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Monday, August 3, 2020

August 3, 2020

One year ago today: August 3, 2019, Boss Hogg sandwich run.
Five years ago today: August 3, 2015, Baltimore, the dump city.
Nine years ago today: August 3, 2011, America in trouble.
Random years ago today: August 3, 2006, a lousy $195.

           It always starts innocently and China as begun requiring real names for on-line gaming. Under the usual masquerade of protecting youth, names and potentially facial recognition will be matched against real ID. In one sense, it addresses how badly video games have become an obsession with the Chinese youth, so much for their vaunted high IQs. Folks, it’s their mindsets, they are not smarter, they are raised to memorize the IQ tests. It will just force the gaming to take place some other way.
           Good morning, and here is a photo of the mummy at the museum. What “science’ display is complete without one, even if this is some unidentified child “between six and seven” years old. Jesus, leave the kid alone already. Did you know wood was so rare in Egypt they used to burn mummies like logs in the train locomotives? I’m reading the details of Trump’s move to get out troops out of Germany and let them shoulder their own load. But he’s only taking home a third of them. I’ve always felt the reason for so many US troops there was a WWII recognition that Germany was the only power that ever really challenged US military domination.

           Here is colored glassware, the only one I recognized was the cobalt blue, but I do know the red one contains molten gold, not the yellow cup. Half the second floor of the Lightner is cut glass, in addition to all the porcelain. Myself, I like crystal glass because it really does make drinks, even water, taste better but I’d not like own more than a matching pair. No not the fake type sold at Starbucks. I’ve owned a couple over the years and another is due. Check back. I think they sell good ones at Target—has anyone been there lately. I don’t usually get over there unless I’m in Miami. Or was it Etsy? Hey, I’ve got work to do and I’m actually okay with coffee in a styro cup.
           What is going on with the crazy Democrat left? I’m trying to find some decent music and all I get is one dumb klutz after another reclaiming her time. We get it, you ask a baiting question designed to pester the recipient, talk over him when he answers, then reclaim you time. Check back later, I’m heading into Winter Haven to reclaim some money for lumber.

           In current events, I’m impressed by how Ted Cruz has cleaned up his act. He tried the nice guy approach with Trump and had is ass handed back—because he was too liberal. Now he’s become a sharp opponent of many policies that he formerly supported, so the result is more balanced than hypocritical. He’s taken aim on people like Google who are abusing monopoly power. TMOR, monopolies are not illegal in the USA, but it is illegal to uses such power for nefarious purposes. Here’s where we part ways.
           I agree Google has totally shown it is an evil empire. Where Cruz comes in, and he’s got support on this one is how Google has used it’s search algorithm to cut people off at the knees. Where I agree Google is bad and needs to be taught a lesson, I feel the same about the victims. If you start any process for which you rely on Google for your revenue, then you deserve the consequences. My income is totally independent of whether Google lives or dies. Don’t expect me to pity anyone who arranges their affairs differently. If Google shafts you, then you gave them permission.

Picture of the day.
Knife River.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A drive to Winter Haven for supplies got me through the hotness all day, but it was back here for the A/C because nothing was open to take a break. JZ was on the phone, we made an agreement last week that nobody is allowed to talk COVID virus with us unless they personally know somebody, by name, who had the virus and either recovered or died. Funny thing, turns out nobody knows anybody who had the virus at all. Interesting, and no, it isn’t due to “precautions”. Beg to differ, anyone? We are not interested in beliefs, only facts, so ask yourself the question—do you know anybody who has had the virus? If not, then for all you know, there is no virus. That’s correct, “for all you know”. Harsh.
           Soon as the shadows get longer, I’m out in that yard, the notebook says the radishes could be ready as soon as this Friday or as late as the 17th. The first crop that was hand-picked is flourishing. I replanted some of the stronger springs and they are doing well, but at least ten days behind. The beets grew an inch high and stopped, the onions, well, it’s hard to tell because they are smaller than some of the day-old weeds. Here’s what the best radish plants look like after 16 days. Did you catch that news release about a group of scientists who are urging to put parasites on the endangered lists? That’s correct, they take the position that parasites contribute to the balance of nature. Like houseflies.

           The hinge on the hatch window of the station wagon has slowly weakened since the hillbilly collision. Today I drilled a new perforation and lacking a cotter pin, stuck a nail through the housing. This is what I mean that my work car is something I can fix myself. This task had to be done in the bright sunlight so I’m not in the greatest mood. I will eventually replace the whole assembly, just now it was slowly working its way past the lower latch, the only thing holding it up on that side. A design flaw you might call, you guessed it, early millennial. Look at the general fragility of this important window hinge. Designed for looks, not utility.
           I hauled 40 fence pickets out of the car, that got me inside for a half-hour cool down and a listen to the massive backlash against the Democrat dodo-heads for their rehearsed attack on the attorney general. And Trump just got himself another bloc of voters by finally canning the head of the Tennessee Valley Authority, a Democrat featherbed for decades, with a CEO making $8 million per year. That will be capped at $500,000. The biggest issue was the TVA outsourcing tech jobs overseas. Smooth move, Don.
           That and the suggestion of an election delay has the Democrats howling—it undermines their biggest backup plan, vote harvesting. They have no choice now but to attack on the grounds of election history—from a country who’s statues they’ve been pulling down and institutions they’ve been condemning. Sorry you simpletons, too late to disguise this is about ballot and voting fraud, not the election schedule. Ha, all you have to do is call off the shutdown hoax, but wait, that will give you two black eyes. BWAAA-ha-ha-ha I say, let them see how well their social distancing works when they go to prison. They’ve based this campaign on all-out fraud hoping to absolve themselves. No wonder they are shitting their pants. I watched the videos, you know some Democrats and people who call Trump ugly should take another look in their mirrors.

           The ten minutes it would have taken to level the back fence while Agt. R was here took two hours to do it myself. It’s done and is now a solid base of the hidden carport, or more accurately, scooter port. I hung the salvaged carpet up to dry on such rafters as I have. That second lean-to is going to cost another $240 but that completes the overheads in the back yard, I can park my vehicles and store my gear in dryness and safety. And important in step in what I have remaining to do in the house. I would love to get back to the renovation, another big push and it is done. After that, just routine upkeep which, by comparison, will seem like a holiday. Come on mailbox money, I want a dishwasher, a garbage disposal, and a new water heater. Partisan, bipartisan, who cares, it’s just printed up.

           Big news announcements. New Jersey, in admission of its total failure to maintain the roadways, has approved flying cars. They look like autogyros and the software is coded by the Chinese, presumably when they are not playing video games, not that gaming would affect their thinking. Yes, folks, this is going to solve all of New Jersey’s traffic problems by having already brain-dead civil servants flying these contraptions between downtown buildings. Nothing suspicious about that. Yes, civil servants, I mean who else is going to buy $500,000 cars except the rich, who with the exception of the desperately clueless Steve Fossey type, are far too smart to risk their lives. I mean, pilot testing has about as much to do with skill as does a driver’s license. They only want your ID so they know who to sue when you fly into things
           I know some of you heard this in 1975, but various companies are announcing that A.I. will bring us computers that write their own programming. Again. Google’s Chrome extensions are shown to have permanent location tracking radar. Again. The man who built the computer mouse has just died. Again.

Last Laugh