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Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 15, 2019

One year ago today: December 15, 2018, what’s a truth window?
Five years ago today: December 15, 2014, abouit his false teeth.
Nine years ago today: December 15, 2010, ‘death’ is a hate word?
Random years ago today: December 15, 2007, ingenuity, not appearance.

           I know nothing of chickens, not even how to feed them. Agt. R, upon questing me about their habits says they are obviously the true free-range type that can fend for themselves most of the time. If given a coop up off the ground, the hen will lay. Tie this in your thinking to a week ago when I’ve contracted him to look after my yard twice a week. Relying on what he says, the chickens would be actually better off here because of another development. We found in his back yard what looks to be like a five-chicken custom made coop. Somebody will have to dig it out of the pile. If he can’t do it himself today, we may tackle it as a team tomorrow. How do you like them apples?
           Measuring the exposed edge, it will probably fit in that little triangle piece of fence in my far back yard, meaning any scavengers would have to enter only from the street. The background on that is the raccoons (the apex predator of this area) got the other hen because the neighbor had no coop. He let the chickens sleep on his porch, which explains how the landlord both found them and objected. If the coop won’t fit in the triangle, there is the pet area on the other side, which I’m not using, and the triangle becomes a small shed for chemical storage. The neighbor is really attached to those chickens, so I took extra time to explain to him that while I can “adopt” them, he accepts the limitations.
           This picture shows the birdbath and some plants along some logs I haven’t chopped up yet. This is one of the favorite foraging spots of the chickens. Here’s another angle toward the birdbath that shows some furniture and two or three of the more successful plants in the foreground. The Devil’s backbone on the left and the two shades of small pink flowers in the center. They will scratch weeds out as long as you don’t let a layer of leaves accumulate. In particular, they do not take to wet leaves. The stump in the center is a fake, the broken branch is bolted on. This is destined to be another bird feeder or stand for a lawn ornament.

           Top of the list is I cannot be responsible for anything that befalls them, good or bad. They get fed when I or Agt. R have time, and I’m taking his (the neighbor’s word) that they can fend for themselves. They scour the whole two blocks daily, so he assures me they are that plump naturally. He says they get a small cupful of feed every other day and don’t always take it, preferring to grub. Having said that, the chickens may soon be roosting here. He says I’ll never lack for a wakeup call. Good, I told him, put me down for 9:00 o’clock.
           What I can bring to the table (no, I won’t say fried chicken) is experience with little Memphis, my budgie. I know about vitamins, parasites, treats, nutrition, and how to clean nesting areas. The rooster prefers wild bird seed while the hen goes for peanut pieces. These birds are too tame to revert to feral, if you go sit on the front yard chair, one of them will beg to be picked up. They will then nest in your lap until you have to go pee. Finally, we have the answer. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because she knew on the other side the neighbor will continue to feed her.
           Oh, come on, you should have seen that one coming. And it is not quite as bad as pointing at the tag and saying, “Oh look, your dog has collar ID.”

Picture of the day.
Avocado on a stick.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Taking stock (get it, chickens, ha-ha) this last week I did not get anything done on the house. It was the gumption thing again, and today was an example. I got out the leaf blower and managed to rake three small piles in the front yard. This left me tired just enough to use it as an excuse to take the afternoon off, and it was prime work weather that I missed. Sure, there have been other causes, but in combination all I accomplished this month is things like painting my trellis. The idea is to create a small area where I can experiment with what goes in this yard. And something to stake my gladiolus bulbs, which are going in this February.
           Sorry for any repeats recently. I had all this keyed in when a typo send my work off to MicroSoft Never Never Land. I do not like MicroSoft because they a nothing but AOLs from the word go. Did I mention, when I finally located the password for this blog, when I tried to log on after ten years, they e-mailed me this massive form demanding all my personal information right down to any subject lines of any e-mails. I have never sent a single e-mail via the account behind this blog, but do you think those Redmond geniuses can wrap their pointy little heads around that. They want my ID over an e-mail account. Who do they think they are, the federal government?

