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Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020

One year ago today: June 8, 2019, remember ‘Hops-a-long’?
Five years ago today: June 8, 2015, there is something redeeming . . .
Nine years ago today: June 8, 2011, a few differences.
Random years ago today: June 8, 2016, hating Hitler, only $12.99.

           I thought Ford screwed me around, but maybe not. I drive out west to get a spare tire for the car. They don’t have any, but just as I’m leaving, a Taurus comes in on the wrecker. The guy sells me the spare for $15, what a deal. I get home and go to place it in the spare pocket and guess what? Ford makes two virtually identical tire sizes for that car. Then I’m informed the 16” donut spare is the correct size for a 15” rim. Can anybody confirm this? It is hard as hell to tell by looking and even holding it up to the lugs didn’t help. I just don’t have time to try it for real, my clinic called and wants me there a day early. So I contacted the guy at the wrecker yard and he also says it will fit. So I’m taking the chance.
           Wrestling with the AuvoriaPrime software is producing idiotic results—though they would not be funny if it was your real money. Like all such code, it reaches a saturation point where it cannot be fixed, they instead keep adding code past the point of no return. This code is definitely in that realm. I’m past the preliminaries and thinking of shopping around. The Auvoria “crew” say they are available to help. But the reality is individual questions, which invariably involve a call-back, are too labor intensive and as you know by now, the webinars are too time-consuming.

           It was a muggy summer day as I dragged everything out of the car, shook it out and put things back in some sort of order. Car camping is impossible except in winter here, so it only has to look nice. I finally finished Zane Grey’s “To The Last Man” and there are no twists. Isbull and Jorth team up as husband and wife. The metaphors must have been shocking for the day, or more like when I was a youngster, you had to pretend they were shocking. It was somewhat laborious for me because I don’t find anything about the cowboy lifestyle to be alluring or romantic, or for that part even very American. I know most of them did not talk like that and none of them were especially refined or educated. I mean, cattle-punching and sheep-herding is not all that academically taxing.
           I see something decades overdue, a group of investors getting ready to sue a CEO for manipulating the board of directors and absentee ballots into granting him excessive pay. It’s called Activision, which I could not recognize, but he got paid $20 million a year. Ain’t nobody worth that unless he makes it himself.

           Rioting and protests. Well, the left does that whenever they fall behind in the ratings. I do like the way the proliferation of recording devices is revealing what we’ve known all along. The police have lost touch with their true mission, to serve and protect. They have morphed into the strong-arm of the corporations and their political lackeys. Unions or not, the police disciplinary records should be open information as they are on the public payroll. Also, the public should have more say in which police are on their local forces, but that’s an issue that still has to emerge.
           And how do you like that CNN coverage. They take the same polls as other media, they claim, but their Trump ratings are always an average 15 points worse on every count. Today they claim Trump was “crushed” by Biden and that Trump is “in deep trouble”. These bandwagon announcements didn’t work for Hillary so why are they repeating them. Anyone, has there ever been a CNN poll that shows Trump in any favorable light? Bitchute asks an interesting question. If black lives matter, shouldn’t the protesters be in Detroit? That’s where the first calls came for defunding the police. Says Bitchute, do it. With the black homicide statistics, in seven years they will all have killed each other.
           Trump points out the media is the enemy, particularly when quote false statistics. I doubt anybody believes a thing the New York Times says. The one thing they will never admit is that every scientific study in history, including those determined to find evidence of bias and equality, have reached the same conclusions. If you like statistics, here’s one. A black man is twenty times for likely to die from constipation than being shot by a white policeman. This is not to exonerate the police, they have long had a poor and outdated model of dealing with suspects and arrests.

           Here’s an interesting apology. Ethan Zuckerman has said he is sorry he created the pop-up ad. But he is not sorry for the right thing. The ads themselves are the most detested item on line. He’s sorry the ads led to making advertising the driving force, thus enabling and encouraging Facebook and Google to follow everything you do. The solution, he says, is to stop advertising on-line a profitable business. That part I agree with. Because I feel advertising should be confined to by request only. They’ve had their heyday in American society. Time to confine them to the junk heap of history.
           My proposed solution is to pen a web domain that is advertising only. Something like for catalog. Major users will scream, but better a few loud screams than millions of small ones. The advertising would not disappear, rather moved to a known location. It would force a welcome change. Advertisers unable to annoy people would have to design ads that are clear and descriptive. The way advertising was meant to be—a place where people could look up what they wanted of their own free will.

Picture of the day.
Rare Hawaiian `i`iwi.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           We finally have a photo of the second northern cardinal female. This is a telephoto as the bird is skittish. I had to take this one from inside the house in the dark. Enjoy.

           The MSM is making a big deal of the survivors of the USS Liberty in 1967. It’s an instance where I side with the Israelis. The scenario is a country desperately fighting for survival and an ship they know is not their own stationed off their coast transmitting intellligence to who knows where. Americans are accustomed to thinking of themselves as the world’s police force andthey can thus show up anywhere they please. The Liberty was a military ship by any standards and was crewed by military personnel. In a war zone. It was also a ship known for taking risks by getting close to hot spots, maybe a little too close..
           True, it was designed to look somewhat like a freighter, but big deal. A freighter has no business in a combat zone. Either side could and probably would have considered it part of the enemy’s forces. From what I understand neither the press nor the spies have any special rights when it comes to exposing themselves to live fire. Yes, I feel for the survivors and all the things they are saying, but it is based on the premise what was going on was any of their business. There is also the contradiction that while the Liberty claimed to be defenseless, the crew confirms they were ordered to battle stations.

           My take is that the Israelis, who had made a dozen reconnisance overflights, knew what they were doing. Undoubtedly they were listening to all the transmissions for some hours before commencing a very coordinated attack with equipment that was desperately needed elsewhere. Both sides are lying. The official Israeli stance is they mistook the Liberty for a much smaller freighter called the El Qusier. Yeah, well now explain why they needed 18 airplanes and a torpedo boat squadron to make the attack.
           Two other theories that exist is that the Israelis were killing Egyptian POWs and did not want the Americans to find out. The other is that the Israelis needed to conceal the extent of their success as they did not want the US to support a UN ceasefire before they took the Golan Heights. I could add one more. The Israelis themselves were stunned by the victory and had nuclear devices in the area. They needed to cover the withdrawal of the weapons from prying eyes.
           Either way, the Liberty was only a few thousand yards into International waters and was not proceeding along any established commercial sea lanes. They stood too close to the fire and they got burned. Such is the nature of such intelligence work.

Last Laugh