a lot of use for the cut bamboo. It makes for excellent tinder burning leaves, if you don’t mind that cutting it for the barrel is labor-intensive.
           I just got the memo. I’m wanted here for Xmas. I contacted back the guitarist . Accelerate any plans and hope for the best. This may not work well with my scheduled meetings in Miami. But I’ve had the logistics in place to drive from Miami to Nashville in place for some months already. It’s just a change of timing. The workshed also came up, I am free to put anything I want up. I hesitate to put anything that would be permanent to somebody else’s property. I’ll glance around, you know all those garden shed places you see everywhere these days. What happens to the old ones, or the returns. It all depends on price. There is only 15 amp service available.

           The shed has to be big enough that I can stand inside and have enough of a work space after storing all my tools. Most of the roadside sheds large enough for that carry price tags of at least $3,000. I’ll pass, I could build the Reb that car port she always wanted for a third of that. Maybe something portable like a canopy that could be used to store things like hot dog carts. Wal*mart has cheap plastic ones with that poly type material, but I would like something more durable, more canvas-like. Let me check with Tractor Supply, who have sort of redeemed themselves after that portable jack episode of three years back. I saw one for $500 that had a nice green covering. Will they still have it now that I’m interested? Hmmmm. I have the $500 I’m not using.
           I say I have the money because it stuns me to see on the price tag, “only $21.59 per month”. That tells me that the average person they expect to buy this product cannot come up with $500 cash. People who think I’m a redneck, that I’m wrong, and so on but can’t get together enough coin to buy a tent. Face it, if I want to be friends with such people, I’m going to have to mend my ways and shape up enough to walk down all those flights of stairs.

           Politics again, not because I choose sides, but because 2020 is poised to become the year of the stand-up comic liberal politician. (Mind you, I would have no problems taking sides if it came to that.) Recent events have shown how drastically the Democrat party has counted on the taxpayers not seeing themselves as a united voting bloc. Thus, the left never developed any tactic beyond labeling all opposition as nazis. Worse they have sunk themselves so far into this impeachment fiasco that they can’t back out now without losing face. (I wonder if Trump isn’t intentionally ignoring them until election year.) They’ve created their own worst nightmare that even if they succeed, Trump might win anyway.
           Trump’s win showed the American taxpayer they can win if they quit wasting their votes on fringe issues. I said, I’m not political because I’m anti-liberal which is not a political movement. They only use politics as their weapon of choice. Even allowing that one has to have brain damage to be a liberal to begin with, their candidates for 2020 are a joke. Against 3 Republicans (Trump and two other guys), the Democrats have already gone through close to 40 dishwater personalities, don’t quote me on the numbers. Something like 18 running, 11 formers wisely not running, and 9 dropouts so far, who are even wiser.

           Their platform has gone so sour that even old Bermie is emerging as a runner. TMOR Bernie Sanders is the one trying to get elected by promising everybody everything (i.e. student loan forgiveness) and worrying about paying for it later (i.e. 90% tax rates). I think 2016 may have been the pinnacle of the Democrat stage-managed election. Their pollsters are still licking their wounds. They are already cooking up fake news headlines, along the lines of “Dewey Wins”. Problem, very few taxpayers believe the news any more.
           I hope that 2020 is the year that will become known as the Taxpayer's Election.

           [Author’s note: I’ve been flakked for saying Trump received twice as many votes as Hillary. I guess I should have said he carried more districts. The Democrats contested the popular vote, just as they would have contested the electoral vote had they lost in the other direction. I knew that Clinton had a couple million more actual votes, but the source was the media so I should not be blamed for not believing it. What I meant was that in the districts where Clinton won, it was often by very narrow margins, often by 100 people who voted in alphabetical order, or by droves of non-white non-college-educated women who voted in the minutes before the polls closed.
           Where Trump won, it was by margins that set precedents, sometimes by (you got it) twice as many votes, and there were former Democrat territories where Hillary didn’t even wag the needle. Still, it was an error and I apologize.]

