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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17, 2020

One year ago today: June 17, 2019, they are not scientist.
Five years ago today: June 17, 2015, the challenge of learning.
Nine years ago today: June 17, 2011, Tumbleweed is still there.
Random years ago today: June 17, 2013, I diss Miss Utah.

           The usual nerve tonic, I ran over my set lists first thing in the morning and everything went wrong. And we go live in around 96 hours. Mostly it was balance problems, the vocals or the MP3s would not mesh right. I got away with it a bingo because I was sitting down and worked two swell (volume) pedals. But with music, one pedal is it. I need the other foot to stand on. My case of the sniffles is abating, that’s a good sign. It kept me indoors and reading so I have some trivia for you. Tungsten, used for light bulb filaments, is getting rare and most of what’s left is in China. There are around 120 year’s supply left.
Did you ever wonder how they get that tiny filament wire to coil? While it is hot, they wrap it around a tiny core.
           When it cools, they drop the whole thing in acid and the core dissolves. You like trivia, do you? Okay, they only mine around 50 tons a year and tungsten is Swiss for “heavy stone”. We used to have more trivia in this blog, then I bought a house. It will be fun, they said. This picture is an award-winning lychee tree. I can’t find that picture, so here’s one of the tire tread of the truck that was used to steal my scooter. The cops say they don’t have enough evidence or witnesses to press charges. I was unaware witnesses were required for possession of stolen property.

           Another city burns and funny, there is no reaction from the authorities. Trump remains silent, which tells us he is aware that it is Democrat policy behind these riots. Clever, he lets Democrat politicians accuse whites who defend themselves as racist and how he lets the leftist press scream police shootings of unarmed blacks. The problem for the lefties is that nobody is buying it, rather it is building a seething hatred of all things “liberal” and that means the Democrat party. Today’s addendum elaborates on one incident. The people who scream Trump should do something, be advised that he is. He’s letting the left and their lackeys expose themselves like never before.
           I reached all these conclusions while roughing in that kitchen 3-way, now into the third day. Part-time, of course. This proves I have just as much grasp on the facts as anyone over at Huffington or the NYT. Running cable is not bad in a fan-equipped, insulated, attic with plenty of lighting. It’s the up and down that ladder ten times each stage that tuckers me. I seem to need a break after each round but be damned if I’ll hire anybody to stand around and had me the odd tool. That hardest part is drilling cable holes though that 70-year-old lumber. The final stage is running the cable and I’ve only got that half done. Every day shows a little progress. Even if I did lose one of my 3-way switches. Hold it, I just thought of something. What if it is already installed at the now-unused front door?

Picture of the day.
Swiss-German border.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I drove around to take down all the reward posters and thank the participants, who include Citgo, DollarTree, and Circle K. One mark of professional management is these places allowed me to put up the posters regardless of corporate policy. I don’t know which, but it was one of these location where the scooter was recognized. The missing plate is a problem but I have people out west ready to go to bat. I quit with the light after a few more hours. The snag is the old wiring, which was designed to save money on wire. I don’t mind a cable being hot at the switch, but many times one side of the line stayed hot at the fixture.
           Word has gotten ‘round about the Saturday gig. I had a hand in that, stressing it was “opening night” of a new act, you know, that a flop is possible. That should bring ‘em in, it’s a small town. Let them show hoping for a bomb, we’ll cash in on that, too. I’ll enhance the gig by putting up posters. It’s a neglected tactic due to the drunk driving laws, but it still works. Before I forget, I went around to all the businesses that let me post a reward for the scooter and personally thanked them, a nice touch. I know the scooter was spotted because of them but not which location. I’ve got the replacement plates underway, it won’t cost $300 a second time. What I can’t find is a regulation ignition, I may have to drive to Tampa, one of my least favorite cities.
           This photo is the core of my act. That DVD player in the background has a disk with the sets all mapped out. I learned this from bingo, use a DVD player because it displays the list of tunes. Years ago I saw one lady playing along to her cell phone, quite a good sound, but a mite too long between tunes. I’m holding the XLR plug, this is the only one I found and it is forty feet too long. But cables can’t be returned and I’m not shelling out for one until I know how well it works.

