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Friday, August 28, 2020

August 28, 2020

One year ago today: August 28, 2018, 100 per airplane.
Five years ago today: August 28, 2014, forgotten newsfinks.
Nine years ago today: August 28, 2010, programmable router coincidence.
Random years ago today: August 28, 2014, a real Eskimo.

           This picture won’t mean much to many newbies, but it is pure archeology to a legacy buff like myself. It is one of the last NetGear16 modems built. This one is in mint condition and begin configured for the first time. I’m amused by some of today’s experts who basically keep rebooting the computer until things work. I lived through the era of watching computers get smarter as the users got dumber. This device picks up a wireless signal and distributes it to up to four devices. I’m setting up a remote link.
           If you know your protocols, NetGear is a real gem. The two remaining XP computers in my inventory will soon communicate with each other and nothing else. This 32-bit equipment has, in light of changes foisted on the public by MicroSoft, become quite the secure system. The reason is MicroSoft didn’t just go 64-bit, they intentionally made the two systems incompatible. I’ll let you ponder why they did that.

           I finally found the correct transmission fluid, it is MERCON V. But that was no thanks to either the Internet pile of “experts” nor the Ford Manual, which says refer to the user’s guide (thanks, Brandon) and the user;s guide say only to use the correct type. Where do they even? Not that the car is going to need another change of fluids in another 100,000 miles, but the transmission needs over 13 quarts and this stuff ain’t cheap.
           My barber shop re-opened, this is bloggable because my barber is quitting after 11 years . She says although SuperCuts is losing money, some dude snapped up 8 of the franchise locations for $300,000. Something is shaking up and she doesn’t want to be around for it. He put in this new confirm by e-mail system that none of the staff like, and indeed, did not know how to use. Sounds like the modern version of the old “you’re-supposed-to-know” syndrome. I showed her she was missing all her messages. She’s moving to Kentucky, the furthest she has ever been from home is around 30 miles. I didn’t think that could happen any more.
And she informs me the $2.95 COVID surcharge is not the Tennessee government, but the SuperCuts corporate office trying to be slip it past us. Boo, SuperCuts.

Picture of the day.
Pink fish.
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           If one or two paths less chosen had been, this is the musical instrumentation that would be the Reb and I today. That’s my “Tennessee” guitar and my trusty old bass. She helped me choose twenty new country tunes, a brand of music neither of us listen to. She would not actually play this guitar as the neck is wide and more familiar to by bass-size patterning. In a few days I may be able to give you a list of the material. This is not a sure thing, I’m not even certain I can play guitar longer than a half-hour.
           There was a moment that reflected the massive background differences in our computer knowlege. When I met the Reb, I had been using computers daily for some 10 years already, she had never touched one. And that was back in 1990. Yet today, because I won’t touch certain technologies or the pitiful uses to which the computer has been put, she and her crowd would be rated power users and myself as being a fossil. Gee, maybe I could get some of them to help me configure the modulator-demodulator, and yes, Ken, I know it isn’t really a modem, but a router. And I’m certain all today’s experts know that, too.

           Another telltale sign of divergence is the way we regard Facebook. I see it as evil incarnate and Zuckerberg should be in Federal prison. She sees it as an incredible marketing tool with “so much potential”. There is no argument here, for I agree it has morphed into the ultimate marketing tool of our time.
           But see the difference? People who know how it operates won’t use it, people who use it don’t know how it operates. What? Of course, they think they know, and that’s why all their identities get stolen, manipulated, hacked, exposed, breached, compromised, and they can’t even order a pizza without a smart phone or read a dial clock. Because they know. They know so much that people such as myself just don’t get it.

           The tail end of Hurricane Laura passed nearby this afternoon and overnight. Lots of small storms and a tornado warning. That spells relative calm for the weekend, so keep coming back and we may see some adventure yet.

           Ha, read this article in The Verge. A full 15 years behind this blog, they finally published an article concerning points specifically addressed here in 2005. That’s apparently how long it takes people to realize they are being abused and do anything about it. Of course, if you had followed this blog, you would have no such worries. There are two big outfits shitting their diapers this week. The liberal Democrats and Facebook.
           Both will exist forever, but if big business continues to pull out of targeted ads Facebook will lose half its income. And the half that’s left gets eaten up by operational expenses because Facebook and Google ballooned out based on advertising and nothing else. And advertising is an American garbage dump useless for anything else. Personally, I applaud opt-in tracking, advertising, and anything else. Why it took so long for the masses to catch on, much less spot it as a threat is a question for psychiatrists.
           Note that Apple will still track you, but their ads are not so bad or frequent. Don’t dance in the streets yet, Google is spending a fortune on software that will disable your ad blocker. It’s called WebBundle, don’t quote me. I’m studying the javascript side. I know it is an application programming interface (API) specifically designed to feed your computer URL information that disguises the source of the data. This will nullify most ad blockers. Google is not your friend, if you have any Chrome on your computer, you are already defenseless.

Last Laugh