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Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 18, 2020

One year ago today: June 18, 2019, sneak attack.
Five years ago today: June 18, 2015, opining on real estate.
Nine years ago today: June 18, 2011, a boy named Lynn.
Random years ago today: June 18, 2014, a lot happened that day.

           Another week of Forex trading has netted 0.908%. That would be enough if not for the monthly rental fee on the software. And that’s what is beginning to rub. The “support” is just not there. Again this morning, I was on-line for the scheduled meeting and nobody was there. According to Zoom, the host never even activated the session. Folks, if you think you can cancel meeting arbitrarily, it’s probably a wise idea to quick calling them “scheduled”. The point of this week is that if we had not taken losses due to the software, our 11th week of trading would have averaged 2.397%, which is attractive enough.
           The problem is nobody will tell us how to cancel trades. This has two parts. First, we don’t usually notice the loss until the stop-loss feature fails. That’s question number one. The idea is to dump the trade fast, but we get treated to increasing losses because there is no command to sell and cut the loss. We’ve “lost” close to $300 over this issue already.

           This photo is the latest product to be millennialized. Change is not the same as improvement, and they’ve taken away the part of this plenum that made the pack easy to carry. What makes this into a millennial piece of work involves two key features. First, it’s a change that could have been done at any time in the past but nobody was enough of a prick. Second, it makes things just a little harder on the other guy.
           You see, unless you reach between the bottles and pick this version up with two fingers, which will quickly tire your grip, the only other way to pick it up with one hand is by one of the bottles. This is very inconvenient, I’ve had other bottles work their way out by gravity. So to save 1/1000th of a penny, some millennial jerk-wad had removed a primary function of the plenum, but retained its full ability to strangle sea turtles. Way to go, Brandon!

           News back from my medical pal says the sniffles and mild sore throat are not symptoms of the Covid flu. I needed that confirmation, considering I may be having brunch with his ex-ste-sister-in-law tomorrow afternoon. That reminds me, the yacht lady is ready to sell a lot of the things she knows will no longer be used. Remember those beautifully restored antique radios? That’s one fraction of what’s in that huge old house. I’ve written about this recently, but today was the official notice that things are up for sale. If things go right, I may invite her along. Still, a flu is a flu and I’ve got something.
           SpaceX has proposed building a floating spaceport off the coast of Texas. That’s using your noggin, Elon. My biggest regret is I likely won’t live long enough to see the results and my dream is to hear they’ve found life elsewhere than Earth. The sobering effect that would have on so many loudmouths alone would make it all worth it. I’m going to presume something. That our enemies places like China and Democrat party headquaters are going stir crazy. Just when they think they’ve gained on the USA, they are reminded that this country is so rich we have private citizens launching rocket ships.

Picture of the day.
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           Guess what we did this afternoon? I would have to charge around $250 to make any money putting in a three-way switch. I was going to call it half done when I had the light fixture wired, but carried on until I have one of the switches in place. The easy one. The other involves going into the attic and fishing wire behind the fridge. I was up there less than an hour today, taking advantage of the wind and cloud cover. But that does nothing for the humidity. Wow. Anyway, while I had the wall apart and cutting drywall, I opted to put in another ceiling fan. The bracket is already installed up there, I was thinking ahead but did not yet know the final wall configuration. The combined kitchen dining area should work out quite cozy, even space for a comfy chair. That’s one chair.
           I fired off a two page letter to Bryne, catching up on things. He knows me only as a computer guy to plays bass. He’s a guitarist, but once again, not suitable for duo work for the same reasons as the rest. But, he’d be in his 70s by now and maybe mellowed a bit. Here’s a view of the switches. Left to right are ceiling fan (not yet wired), wall sconces, and the nearly-infamous 3-way. Don’t worry about the bare wires, each is on a separate branch and that one has no hot side yet.

