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Saturday, February 15, 2020

February 15, 2020

One year ago today: February 15, 019, he counted peas.
Five years ago today: February 15, 2015, Wiluck or education?
Nine years ago today: February 15, 2011, yep, 2-1/2 miles.
Random years ago today: February 15, 2007, I hated Esperian before you did!

           I was in Winter Haven before dawn, a foggy, chilly time. I stopped at the other, newer Thrift where I got some deals before. They’ve changed that, too. Prices have tripled for most items. They had a washing machine but wanted $120, way over my expectations, though not my wallet. I suppose they could be haggled but I think prices at such joints should be low enough that isn’t necessary. He’s got Florida pawn shop pricing now, where things cost 2/3 as much as the new article. It isn’t enough of a bargain to justify on anything with moving parts as there is no warranty. Too bad, it started off so well.
           While my other two trees languish, the Flordaking peach tree is blooming like gangbusters. Here’s an excellent closeup of the flowers and now there are bright green leaves appearing. Isn’t that a pretty sight? I’ve been monitoring the other trees very closely and they appear dormant. I do not know if this is good or bad this time of year. All three [trees] are from the same nursery and were potted the same. Howie was around and he’s hopeful. The one apple tree he planted didn’t take, but I figure there must be a reason they plant oranges instead of apples here.

           Back home by mid-morning, I took a couple hours and read the second half of my javascript booklet. Talk about convoluted, no wonder there are so many errors and messed up functions. That concludes my second foray into the language, that is, I’ve read the chapters deeply twice now. My belief is that if something cannot be written down, it is not a clear idea. This text has the same defect as every other on the subject—the author’s themselves don’t really have a grasp on things. The most repeated phrase in the book is, “This concept will become clearer with usage.”
           That smacks of the world’s worst learning system, namely apprenticeship. The book also makes references to W3C and other organizations that are (their words) responsible for all web standards. If so, boy have they ever royally screwed things up. I get the material and that’s how I know it is such a bad system. Learning javascript is akin to un-learning all the guidelines and principles of my most advanced diplomas in programming. For example, all variables should be declared either local or global at the time they are created and stored in a clearly defined section of the program. Not inferred or cast when they are used, often buried deep in the coding. Javascript doesn’t even have a decent method of adding comments. Oooh, there’s that explosion again. What is that neighbor up to?

           Something toppled my birdbath, but not likely the neighbor. That’s heavy, solid concrete and the birds around here are nervy, not big. In the left corner, the Tennessee aluminum lawn bench is visible without the slats. Those are in the back yard with the paint drying. No, I’m not going to video that event despite the likelihood it is the most exciting thing that happens in Polk County these days.
           I’ve decided to put the fence slats on the frame same as a smaller chair-type of seating. It’s more decoration anyway. Here’s some trivia for you. Most of us know that the glass on a bubble level has two lines on it. Did you know the lines are placed strategically? On a properly made level, when the bubble comes to rest centered on one of the lines, the slop is 1/4” per foot. That is normally accepted as drainage slope. But a better idea is to have a four-foot level with a 1” piece of wood attached under one end and use that for slope.

           But always double check. I get a lot of this information from research in older books. It is entirely possible some millennial has since come along and improved matters. I mean, just look at their major accomplishments. Making perfectly good American coins look like foreign subway tokens. Moving dates from the upper right corner of receipts, creating countless new jobs for the tax accounting industry, and never forget the classification of haircuts. I’m a “number five blended up”. All from the generation that brought you pop-ups, ransomware, and Google. As a test, Google “Trump News” for the past 24 hours. I did and 100% of the material is derogatory. That message approved by Bernie.

Picture of the day.
Fancy tea maker.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           It took all afternoon, but the plumbing is done, except for the second sink. The drain isn’t connected yet. As stated, I had to move the entire cabinet out from the wall, see photo. Once I had the thing aside, I took the opportunity to plug a tiny hole a mouse found his way in. And placed a waterproof sheet under the entire area, that’s the white thing you see on the flooring. If any water gets through again, it will only dampen new lumber. And we have enough plumbing supplies left over for some other project. To recap, I had to relocate the drainpipe 3” lower so water from the second sink had a better flow angle. This photo shows the crawl space with the drainpipe removed. As for the waterproof sheet. I decided my bathroom needed it more than the chicken coop, although I did not take a survey.
           Minus the décor, the bathroom is ready as far as I am concerned. Everything works right and the fixtures are all brand new. Note the both sinks share a common faucet and the drawers are not yet altered to slide in past the piping. All the modern conveniences and soon to focus on an unlimited hot water supply. This Florida place is amazing. A climate with rainstorms every other day and flood warnings, yet we have water shortages, such a clear demonstration of the power of non-representative government. Like how Russia got their Belomor Canal, except the power elite here discovered instead of working people to death, it is better to tax them to death.