           The planning for a truck is well underway despite the lack of a budget. It doesn’t take much to calculate relying on Agt. R costs more than a good second-hand unit. It’s the insurance that kills, as always that industry mollycoddles the core group of bad drivers and applies the cost peanut-butter to all others. What? Peanut-butter? It’s an accepted accounting term, get it from context. For siesta today, I read a chapter on boat-building, the one about the limitations on speed based on the length of the boat. I could not follow the formulas. But it was noted that steam took over from sail not because it was faster, but because delivery times could be guaranteed.
           It gets more amusing each month, how the public is now going crazy to get back their privacy now that they’ve given it away. They want regulation and openness and accountability and all kinds of band-aid cures. Put the cat back in the bag, unscramble the egg. What a pack of morons. I was just reading how Zoom bowed to pressure to encrypt their services (E2EE for end to end encryption) but my advice is never say anything on Zoom you would not tell your worst enemy. The reaction of the authorities makes it plain that wire-tapping and surveillance have become routine in this once-free country. I’ve got a few words to say about that—words I first said in my teens.
           It is the laws themselves that have resulted in the lawlessness. The laws themselves and the unevenness with which the police enforce them. Besides, police should be more concerned with applying the law than enforcing it. What I said was the system, over time, creates its criminals by too many intrusive laws. With a few years of living here, the average person now knows how to cheat on taxes, pirate music, buy pot, work under the table, peel off license tabs, steal cable TV, drive without insurance, and so on. The authorities have nobody to thank but themselves for that. They’ve made it too expensive to obey the law.

           You know who else are a pack of pricks? Avira, the anti-virus people. Sure, they give a free version, but it isn’t free, you see. Their idiotic ads keep appearing with the close button disabled. They are pricks, not for trying to make a buck, but because once you’ve been told “no” say, twenty times, maybe it’s a good idea to GFY. Once again, the major reason I don’t subscribe to anything on-line is because there is no way to pay anonymously. Important detail, folks, it’s not me worried about my privacy because it has always been protected.

           That video of the man shooting the punks with the skateboards? Classic. The cowards thought four of them had a lone white man cornered, shouting they were going to kill him. The scene of that one dropping to the ground clutching his leg, that should be required viewing for all punks. I agree, the system is wrong, but rioting isn’t going to work. Mind you, I suspect organized violence may soon play a part in change, since change is not going to come fast enough from within. I like that term ‘white privilege’ as if we have it all our own way. I’ll tell you what I think the real problem is.
           Years ago, I was as poor as anyone and probably poorer because I could not run down to the welfare office. I worked, but just long enough in my life to develop something others around me did not. It is called infrastructure. Welfare breeds permanent dependence because it removes any requirement for the recipients to create their own. I’m proud to say to this day, with my income less than most people, I live a pretty good life by comparison. I have infrastructure, and a lot of it is carefully put together to support only the things I need. Because I also have experience with parasites who will show up and demand a share of any surplus, real or perceived.

           As an example, look at the focus on my bass playing. It’s parallel to my situation when I was ten years old. If you don’t recall that, you have not read back far enough. It’s the best example I give of acquiring something valuable that the envious malcontents and squealing peasants cannot steal behind your back or demand you give them half. A good question is where on Earth would a mere ten-year-old develop this manner of thinking? He should be thinking about riding his bicycle or playing softball. Go back and read, my friend. I’ve no natural talent, but I play [bass] every day causing people to think I have some.
           And I will never starve because of it. Actually, I’ve done quite well and I’m glad I chose something like music. My secondary plan was to achieve a university degree by age 22, but there was an 11 year delay on that—although I had only that final year to go, so I had the bulk of knowledge from these courses. The one that I’ve used the most is accounting and the related ability to use spreadsheets. By the way, to this day I never “automate” my spreadsheets, preferring to enter the formulas and data into the cells by myself. Because I’ve also learned about relying on others to do that right.
           Another reason to avoid automated spreadsheets is they use the dreaded MicroSoft Visual Basic programming script, not to be confused with true BASIC.

Last Laugh