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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

February 11, 2020

One year ago today: February 11, 2019, fence anniversary coincidence,
Five years ago today: February 11, 2015, such inconceivable waste.
Nine years ago today: February 11, 2011, processing fee, my eye.
Random years ago today: February 11, 2013, 14,000 pills.

           Aha! I told there was something funny going on with that DiTech repo-mill that was after Agt. R’s house. They went bankrupt and I would like to think that them losing that deal at the last minute was a contributing factor. What happened, it appears, is they absconded with the last round of mortgage payments on the outfit they sold their outstanding debt to. The new company is trying to bill us as if that payment was not made because it went to DiTech. However, I’ve got them. The payment was mailed several days before they mailed the announcement of the change. This lack of communication might be turned to our advantage. DiTech tried to slip in several hundred dollars of unexplained “fees”, a dispute that was not resolved.
           The current mortgage company is now the sixth that I’m aware of. I’m thinking of putting a trace on the documents to make sure they have all been filed properly. I know the courts are now less likely to be picky over these claims, but the bankruptcy of DiTech may be the key to a broken paper trail.

           Belle of Georgia. That’s one of the new peach trees. Such a peachy name. I was right about my down time, I have to take today off to recuperate. If anything gets done, it won’t be until late this afternoon. I did the paperwork and took the morning off to work the crossword puzzle. Got it, except for the TV and sports names. TV, I can understand because it is so pervasive, but I know of one person only who could name you sports teams and player’s names. And most people I know who go to games are only marginally motivated by the sport in question. Most go there to get drunk and howl like banshees.
           The other peach tree, the one that is flowering already, is not a matching set. It is a species named “Flordaking”, which everybody around here will mispronounce for sure. I took and 18” sawzall blade and severed the root system of everything I could find around the anticipated drip line. In a bit of unplanned luck, my front garden hose will just reach all three trees. Here’s a photo that looks like potatoes. It is slices of tree root, in this shot the one from two feet down and fifteen feet from the nearest tree. The root system under these yards, if visible, must be nearly spectacular. Cutting these roots into slices is gritty work.

           I read another chapter on HTML and CSS, one interesting discovery is that the javascript links included in this coding normally has to reside in the same directory, if not the same folder. Hmmm, I happen to know a bit more about this DOS file structure than most these days. Do they even teach DOS any more? What I’m learning is that although they have buried the code a little deeper than before, it is not any more secure. I simply walked away from manipulating Craigslist when they switched to javascript, I certainly did not give up my grudge against them.

           There are more graphics commands in HTML5, but the underlying structure is the same, which is why most websites are so boring in the same way. At least with people, you get an infinite variety of boring types, but on-line, it is mostly one. If I had the know-how, I’d change lots of things about the way pages are presented. Among the first would be getting rid of that left-side navigation panel unless the viewer specifically asks for it. Speaking of C+ minded people, NASA wants $36 billion (on top of their existing do-nothing budget) to land on the Moon in four years. More than the entire original space program, including that bullshit shuttle all put together. And it took them 40 years to get off their asses.
           We should have been living on the Moon in 1975 and Mars by 1985. So much for spending the tax dollars on social improvements. In other news, a team using electronic imaging on a mummy have recreated the vocal chords using a 3D printer. They produced a sound they claim is the mummy’s . But it is more of a groan that translates into, “Somebody kill those liberals.”

Picture of the day.
Frankenstein light switch.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Who likes painting? I’m okay with it, so I finally got to the garbage can blind, part of the old sawhorses, the swing planter, and one leg of the chicken coop. Here is Matilda inspecting the blind. The chickens follow me around much more than their other human, but I have no explanation. They are extremely well-fed so that is not a likely motive. They cluck along behind me even past piles of their favorite munchies, the roasted peanut pieces. And I can confirm the new visitors are a tufted titmouse pair.
           There are so many birds in the guide that share features until they become tame enough to sit still outside the window, I can’t spot enough distinguishing parts. And except for the Reb’s parents, I’ve never chummed with any birdwatchers.
Trump is kicking people off welfare, that’s what the liberals are screaming. The reality is that he is cutting back on food stamps and hand-outs to the able-bodied. The left loves to say these programs don’t work by quoting a ton of statistics that ignore the plain facts. Welfare breeds a class of dependents who really don’t have any work skills. Why should they bother? Food stamps were an Obama-era vote grab. American welfare does not “lift” the poor to self-sufficiency. They simply adapt to that lower level of income. If you play it right, welfare in America is not that bad at all. The problem with temporary help is it so often becomes permanent.

