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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 26, 2019

One year ago today: November 26, 2018, sigh, yet another failed list.
Five years ago today: November 26, 2014, I’m the poor guy.
Nine years ago today: November 26, 2010, an unplanned Thanksgiving.
Random years ago today: November 26, 2007, Vista-bashing.

           Let’s enjoy the sunshine, this looks like the last of it for a while. The critters and I spent some time outdoors including a run to the recycle bin. It’s a last-ditch effort to get this place shipshape before the Reb returns. The living room looks like some confirmed bachelors have been crashing there for a month. Towels draped over chair backs. Did I ever tell you the Reb doesn’t like towels draped over chair backs? I have no idea where that one comes from. It’s a happy day for retirement but a sad day for partydom when the big event is the recycle place. And a stop at Wal*Mart for more coffee.
           That’s where I saw this JD’s coffee and recoiled at the price tag. According to the label this coffee may or may not contain real whiskey ingredients, but more likely it is completely artificial. I quickly drew the same conclusion as most people. If the flavored coffee is going to cost nearly as much as a bottle of the real thing, go figure. In my time, I’ve tasted this brand of whiskey. I’d rather have another cup of coffee.

           For a break, the doggies and I finished watching “Renditiion”, a disturbing film about a man who gets grabbed because his cell phone received a wrong number that traced back to some fanatic group. It had an all-too-realistic inclusion of events, including the way bureaucrats lie when asked direct questions. They spirit the guy away to a foreign country where he is tortured into a false confession. It would probably have been cheaper to put the guy in prison stateside, but we are not supposed to think of American jails as cruel and unusual. Or else.
           The nice picture frame I built for my jigsaw puzzle doesn’t fit. Reb calls it my "old lady art". Harrumph. In spite of extremely careful measurements, it came out 1/8” too small around the perimeter. This is more learning curve, plus I found I don’t have clamps that will grip the shape of wood I would like for picture frames. Chalk this up to experience, I’ll just move ahead to find why the problem occurred. At least it was a consistent error around the entire perimeter. Besides, who's to say my jigsaw puzzles are not just as much an art form as, say, Spokane underpass graffiti?
           And where’s my endowment?

Picture of the day.
Giant oarfish.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The Reb is back, I was 15 minutes late to the arrivals gate. All those years in Florida have got me conditioned that everything takes at least an hour. It shocks me when ten minutes after a flight has landed, people are already climbing into cars. At Miami, you’d still be queued up on the ramp behind minorities, bipolars, and assorted other types who have far more rights than you ever will to block public pathways. Now don’t complain or you’re a Nazi.
           This picture I will explain. The doggies now get custom-cooked meals, the base ingredient is 93% lean turkey, shown here. They go through 3.6 pounds per week, on average, the rest of the bulk being made up by filler such as pumpkin, rice, mackerel, and sometimes an emergency ration of those pellets full of addicting chemicals the pet-food industry calls food. Jimmy across the way was unaware you could buy such quality ground turkey.

           So he watched with wonderment as I moved five armloads of these packages from the car. Look closely, you can see the red stickers. These knock the price down to $1.24 per pound which is pretty damn cheap these days. What happened is a pallet had arrived and as the clerk stocked the shelf, they noticed the bottom layer was frozen. It was intended only to be refrigerated. The manager was standing right there so I said if you mark them down, I’ll buy the whole carton. He did, and that’s three packages in the big pot. The rest are in the freezer compartment.
           This leads to another point., one that could be taken a number of ways. It’s known that I do not like certain types of copycats, and as I began prying up the lightly frozen packages, these goofs start gathering around, in particular this one prick I’ve seen there before. Aldi’s does not supply grocery bags, so they leave a selection empty cardboard boxes near the door as a convenience. This jerk, I don’t know if he even shops there, goes around and fills up a shopping cart of the best boxes and takes them home. I do not know and I do not care what the guy’s problem is. I asked him to please not stand so close to me. I’m there to buy dog food.
           As I remove a handful, he’s right there thinking he’s going to grab one before I lean back. I told him I’m buying the whole box. I was near the bottom of the pallet where that layer was frozen. I had pried one loose and dang, I accidentally dropped it on his foot. That must have hurt. I said you can have that one. This is America, everybody’s got a handicap. For instance, that guy walked with a limp.

           Some politics. In keeping with that, here is a welcome back picture for any politicians out there. Since it takes brain cells to correctly interpret this blog, we know they got here by mistake.
           REAL ID. This is the beginning for the formal downfall of American freedom. It is not just the requirement for ID, but that this requirement finally punches a big enough hole through the American Constitution to wrest control over individual behavior into Federal hands. This one is being sold as “safety” and is initially to be required for domestic air travel. After nearly two decades of being groped and X-rayed at airports, most Americans complacently accept this as part of the routine. It isn’t, it is an outrage. The authorities could easily take a fraction of the money wasted on “equality” and catch the tiny percentage of potential threats.
           Once again, under the guise of security, another system of manipulation will be in place, drastically increasing Federal power. It is an important point that not just criminals and suspects that must carry the cards, but everybody. That alone tells you this is not about security, it is about power. The law requires that all men be treated alike “in the eyes of the law”. So, now they’ll just treat everybody equally like a criminal. Show us your papers, and if in this process your comings and goings are constantly monitored, well, that is the price you must pay. You must pay.

           The founders specifically forbid the hampering of interstate travel. That law is detested in DC because it was intended to curb centralized power. To see the outcome, just look to see what they’ve done with driver’s licensing. They sold us that it was only a license to drive a car—an artificially manufactured scenario in the first place. It is a joke to claim the test does anything to ensure any real driving skill. They turned that license into an ID card in no time. It’s use is not restricted to your driving history. Try renting a motel without it. It is unconscionable what they will do with an ID card controlled at the national level. Think about it, you probably had to drive to get to a motel, right? Once a control is in place, it is simple to force people into compliance.
           In October 2020, the law requires the REAL ID card for all air travel in the USA. Let’s watch how rapidly that card becomes a requirement for other situations. Initially, the card will be required to access Federal facilities, so it will then be a small step to requiring the population at large be regularly obliged to enter such facilities. The hidden agenda here with the card is the Feds are dissatisfied with how lax some states are about ID requirements. This new card is something of a different order.

           How about the Democrat furor that the Russians interfered in the election? Why, for Democrats to lose an election after so many years of backing the taxpayer into a politically correct corner means there just had to be interference. I’ve got news for them. The Democrat-controlled American media has interfered in every Russian election since World War II. And of course, the Ukraine has become the center of attention. It is poised at the heart of Moscow, not that the Kremlin didn’t have it coming. How would America like it if the Ruskies set up a nuclear-armed ­puppet state just 532 miles from the White House? Insert joke here about how that might not be such a bad idea.

           Or how about the District Court judge (Ketanji Jackson), an avowed pro-Obama mole? She’s taken it upon herself to lecture us clueless dupes that “250 years of recorded American history” teaches us that Presidents are not kings. She’s the one judge who keeps at Trump for blocking state employees from testifying, a very common but also inconsistent application of power. Ketanji bellyaches that the President is not king, but her biggest problem is that neither is Ketanji. This person is a Supreme Court Justice? I weep for America.

Last Laugh