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Saturday, July 25, 2020

July 25, 2020

One year ago today: July 25, 2019, Wmy plumbing mess.
Five years ago today: July 25, 2015, coffee at Serenity.
Nine years ago today: July 25, 2011, paranormal teens, if you ask me.
Random years ago today: July 25, 2018, we sell BBQ parts . . .


THIS TEMPLATE WILL TAKE EXTRA TIME SO BE PATIENT. I HAVE TO UNDO THE GOOGLE DAMAGE AND THEY HAVE NOT YET CEASED MESSING WITH THINGS. Making paragraphs into divs is one of the stupidest mistakes you can make and Google has jumped right in there. If things are beginning to look right again, it's because I've been working on it. Sadly this post took over three hours already and this cannot be done daily.

           I’ve taken all morning to clean up what I can of the mess Google has made of the blog editor. The one thing I can’t do is access my older posts. I get the Google mentality, why go back into the past to correct a former mistake when it is so much easier to point fingers and blame others. That could be the death blow to Yesteryear, as (you didn’t know this) the feature began as an off-shoot of cleaning up older posts that were entered block style, that is, no indents, no pictures, all left-justified like those clueless Reddit pages. Note that unlike Reddit, when I posted block style there was no other choice at the time.
           I would point out that the “improvement” Google claims to be making is nothing new. It is a rehash of existing HTML and CSS, there are no new features, no new concepts, it’s all been done before. Not one molecule of original thought. Say what you want about the Boomers, they were the last generation in America that invented anything truly new and useful. The generations since have just come along for the ride. I keep hearing that cell phones are a new invention. Then how do they explain this radio phone from the First World War. It was used in spotter aircraft to direct artillery.
           Why am I inside, you ask? Because I overdid it y’day and sure enough. I can barely move. Yep, I tried to keep up as best I could and now I’m paying for it. Not to waste the down time, I’m getting the blog back to normal as much as that is possible. You can tell a lot about people by the mistakes they make and Google takes the cake on this one. I can prove they are a pack of glorious idiots, vastly overpaid for what they are producing. Here’s what I’m working on at the moment.

           What would I have done differently? Easy, I would have admitted that CSS is a dumb idea for most detail work. Trying to create style sheets that address every customer need is a waste of time. I would have added a set of buttons that embedded HTML directly where the user wanted, and made the button easily customizable. For instance, Google has tried to copy my borders around all photographs, but they got it wrong and always have. I still go in there and manually paste in the proper borders one-by-one. I would make a macro for that.
           Google decided I should not be the only blog with indented paragraphs. Google people must be liberals because they want everybody in a slot, so here’s how they screwed up the indents. There are errors you learn to avoid in the first chapter of the HTML book, and one is never use fixed parameters. The first thing Google did was resort to CSS for the indents, which in turn means they have to make each paragraph a tagged division. A serious bad move that will come back to bite them. I stress that is a mistake only a goof makes on his first day—at Google, it is a standard. Every style change will apply to the whole division, where indents are meant only for the first sentence. Sounds trivial, but they’ll see.

           Then they made the indent a fixed 0.36”. This means the indent stays the same length when the font size changes. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The correct solution to the problem is to fix the blog editor to accept as many spaces as the user types, but to Google that would mean surrendering control. Right now, it trims spaces down to one—something their simple minds can deal with. Of there’s a better explanation, let’s hear it. Another error is they have stopped allowing embedded HTML tags, which I use all the time. They seem to have brought back the paragraph break, which leaves me a loophole, though it is more likely it just started working on its own when they were screwing around with their style sheets.
           I regularly use embedded tags to override dumb Google features. An example is making one word in the middle of a sentence into italics. Because Google allows mouth-breathers mess with cascading commands, I prefer to type the tags in myself rather than return at a later time to find them all messed up. But now, you cannot enter the tags without leaving the composition page and going to the HTML editor. A cumbersome process at best.

           However, they don’t have the brains to enable the paragraph marker in isolation, so I will use the loophole to find what I want. Wait, that’s not clear. What I’m saying is they are not smart enough to enable only the paragraph marker, meaning they’ve overlooked something else and I intent to exploit it. Seems to me I had to do the opposite the last time they made big changes. Google is stupidity for stupidity’s sake, and don’t hand me that line about them making billions so they must be right. Nope, they got lucky. And if you follow what’s been happening to Google in Europe, they are about to get very unlucky.
           Trivia. So much of liberal-run cities. Recent surveys reveal that if they were told they had to work from home, almost half of the San Francisco area techies would head for the hills to find cheaper places to live. The city, of course, does not get the point. I think the situation supports my contention that most liberals are posers. They think playing do-gooder makes them look better, but in reality, they’ll flip-flop in a second when it comes to their own money.