           [Author’s note: that’s quite literally, most of the people who die from lack of medical care are the highest taxpayers percentage-wise. Trump and others may pay higher total tax, but not as a percentage of their income.]

           It looks like term limits are making the rounds again. Eight years for a president, ten for all others. The old saying goes that all supporters of term limits mean for their opponents, not themselves. There is a very valid argument against the effect of having a constant turnover of leadership. If you have only new and inexperienced people in the government, it leaves the entrenched bureaucracy with the real power. The solution is, again, to remove the voting rights of civil servants, but few besides this blog would consider such a radical concept as viable.
           It was Tampa radio again as Bernie praises the anti-Trump media and swears communism is the answer for all ills, though he has yet to quote an example. But, other than Bernie, I could not name you any other of the Democrat offerings. He says American doesn’t need a pathological liar in the White House. As opposed to what, Bernie? I could say I didn’t know he had specialized medical training to use such big words, but as my family extensively proved, education is entirely not necessary.

           Here is a better view of the bathroom vanity area as it is at the moment. Sorry for repeat info, this was a lengthy process and I’m not done. Note the twin sinks served by a single faucet. There’s the temporary mirror with the other cutout disguised by granny art. The sides are not yet paneled as there remains some electrical work. But, it all works and that alone is a milestone for me. The rest of the place looks better now as stuff finally gets moved back into where it belongs. I have no space for a storage shelf in the bathroom unless it is too high up to reach without a stepstool. Still, it is a vast improvement over the old unit where you had to walk around the sink to get to the dumpster.
           A solid floor (it has been planks only for six months) means I can access the attic again. There remains some insulation and wiring up there and I’m not doing that in the summertime. Oh, let me add how well the attic fan works. There was some tricky reckoning on the cfm figure, too small a fan wastes power, too big a fan draws your air conditioning out. Except for the hottest winter days, the attic fan is enough to keep the entire building temperate. Completing the insulation could better that.

           I notice the FTC is getting tough with sponsored ads that are disguised as personal reviews. How they will police this unknown, but I always thought this brand of payola was part and parcel of the way the greatest generation corrupted the Internet. Stupid, boring people love being bombarded by advertising and getting junk mail and long as you get it, too. That part was definitely around long before web servers.
           Internet privacy takes another blow as a dentist in Australia got the court to order Google to identify who posted a “bad review”. I see both sides of this. One is that Google should not be keeping such information, but the other is that defamation law too greatly favors high income earners instead of protecting the ordinary person against the more definite harm of gossip-mongering. And while we are at it, I agree that All Lives Matter. It’s just that the life of a dedicated, hard-working person who leaves others alone matters more than the average nobody. It seems the post said the patient felt uneasy and suspected the dentist was unfamiliar with the procedure.

           And you have to love the anti-Trumpers who go on about his six bankruptcies. When you are rich, that is the vehicle of choice to protect your personal assets from a business failure. Few would try risky investments if their house was on the line. But then again, these libtards never did quite get it. As long as Trump continues to repair the damage these leftists have done, he will sweep them aside again this November. The Democrats thought they could control how the president acted with their little “political correctness” charade. I even watched a Bernie video but that guy seems to have the wrong take on everything. I wonder if he’d still support the media if they did to him what they do to Trump.
           The wall is going up, 122 miles so fall.. It is concrete poured into a form and has several novel features. One is an anti-climb panel at the top but I cannot find pictures of it. Apparently people can get caught in it because they’ve pulled out smugglers with drugs strapped on their backs. Another is a black coating that makes the wall too hot to touch in the west desert sun. The wall is a series of tall concrete pillars with a gap to see what is on the other side. When they tested the solid wall, the baddies were using catapults to fling 150 lb bags over. To the dismay of the critics the wall is nearly 100% effective where it has been installed. Did you get that, Nancy? Nearly 100%.

           The dissenters are saying the wall can be climbed by 8-year-old girls. What, was there an 8-year-old boy on the other side? Another laugh I get was San Diego. A pack of rich liberals were against the wall. Their neighborhood was being overrun when the first section of wall went up. The reported change was “like day and night”. But guess what? They are still against the wall but don’t want their section torn down, duh. These are the people who think they can run the country? But then again, they are pretty used to saying one thing and doing another. They are familiar with one law for them and another for the poor people. And protection for themselves but not others, yeah leave their wall but don’t build it for the rest.

Last Laugh