           Yes, the tree in my front yard is a duckfoot oak. Here’s a picture and I ask if that looks like such a thing to you? To me, it’s more like a name derived from the 1820s by some pioneer. You see, there was not all that much to do in Florida and the last 200 years have not changed any of that. I guess if you stare at it long enough, but I’ll never be pioneer-minded enough to get the connection. I’d name it some thing more practical, like the “don’t plant this in your yard unless you like raking leaves year round” tree.
           And I’ve quit my 600 day diet because it was not working. That’s my allowed 1200 calories per day. This year, I regained twelve of the lost pounds without consuming any extra food. This has happened before. The good news is that that number of days permanently changed some of my eating habits. I stay away from pork now and have more vegetarian only meals. I’ve not stopped dieting, instead I’m moving toward the Reb’s style of eating. The theory works like so. To lose weight, you must get your body to quit burning food and start burning fat. This process is not instant, it takes a number of hours. Thus, if you have something to eat every four hours, your system never triggers into the correct mode.
           She rarely eats anything after 6:00PM. Thus, by the time she wakes up next morning, her system has been in fasting mode at least some part of each day. I’m willing to give anything a try. I expect the usual rapid initial loss and a slowdown once my system adjusts. Stay tuned.

           I read the news, that’s a different experience than watching it on TV. I see the Amazon employees in Germany talking an Xmas strike for higher wages. They don’t understand the premise around how American corporations work. Everything is about rapid gains of market share even if the product or process is defective. I think Time ran a recent article calling this the “Unicorn”. And the supposedly hack-free chip credit card has been breached. As this blog pointed out, the chip is not about security, it is about tracking your usage. The fraud hits the weak link between the chip reader and the Visa office, which is still using e-mail technology.
           Another fair warning from this blog. Stay away from Google’s Chrome 79. Its primary purpose is password scraping. It can lock onto any Google account and track other user accounts, gathering the passwords into a Google database called Checkup. This includes non-Google accounts and another reason you should be using DuckDuckGo or Cliqz as your search engine and Protonmail for your e-mail. Um, if you want some glimmering of how badly Google is tracking you, do a search with both Google and DuckDuckGo and compare the results. Chances are, you will be horrified by how Google manipulates your results.
           And the latest targets for cyber-ransom are Iran and New Orleans. And once again, the cause is their usage of C+ code based software. It’s not that they have much choice, but my intent here is to simply alert people to the potential for trouble. My databases are still using good old unhackable DOS. Well, they are hackable, but the school system no longer produces very few people with the brains to do it. And I would spot the attempt instantly.

           Impeachment. I have to say something. Trump is right, the American public are disgusted by this all too obvious attempt to prevent him from running in the next election. Trump is wisely standing by as the process is driving voters away from the Democrat party. I know I would not want to be associated with them over this. The left-owned press is going berserk trying to drum up support but that isn’t working either. Giving banner headlines to that Nadler person calling this “a solemn and sad day”, without realizing for whom. But not giving the names of the twenty-odd “Republicans” who voted along with the Democrats.
           The most disgusting tactic is the way they are trying to convince America that there is a huge anti-Trump movement. (If there is, they don’t seem to be attending any political rallies en masse.) The lie is that the race is so close that if just a few more anti-Trumpers get out there, they can make this thing work. Followed closely by those who hate Trump because of his surprise win. They can’t get over it, especially the ones who were predicting Hillary’s win up to the hour before the last poll closed.
           The Democrats don’t seem to be learning from their own mistakes. I laugh to see their press circulation falling. The headlines announce the impeachment has occured, but inside the article reverts to saying it is merely “looming”. It’s embarrassing to watch these jokers. The media isn’t helping itself either, with their on-line versions demanding not only payment, but your identity. I usually use such sites just to get the headlines, then search for the topic for free. One such article is the vacuum tube train proposal for Texas, called (this time around) the Hyperloop. It runs north-south, the opposite of how most people want to cross that state. Even so, a transit time of 48 minutes would do wonders for the place.

           However, as with all trains, the problem of ground transport at the destination remains. What this nation needs is a good $100 way to transport your car to your destination by rail. But that’s my point, it isn’t your destination, it is theirs. One proposed terminal is in Laredo. All I can say is you have ever been to Laredo, I haven’t. The tube would allow speeds of 700 mph, faster than jet transport. As with anything new in America, it would cost ten times more than in other countries. Capitalism works, but the American version means there are a lot of dirty fingers getting into the pie.

Last Laugh