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Friday, June 19, 2020

June 19, 2020

One year ago today: June 19, 2019, the Texas welfare queen.
Five years ago today: June 19, 2015, the musical mad scientist.
Nine years ago today: June 19, 2011, the 555 timer.
Random years ago today: June 19, 2007, bannock recipe.

           Ha, there is a touted new group of C++ training videos on line (no link) so I tapped in to have a boo. Don’t waste your time, all the videos reveal is that the so-called experts themselves barely have a grip on the code. One of the worst aspects of C++ and related languages is variable names. To them, “myValue” and “MyValue” are two different variables. Not when you are talking on the phone, or when you’ve got a millennial who hates his shift key. Good morning. For some, I mean, as T-Mobile follows AT&T to inform hundreds of employees there are “no longer needed”. Don’t come crying to me, any of you. I predicted this by quitting, let’s see, over 24 years ago now.
           It’s eat anything I want Friday so when I woke famished, I went for the three egg ham & onion omelet. I can’t taste it. Just great. The sniffles and sore throat are gone, but so are my taste buds. That’s a disappointment; I should have clued in when I could not smell the onions sautéing. If I want to eat food with no flavor, I’ll go to Olive Garden. As you’ve figured, I was listening to Tampa radio while working on the 3-way switch. All day, so you can skip out if you want.

           For instance, here is a pic of the attic crawl space. It’s been so long, I just had to upload today's view. The planks have warped, but generally the insulation and a rainy day made it not too bad up there. I was only up the ladder twice and the switch worked right the first time. I’ve got a critter nest to get rid of and I was reminded of a dozen small chores still to finish up, like insulating under the planks.
           I’ve been prompted to explain the significance of this switch. It is the first “luxury” necessity on this project. The bathroom with two medicine cabinets and the work shed are not by any means luxuries. So this marks the turning point of finally embarking on some finishing touches. The light was a requirement, but I just lived some years with the one switch.

           News from Bryne. He went to California in 2012 and found the place to be a hell-hole. Odd, because he ran a business there, in Carmel, and I thought he had a soft spot for the state. If so, that’s history and he now thinks it is the most screwed up state of all. I have not lived there since 1991. He developed a medical condition, and get this. His doctor told him to leave the state because he would get no help for the reason he was white. It was serious, he spent a few days in a coma. Maybe I’ll drive out to see him before it’s too late. He now has stents, welcome to the club, I have “more than five” myself.
           Yep, he’s right. The system has been infected by the liberal virus, strange because they are the least liberal faction in America. The BLM people are claiming the media is racist because their coverage of the protests showed “only black rioters”. How much more proof do you need, huh? TMOR, it’s wise to remember these leftist are a minority, but they had a twenty-thirty year free rein to label all opposition as racist, biased, or Nazi.
           Very few people believe in their cause, but they were terrified to quote any facts or views for fear of being labeled. Then along came Trump and peeled that away—being called racist has less meaning now than I can ever remember. It’s more the sign of the name-caller has just lost the argument. And the entire libtard movement is going ballistic. Like we don’t observe 24 of the 27 cities with riots were Democrat hotbeds. In fact, it is drawing the majority whites together more than any politicking ever could. This November will indeed be interesting.

Picture of the day.
Pitcairn Island.
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           I’ve once again become a consumer of CDs. My show remains set up for that format and compared to some of the new MP3 playback devices, it’s easier to use. Most shows get a custom CD burned until I have a selection that fits most audience profiles. Over the years at the computer shop, my equipment gradually got updated to the point I have the best of everything. It’s amazing what people will leave in a computer they don’t want back. This morning my best CD burner, a rare Pioneer DR-966 (I think, the label is worn) started to issue data verification fails. That sucker would copy anything when set at the slowest speed. DMCA-ers, eat my dust. After a decade and a half of stirling service, once the laser gets misaligned, it’s game over.
           Not to be dismayed, I ran through my song list and it went surprisingly well. A lot of the tone and balance glitches are worked out and I breezed through all the intros. I still need a foot pedal handy, but if I can get that sound tomorrow, I’ll be truly happy. It’s going to be the Fishman only, maybe the fact it lacks a powered out put is the reason they call it the Solo. Just kidding, there. The bar manager says the only reason for failure she’s ever seen is when a band is so bad people want to play the juke box. I should be able to avoid that.

           Then back to the lighting wires and by late afternoon, that my hand by the ladder as I test the switch. The fact it worked perfectly is not over my understanding of the wiring, but that I followed the directions very closely. There’s still a nest of loose hanging wires behind the fridge. I had to knock out some more drywall and improvise a hammer-drill to get through that one old cross-brace. It can wait, it’s safe, just not pretty. Elliot sends me an article about the Canadian government launching an investigation into a hospital.
           Seems the staff was taking bets on the blood alcohol reading of drunk Indians proud First Nation Aboriginals admitted for treatment. Most of them would not know what a buffalo looks like, but let’s not quibble. Whites took their land just like they took it from the Clovis culture, but recent scientific studies have proven that only white people can be racist. So it is only bad when white people do it. This raises the same question I asked about Hawaii in the 1980s when the Chinese “natives” bitched about the white man. Does this mean they’d prefer some other race come in there and take them over? If so, which one? It’s not like they could exist on the biggest island in the middle of the biggest ocean and not have somebody invade.

           Big kerfuffle in the Middle East as an Israeli soldier gets 45 days light duty for shooting a “Palestinian fisherman”. Really? I’d like to hear the soldier’s side of this. What was a fisherman doing along a stretch of border fence famous for violent demonstrations? The message is simple, don’t harbor or hang with terrorists. I wonder what I would do if any moved in next door to me. My interest in the situation is that the Palestinians, despite how many years now, have never developed any court system, or economy, or any real civil organizations of their own. Yeah, I get it, they started as refugees. But didn’t we all? Still, that was 70 years ago, not that they’d ever managed it before, but they’ve had plenty of time.
           Hence, the only controlling force in the area is the Israeli military. They don’t appear to open fire without provocation, but nor can you expect them to do anything to make their soldiers hesitate when threatened. I know what it is like to be the only one around who is facing the reality of the situation. Nobody listens until it’s too late and you just know they are going to drag you down with them. Did I just describe the millenialization of America?

Last Laugh