           Ha, how do you like the police using social media to nab the lady tossing a Molotov cocktail into a squad car. Other crowd photos show she wore a T-shirt sold only on Etsy. They went over Poshmark customer lists and found the customer user name, which they matched to a LinkedIn account. They also noted the “Peace” tattoo and followed the delivery of the T-shirt to her home address. A classic. But it would not have worked on me. I buy nothing on-line in or by credit card, nor do I take deliveries at a home address. Anyway, if convicted she gets seven years. But being a woman, she’ll get off unless they decide to make her an example.
           Meanwhile, police departments have ramped up their training so that their body cams have a hard time recording any police brutality. They are on a massive sweep to grab cell phone data, not on criminals or suspects, but on everybody. Europe has been too quiet lately, something is cooking over there. How about #whitestrike? They are advocating white people simply don’t keep providing and see how long these wokes and justice workers last without whites. And get a load of Zuckerberg trying to score brownie points by making anti-Trump statements. But what’s really pathetic is the claim that the media is biased because it riot coverage showed mostly non-whites.

           How about those European scientists who grew brain matter from Neanderthal DNA. Modern Europeans have 1% to 4% and a scientist named Camp has succeeding in isolating enough of it to grow what is called a mini-brain. You are not supposed to think he could have all the primitive DNA he wants for the asking by booking a flight to Minneapolis. No, you better not think that. It wouldn’t be nice.

           The eastern indigo snake that has taken up residency in my yard. I’ve noticed the lack of varmints for a while, even the larger raccoons and possums stay away. I wonder if there is any connection. Let’s look at the stats. It is the longest North American snake, reaching up to 8 feet, this one is a little over 5 feet. It is protected. They are immune to rattlesnake venom and will eat them. The glow of the scales is caused by the optical diffraction of light. It lives in gopher holes and it says the snake requires a very large home range, making it vulnerable to highway death.
           The snake feeds on fish, frogs, toads, lizards, small mammals, and birds. For the previous two days, the front yard as been unusually silent. Normal feeding time in the morning has not been evident. However, I saw the red cardinal so they are okay. Around noon the snake was sunning under the stairs by the side door. It’s still an elusive critter so I I get any good pics, it’s mostly luck.

           Here’s a profile of the Fishman in rehearsal configuration. The literature says small to medium rooms, but doesn’t define that. I’m taking a chance, it was loud enough for the Fubar. We need a nickname for the new bar in case they like my show. How about “Krazies”. Yeah, that’s connotative. Krazies has a longer, narrower projection area. If it can’t pump out sufficient volume, I will have to take back my Gigrack from Fubar right when they need it quite a lot. I’ve gone over every port on the Fishman and there is no powered output anywhere. I read the manual cover to cover with no results.

           This is why I originally considered the Boss model. It’s a similar format but has a connection for an external woofer. It was also three times the price. I’m limited to the few controls shown here, so I’ll allow extra time to match the acoustics. I’m no sound man but that’s part of the ambience. My people out west are sending me a lot of their fabled encouraging words. I was too busy all day to remember to put up “dance posters”.
           And in the part you don’t have to know, I’ve run the numbers on average attendance, that is occupied chair count on every club within sixteen miles of here. I know what to expect in each place depending on whether they have entertainment that night. I have a potential twelve locations, well more than enough, and one of the best ones is only ten blocks away. But I’m leaving that until last because I often stop in there myself. It was easy, I used the elaborate spreadsheet that mapped out for my bingo shows. In six years, I spent less than $1,000 of my own money on entertainment, not bad.
           One hard number I can tell you is I’m aiming for what they are paying the lousiest guitar players in the county. I know the ropes, how to get people who poke in for one to stay, how to get the regulars to hang around later, my goal is have the house experience a 15% increase in total sales. At the worst place in the county, that’s only a $120 extra dollars and I know I can generate that. I’m seeking $150 per night, plus tips and three free drinks on the house. I can’t supply the actual figures, but it should be obvious why I find music such a great hobby.

Last Laugh