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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 12, 2020

One year ago today: February 12, 2019, . . . unless it’s voluntary.
Five years ago today: February 12, 2015, El Paso real estate.
Nine years ago today: February 12, 2011, when specials were special.
Random years ago today: February 12, 2014, I still retain XP.

           Agt. R dropped off a bucket of periwinkles this morning. He stuck a hose in the bucket and I asked if they needed watering. No, he said, they had ants. Gee, thanks, how did you know I was running low? Today I got around to the plumbing connections under the sinks. I made a miscalculation, one of the traps is too high for the second sink. I have little choice but to go in through the new wall from the front bedroom and re-run that section of pipe. It has to be moved a full 5” lower and that will be lots of fun. For now, I’ll cap the second sink.
           Another balmy morning, so I painted more railings and the slats for the front yard bench, the one we scavenged in Tennessee. I was reading the catalog of outdoor restaurant furniture up at Dunkin and that aluminum frame appears to be worth $430. That’s pretty much the day and this being a journal, I log what I did. Watered the new trees and the flower patches. My poinsettias are dropping their leaves, I don’t know if this is normal. I raked part of the back chicken area and got out the chain saw for the larger wood pieces.

           The honey bees have found my peach blossoms. We pretty much leave each other alone. Here is the back view of the shed fence. It creates a private little area shown here out of the wind and direct sun. Without that fence, anyone driving past could look right into my back yard at this angle. To the right is that tree cut down just after I moved in. It still has that working water faucet (hose bib) so what are the possibilities for this nook?
Several more sources say avocados are that easy to grow, so I sunk several into a mixture of black soil and potting stuff. Not the big avocados, the small dark green type. Never ate them when I was young, they reminded me of eggs.

Picture of the day.
Mars north pole.
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           Here’s Agt. R planting the pecan tree. I say he put it too deep but he’s the one with the back yard that rivals best. That’s three trees in right at the start of the planting season. We both follow the Almanac on that one. What do you know, two people who actually read the gardening part of that booklet. By around the weekend I may have some radishes. I really don’t know. They seem to be growing well, but all leaf and stem for now. Give me something I can eat. It’s the tuber garden for now. Carrots, radishes, beets, and onions. No potatoes—that’s one plant I kind of have to sidle up to. The tree shown here (barely) is the pecan and we were both wearing maga hats.

           Bernie wins the New Hampshire primary scream the headlines. Where the hell is New Hampshire? By way of comparison, the Tampa newspapers reported Trump’s impeachment acquittal on the bottom of page 6. Sanders is plugging the angle he is the only candidate with zero billionaire donors like it was his choice. Old Bernie is planning on getting his money quite another way. Americans love the way Trump called out the media as liberal-controlled sleazebags. Those networks declared Sanders the “winner” with just 19% of the vote (the 26% is false, they counted the known libtard precincts first). Don’t get me wrong, the only thing I know about these numbers is that they are way too small.
           And I did not know the Democrats are running a lady-boy candidate until I heard him called “Booty Judge”. So if you don’t vote for him, they’ll say you have a phobia. So while we are planting the beginnings of an orchard, the libtards are digging their own graves. People who support widespread welfare can borrow my shovel any time.
After the impeachment hoax, the Democrats don’t stand a chance. They used the process as a power grab and got caught at it. they wasted millions of tax dollars, they tried to shame any criticism as “racist”, and their candidates are laughable. Talk about sore losers, they are already talking of another impeachment. Trump’s main successes in keeping his promises have been in reversing liberal damage—and the left knows the trend will continue. Their only hope remains in stopping Trump from even running, but that would expose their true colors to an unacceptable extent. This should prove interesting.

           Trump held a post-impeachment rally in this New Hampshire so I felt drawn to watch the video. He pointed out how this one rally had more people than all the Democrat rallies put together “times five”. I have not following the numbers but like he says, there has never been an empty chair at his events, which he likes to point out. Emboldened by the acquittal, he is betting better at telling it like it is. He’s got a ways to go to match this blog, but at least he is calling the Democrats what they are, radical socialists bent on destroying the country.
           He’s got the leftists on the run and he knows it. His speeches show he now has his teeth on the bit and he’s not letting the whole liberal camp forget they painted themselves as evil liars. They certainly haven’t been doing the country any good that I can see. I remind all that I am not the person to ask about politics, these are my personal views on a topic I do not much follow. I am a middle of the road libertarian. So you bet I’m surprised to see massive auditoriums full of people who share my perspective. I can’t get enough of Trump’s comments on how bad the other numbers are. They hold a rally and 104 people show. Ha! I can get that many drunks on a dance floor.

           Another thing that should come with warning stickers is men with Aussie accents in foreign countries. Like Thailand. Ladies, there is a reason he has not been back to Australia since he was 20. Trust me, he is not getting by giving English lessons or consulting. I know it’s live and learn but must you women live so long and learn so little? He’s cute, is he? Rule #2: don’t date men prettier than yourself.

Last Laugh