           Another sick man is the airline industry. They are whimpering the virus has hurt their business, but they had it coming. If you look at the airline business model, it has been one long history of exorbitant costs, often overlapping but always passed on to the hapless passenger. It’s sometimes hard to see, but for instance, the airplane purchasing method has allowed factories to build whole generations of airplanes that cannot be parked for free when not in use.
           Think of it, runway fees, hanger fees, maintenance, licensing, all one big happy circle-jerk for the insiders. Entire airports built with borrowed money on rented land. When you can milk the public, why build an airplane that doesn’t cost a million to park when business is slow? Why build a hanger with your own money so you can last through a crisis? Responsible business are hurt by a slowdown, irresponsible ones get wiped out. Air travel is good, the airline industry is not. The concept had a lot of promise, the bad business model has turned airline travel into the joke that it is today. From birth to age 49, I have flown on an airplane every year of my life. Since then, maybe three times. Airports represent the crud that happens when everybody is presumed to be a criminal.
Picture of the day.
Somewhere in Spain.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

          It was amusing to see Ted Cruz on a talk show last Wednesday, he seeks to inform us that Google search results are rigged. What planet has Ted been living on? He’s just getting this now? Alas, my 1996 blog is incomplete or missing entirely, but that’s when I pointed out the potential for cheating—if one search engine was ever allowed to predominate. In 1996 there were at least five let me see if I can recall some. AltaVista, WebCrawler, AskJeeves, and Lycos I’ve used. I also tried Dogpile, Google, and Infoseek, but those did not make the grade. They were too slow, too restrictive, or demanded too much personal information. What made the original web great was you could look at anything anonymously.
         I was unable to move around the house until late afternoon. At that point, I got into the yard and sliced up logs and limbs for around two hours. Shown here are two of the 16 small piles of sliced logs I soaked in a hot tube enough to limber up, but I had to cancel my usual Saturday food shop and logistics. But not my bass playing. I got a note from Bryne, he’s had major surgery and has meds that affect his immunity. Does this mean he can’t jam? I went over a range of Shania Twain (real name Eileen Edwards). I found several that work well for bass adaptation, “Man, I Feel Like A Woman” and “Any Man of Mine”. I can hear Ray-B saying I’m playing the lead part. Actually it’s a fiddle riff. Most bassists wouldn’t go near something like that.
           I listened to a lot of these tunes when other bands play them. (Not the same as listening with intent to learn, guys.) My rule about fast music only applies when I’m calling the shots. I went through her list focusing on those with the most on-line listens according to Last.FM (no link). I did this research after picking the tunes I’d learn. Hmmm, looks like a few million people agree with me. Her albums remain cluttered with generic tracks. I heard a few dozen tracks by vocalists I never heard of. I think there’s reason for that.

           The political situation is really heating up just as expected. It’s going to be one fantastic election if only for the reason the Democrat left has gone off the deep end. They are not right in the head., particularly these Democrat mayors and governors. The left is no longer trying to win the electin, their obsession is to get rid of Trump. People are dying in their streets and all they do is endlessly tweet about Trump. They lost on their bid to use political correctness to silence opposition, now they are trying the angle that anybody who does not agree with them is racist, and denying you are a racist is part of being a racist. I don’t know if many non-liberals will take that lying down.
           I think Trump is quashing the libtards by taking it easy. His voters know the Democrats have vowed to sacrifice America itself to prevent Trump from winning. But I’m not so sure that today’s chaos is having the traditional shift to the left because it is so obviously the political ploy of an increasingly desperate loser class. That may not be easy to follow, but in the past, the left always benefited by causing trouble, whence they could step in and restore law and order. But this time, it is Trump stepping in. Fasten your seat belts.

           What’s a Kharkovchanka? It sort of means woman from Kharkov, a city in the eastern Ukraine best known for Russian land claims, tank factories, and relaxed attitudes toward on-line sexploitation. Kharkovchanka is a tracked polar transport, sleeps six, and has a 1,200 mile range. Built for Antarctive travel, it has seven layers of nylon insulation and the motor can be maintained from inside. Watch the video, I was more interested in whether they found anything new at the South Pole. They didn’t. Duly noted was the vehicles had standard tank treads and suffered the same problems as the KV tanks series. Broken track pins, excessive fuel requirements, and a transmission so weak a complete spare unit had to be carried along.
           It was cold, dank, and smelled of diesel, but reputedly not as badly as Soviet era apartments. It was dubbed by the western press as the Igloomobile, a term that never caught on. Here is a final picture for today of the extent of this tree trimming. This pile is waist-high and spans the entire yard. This is NOT clearing brush, this is only tree limbs being sliced. The work will take another week at least.
           I said how the curved tree would not fall, how we pulled it down. Well, it never did break at the notch. I’ll get a picture later. In the gathering dark, we had to leave it hanging. What a pity camphor wood rots so easily this cannot be used to build anything.

Last Laugh