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Friday, June 26, 2020

June 26, 2020

One year ago today: June 26, 2019, a generic post.
Five years ago today: June 26, 2015, the door-closer thingee.
Nine years ago today: June 26, 2011, I get suspicious.
Random years ago today: June 26, 2014, working on the clubhouse.

           You can tell a pending hot day here by the time in the morning the attic fan cuts in. And today will be a broiler as I wait out this confusing strain of flu. Imagine all the flu symptoms, fever, cough, sore joints, sneezing, sniffles, etc. Now, instead of getting them all at once, each one has a day all to itself. My sense of taste is back, yesterday was sore throat and today is shallow coughing. It’s a conspiracy, Wal*Mart and Big Pharma, out to get my OTC money. They don’t know I can make chicken soup with only four ingredients. (This photo is described below.)

           The one condition that persists is fatigue. I’m no dynamo for sure, but I like to put in some real effort every day. This morning nearly knocked me out just making breakfast. I even watched more of that Hillary Duff DVD. It’s tough for me to follow along sympathetically to someone born with enough talent and money to get into music school at age 16, but I like the reminder of my own college days even if most of them were in the dead of winter. I was so broke in those days I tend to forget how bad off things were. But, I would not trade it for anything, because in those days every college babe was a work of art. And I hate to the only one in the whole wide world to say it, but these days campus can look more like a dog show. Academics isn’t the only standard that’s gone for a dump.
           Since I live on a route to a high school can see things aren’t doing much better for them either. It used to be the pretty girls that hung around in cliques. Must be something in the diet or water. Even junior high in my day was better—which of us schoolboys can ever forget the day Linda James, the wife of our Social Studies teacher (she taught elementary) wore a blue bra and a white shirt. It was a moment even Hollywood can’t capture.

           I’ve decided not to repair the scooter ignition for now, allow me to explain. The key is only a slight deterrent. The scooter less likely to be hot-wired than thrown on a truck, as was the case when it was stolen. I filed down a screwdriver to just the right shape and it’s fine but tricky to turn off. I’ve made arrangements to replace the stolen plate, Meanwhile it’s quite usable and the detective on the case, aware that the plate is being replaced, says if I get pulled over just give his name.
           I’ve given up on the Belle peach tree. It has not taken after four months, same with the plum tree. Both are guaranteed, but I can’t find the receipt for the latter. I’m creating a surprise vegetarian avocado sandwich filling for the Reb’s birthday and needed a radish that looked different. Becca has e-mailed a potential solution. It’s not the radish, but the way it is sliced. Called a watermelon radish, it looks like this. I found a source Pinetree Gardens that says they prefer a cooler climate, but radishes were already a priority for my raised planter. Right now it is growing weeds because of the dirth of potting soil in the county. Actually, there is soil available – at 8 times the price I’m prepared to pay.

           You can tell if you have the right Pinetree catalog if everything is sold out, ha! If I never said, Becca is into home crafts, she’s got one of those incredible embroidery machines. Yes, but I’m the one who can program in the new patterns. She knows how to make something she calls butter out of plant seeds, like coffee and mango, not for eating but as skin crème. Why don’t I get in my car and go visit her? Because I’ve got that flu bug and at my age, all beautiful women are too valuable to risk. It was also her who pointed out the large GMO corporations (think Monsanto) have been secretly buying up all the small seed companies for some twenty years now.

Picture of the day.
Near Valley Forge.
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           According to NBC news, “experts” have stated that hidden Chinese spyware “was probably planted by a nation-state”. That has got to be the telling comment on millennialism. Last to catch on, always shocked, and every one of them a Captain Obvious. Even then, the so-called experts said “probably”, as built-in deniability is a millennial prerequisite. And talk about fools, one of the questions they ask is was it just the one company, or does it target everyone. I mean, you fucking morons have to ask?
           In case you are wondering, the software can be packaged with the install or implanted later by an update, a process perfected by MicroSoft. What it does is hide copies of itself in your registry that communicate with each other, what is known as triple persistency. At programmed intervals, one of the locations confirms the implants are in place, or if any has been deleted, to download replacement copy.
           That covers two layers, the third layer is when the implant detects that it has been detected. This is handled in a variety of ways but the sneakiest is to send a code to the detection software to ignore, which requires collusion from the detection company. These copies do not themselves spy on you, their purpose is to allow secret parties to activate backdoors to your system. I first noticed the vulnerability became standard with Windows Vista, with its 55,000 extra lines of unexplained code.

           In another demonstration of chickenshit cowardly squeamishness, a Houston realty group has dropped the term “master bedroom”. It seems there is some vague link in weak minds to the issue of slavery some 150 years ago, but these liberals are out of straws to clutch. They now invent them Speaking of cowards, the MSM is still not telling the whole truth about that incident of the 16 y.o. who said an old man sexually assaulted her. A mob that included her brother beat him to death, while a video on the bus later showed she lied about the whole thing. The cowardly press refers to the girl and her brother only as “teens”.

           My European news feeds report execution style hits on cops. Funny, no mention of that in the American media.

Last Laugh