           TMOR there is another distinction that is blurred in the US media, probably intentionally. It is the deportations again. The statistics keep comparing the head count, but the true issue is that Trump has changed crossing the border illegally from a civil matter to a criminal matter. Those caught now are charged with a criminal offense and are ejected immediately. The former liberal administrations deliberately dragged each individual case through a host of civil court mumbo-jumbo, often taking years and costing the taxpayer billions.
           There are still entire “law” firms that exist on taxpayer money solely to contest immigration issues in this manner. To the majority of Americans, this is all part of a plan by the left to get everybody on some kind of government take, be it a paycheck or a welfare check. This Canadian-style system has ensured a single party in power for decades in that country because to the average citizen, a vote for tax cuts would also mean a reduction in personal benefits. Democracy, my eye.]

Picture of the day.
Fossil water irrigation.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The boys and I were off to Mt. Juliet for the afternoon. An extended walk on their favorite Wal*Mart grounds. That’s where I found this berry bush which I could not identify. We don’t get that many berries in Florida. Even the invasive species are eaten by other invasive species. They look familiar but to me all wild things are poisonous until proven innocent. It was an extended walk as the sunny side of the hills was storybook warm. I wish the Reb was here and that brings up another question. Why did she not plan to spend Christmas out west? That’s a tradition.
           Looking ahead, I had put away $730 in case and emergency trip to Tennessee came up. Now I know that I can get here on $100 if I husband my resources. And on $80 if I pack a lunch. Once here, my expenses drop by 2/3. I meant to mention finances a bit. I was proud and happy when my budget started to show a few instances per year of days when expenditure was zero. After I settled into my cabin, there was usually a day like that every other month. This is so rare in America, getting by a day without having to shell out for something. Except for couch potatoes who only make a run to the Circle K for jerky on allowance days.

           There have been, this month so far, six “zero days”, including something that has never happened before that I know of since the turn of the century Two of those days were consecutive. On November 10th and 11th, I didn’t spend anything. I don’t skimp here, but then unlike back at the cabin, I’m not renovating. I bought a rake, and a propane torch, and dog gate parts. And the dog got out again this morning. I saw him this time. It’s pure instinct, he keeps pawing at the wire mesh until something works loose. How about that?
           Later, I went for coffee to get some alone time. You can’t imagine the ruckus the two cats can cause once they get into the catnip. And I best start tidying up as the Reb is due to return any day now. In other news, the new guitarist has not been in touch. This is normal once the other guy realizes there is a little work involved in getting things underway. I received a text from Agt. M, but he is unaware my gorilla glass is cracked and I can only read the left side. I think he’s driving through Lakeland this Friday and is unaware I’m not in Florida. Hey, he knew to keep in touch and I haven’t heard from the guy in several months. He doesn’t even make the coffee meetings when I’m in Hollywood. That’s married life.

           As I exited later, this lady outside had a hotdog cart set up. There was something wrong so I walked over to see. Her burners would only turn on maybe 1/4 full. The flames were so low it would take an hour just to heat the water. I got some tools out of Unit 31 (the Taurus station wagon) and went over the gas feed system. The problem was the small regulator connection, where I’m pointing here. The connection ring had worn out and would not push the feed nozzle all the way into the port. I got her back in business, but alas, hot dogs are not an item I’m allowed. I left her clear instructions that what I did was temporary, that she has to get a whole new assembly. And they aren’t cheap.

           I read in Engadgetelectric airplane with a speed of 300mph and endurance of five minutes. A related article says suto-driving cars will soon have the technology to deal with bad drivers. Good, a spinoff of that will confirm what we all thought. It is the 5% of bad drivers who cause most problems on the road. Isn’t if funny, with all the data stolen by Facebook and Google that they never publish lists of who the jerks in society are. Again, I predict it is that consistent 5% who only need their asses kicked to straighten out.
           And the authorities are again plugging anti-encryption legislation in their bids to create a totalitarian state. Folks, democracy can only exist when the average man has the right and ability to keep his affairs and communications private. The state-sponsored attacks on encryption seek to destroy that freedom under the guise of protection, again with child porn leading the list. It is not about porn, it is about power. The responsibility for children rests with the parents, not the state. Once again, it is being packaged as catching pervs, but the real target is always political minorities. It is not about safety, it is about power..

Last Laugh