           The system should discern those who really want to get ahead and one way is to offer job training. There are such programs, but they don’t train for real jobs. If there was a place that would train me to program what I want to learn (web-based database administration), I would never need any type of assistance until I was too old to work. But I’ve known people who were third and fourth generation welfare cases. They learn the ropes, go in for the once-yearly “interview” and back on the pogie. I’m also against the artificial government classification of “mental disabilities” being put in the same pot with physical disabilities.
           Too often you get perfectly healthy people who get away with acting cuckoo, you know the type, work drives them crazy. I would not want to be the one that sets the standards, but there should be some. I see no reason why a person who has occasional feelings of doom can’t work for a living. Hell, I’ve been in office buildings full of such people. Unless the mental condition is a danger to others, work is maybe the best therapy. Still crazy? Put them to work in the asylum and watch the miracle cure rate. Those who say I’m being too harsh have not seen what I have up close. I estimate some rooms I played in Miami, a third of the audience was on welfare.

           The number of cheaters is enormous, the number caught is miniscule. And they receive pathetically short sentences, especially the women, or welfare queens as they are known. And yes, welfare cases and civil servants should be subject to regular and random drug tests. They are part of the swamp. Yes, Virginia, there really are people who are naturally useless and lazy. Hell, I’d never work a job in my life unless I had to, but that’s where things get complicated. I would still work, just not at a job. Welfare does not cure poverty. A lazy person put on welfare is still a lazy person, but now with no incentive to ever change that.
           Look at what happens in Europe. The immigrants go “asylum-shopping”, and head for the countries with the biggest handouts. (Sweden and Germany.). The place in America to get on welfare us Hawaii where benefits approach $50,000 per year. True, living costs are higher in Hawaii, but if you live at home with the parents, think of the possibilities.

           And now the news that the CIA was the real owner of the world’s most trusted encryption company, a Swiss outfit that filed bankruptcy a couple years back. My advice has always been that whenever you use anything electronic, presume your enemies are listening. And when anything goes wrong, change your passwords. This happened last month right here when I accidentally entered my email password into during a blog log-on. Just because you delete it and start over, don’t for a moment think Google doesn’t record that. Ostensibly encryption owners were from Leichtenstein, one of those countries that infuriates the USA by keeping business ownership secret. Once you are identified, the American system has got you by the balls, but places like the Cayman Islands just will not “cooperate”.
           The Americans, compared to the British, are new-born babies at the spy game. The Chinese? Well, they use the brute for approach and should never have been trusted in the first place. My personal system is geared to what I call “time-out delays”. It becomes more difficult to set up anything because by the time the information is available, the event is over. You may be aware I’m going to Tennessee, but you won’t know how or by what route until things are already underway or after I get there. It’s just a good habit when you realize everything is being monitored these days. You make it easier for them to spy on somebody else. I regularly change USB hubs just for the hell of it and so should you, especially if you use one to connect a wireless mouse. request

           I chose a random Craigslist ad and began to examine the code. It is strictly textbook and quite readable. It has edit capability disabled but it is only a matter of time before I find that. It seems to have been created on some sort of IDE, looks terribly advanced to me. But I can read most of the segments and see the links but cannot follow them. But it is javascript and only so much can be done with that. Some items are editable so the next step is to drop every menu and find out what the options are, which ones work, which ones don’t. Since almost every part of javascript is embedded in another, the first thing to look for is the global level that keeps things read-only. This may not be the best approach, but it’s worked before.
           One sure thing—now that Craigslist has the money, the code is far more involved than when I last looked. That was probably ten years ago. On the other hand, there is very little there I could not code by myself, and with javascript, I’m the rookie, at least for another week.

Last Laugh