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Monday, April 6, 2020

April 6, 2020

One year ago today: April 6, 2019, panic amongst others, hmmm.
Five years ago today: April 6, 2015, I rarely like back.
Nine years ago today: April 6, 2011, why no rich & famous?
Random years ago today: April 6, 2010, no yobs.

           How about a little luck once in a while? Minute examination of the medicine cabinets show there are a pair of reinforcing metal L-shaped brackets on the back. They can be inverted, swapped left to right and turned 90° to reduce the width to 19-1/4”. That makes the cabinet too deep for a regular stud wall, but this wall is 2x6”. The little guy defeats the planned obsolescence of an entire corporation. Not wanting to touch my unit in case I had to return it, I drove across town and examined the display model. There are a tenth as many vehicles on the road as normal, and you know, I think every second one made me wait at a stop sign.
           This raises the question, why do I complain about something that I won’t do anything about? The answer is: I didn’t say it was wrong. I said I didn’t like it. What’s the difference? Listen up. The caliber of the people who impede me is actually a positive sign. Like my family, it’s proof they are doing something that only affects me when I’m getting ahead. When I behave like them there is no clash, but also no getting ahead.
           It’s a vindication of my theory that it requires 10,000 losers to support each winner. It comes as no surprise those 10,000 must behave much alike. They necessarily have different schedules and directions, and so forth. For a bogus comparison, let’s identify some types people who never get in my way. Warren Buffet. Taylor Swift. Bunker Hunt. Ann Coulter.

           Later. As you can see in this before and after, the mirror is installed. Actually, it is hard to see because of the cedar décor, but notice there is no big hole in the wall any more. This task, you’re looking at 6-1/2 hours. However, it is raised 1-1/2” higher to allow for a more elaborate faucet arrangement, which I may fashion myself if I can find the parts. I think the change at Boss Hogg [radio] from primarily country music to jazz is going to stay a while, at least until they clue in that’s not what this area wants. We have enough talk radio, gospel, sports, news, rock, rap, crap, and foreign language stations already.
           To me, jazz is like blues. The odd tune is interesting in moderation, but the bulk is unlistenable for the working man. Which is the second most common time I listen to radio, after driving. Jazz, to me, is discordant, messy and all over the place. It had its era, now let it fade to the level of ragtime and swing. Only eggheads and their ilk still promote as popular or easy listening, most often it is heard when it is shoved on you. And in Hollywood movies who can’t afford decent sound tracks.
           Central Florida is a radio wasteland except for Boss Hogg and they’ve gone tinkered with the equation. There is already a problem with evening interference from that monkey talk radio station, where every five minutes you hear the English phrase “welfare office”. Quite disgusting, really.

Picture of the day.
Port Moresby housing.
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           Here’s 40 pounds of sunflower bird seed. Your treat today from the blog that dares. I’m the one on diet, not my avian friends. The original red cardinal family is back, having displaced the interlopers. I’ve tried to tame them enough to feed at the kitchen window but they remain skittish. The feral chickens, Matilda and LayLay, also eat sunflower so this is more all-purpose than it looks. I never did get around to replacing the hopper feeder in the front yard. Getting ahead on the renovations does bring that slightly closer.
           You see, an emergency trip to Tennessee is possible with this virus. Nobody in the family is infected but there is news the bug is jumping species as well. I don’t know if this whole lockdown thing is wise, since these flus tend to make a second pass in the fall. If so, few will have immunity and I doubt the economy could last another episode like this. This is not to say the infection isn’t have a positive effect on some attitudes. The cash money on the street seems gone, I’m the only one left who seems to be spending cash. What happens when they max out their credit cards?
           The advice from back west is to keep a couple grand handy in case of any panic selling. Yeah, I could stand to triple my cash a few times. For the record, I was ready for this kind of government action. I have reserves here to last two years, and if that runs out, I just need to get to Colorado where I can last forever. I made the near-fatal error of trusting the system before 2003. That won’t ever happen again.

           Another challenge. I know some of the new harmonies well enough to pair them up as medleys. Just splice them together with Audacity, methinks. Wrong. There is some quirk in that software that causes the second tune to change key and tempo depending on the first tune. Even when independently opened and pasted on a new stereo track, the problem occurs every time. Searching produces the wrong replies, they say the songs must be in the same key. Not what I’m after. Even in the same key, there is a shift. Here we go again, once you need anything a bit above kindergarten level, there’s nothing on line. My alternative is to create playlists with the tunes back to back, but I dislike the playlist concept because it’s gotten in my way too often.
           I’m saying I won’t use playlists on stage. I need the flexibility to change the tune orders. What I want is the option to play two or three symbiotic tunes back-to-back as an option. I’m using a DVD player, not VLC, on stage, so there is plenty of space to record all the duplicate material I want.

           I don’t think I’m going to get all that much out of the average AuvoriaPrime tutorial. Most of them are recorded informal meetings. No outline, no plan, wandering off the topic, and a lot of time elaborating on the obvious. My mind starts to shut out boredom after maybe ten minutes, hoping they will get to something I can use. The videos have zero entertainment value and tend to over-dwell on basics. What I need is the knowledge to interpret the statistics, which don’t match anything in my real-world experience. The few that have familiar names, like stop-loss, seem to be implemented differently or with a load of quirks.
           This was anticipated, to a degree, by the the Reb & I. For example, when we first went on-line to a Zoom meeting (yes, I’m aware of their reputation) for a how-to session, we came away with different perspectives. She could remember where the button was located, I could only remember the function. Naturally, we hope to parlay these [combined abilities] into an advantage. One annoyance already is the trade notification feature. This is the section that notifies you there is a pair of currencies that match your trading conditions and asks for approval. It does not automatically list or emit any signal, you have to keep checking it over and over. A hassle. I’ve made $3 since y’day morning, but where is it?

           Keeping one eye on the reno work and the other on this monitor, I’ve okayed around six trades this morning. I see this must be designed for dumb people with smart phones who don’t mind the eFAGs watching their trades. Complacency is what got them where they are. Like I said just earlier, there is an entire body of law that’s got past them. You’ve heard me over the years mention small things that only I seemed to find annoying. Why do I have to show ID to exchange currency at a mall kiosk? Why has it become illegal to wear a mask in public except on Halloween? Why do I have to prove residency to get the electric hooked up? What’s with taking people’s pictures at the toll booth? You see the pattern, most people never object to such laws because it affects them personally so little at the time. They are missing the point.
           Around midnight, I’d okayed around a dozen trades. They were mostly buy orders. If last week’s pattern is followed, around noon tomorrow, the selling begins and if the software works, we’ll see some income. That’s still using the dummy account. My department is to figure out the operation and not to get into the political end of the business. I have no doubt if the layers of jargon get stripped away, this is at heart an MLM operation. And I will no recruit anybody on principle alone. Even when I write personal letters to my people, I take care to assure them I am not selling anything. Such behavior is not tolerated in my social circles.

           [Author’s note: I’m amused by the mis-use of the phrase “social distancing”. It is a take-off on the much studied “social distance” of the psychology crowd. Its original meaning was the space you naturally feel comfortable with when standing near a stranger. For me, it was six inches out of arm’s reach. So six feet is even better. As I said so long ago, if you get closer than that, I step back. You think I’m standoffish, I think you’re pushy. The usual exceptions apply. Taylor can stand on my head if she wants.
           You are aware this Taylor thing is all humor, right? She representative of that tiny category of accomplished women that could steal my keys from in my old blue dungarees. I mean no disrespect, I highly admire and respect such people.]

Last Laugh