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Thursday, October 22, 2020

October 22, 2020

One year ago today: October 22, 2019, because I was buying.
Five years ago today: October 22, 2015, a rambling post.
Nine years ago today: October 22, 2011, The Ohm Depot.
Random years ago today: October 22, 2016, a number of good plans.

           I have that smart phone, except for now it is configured to act as a dumb phone. Talk about useless overhead, the phone uses half its won 30 gigabytes of memory for pre-installed junk. I certainly i not ask for Play Store, Tidal, or Duo. But darn rights I’m now going to look to see what that nonsense is all about. Okay, Tidal is a music streaming service. For people who need to be entertained 24/7, I suppose. No thanks, I’ll stick to downloaded MP3s so I’m the only one who knows what I listen to. As for Duo, I got as far as reading it is from Google and I will now seek to delete it.
           And once again, you cannot directly deny Google Play Store. But I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Later, I got it. This Play Store appears in several of the drop menus. You have to find them and delete them all. In all, I deleted, denied, or blocked 72 “apps”, none of which I asked for. At the store, I went through one by one every app that was enabled automatically, getting each disabled or deleted where possible. Over 17 GB of the avaible 30GB was clogged up with Google funny-ware. The store manager said afterward he was unaware of a this evil happening on the phones he was selling.

           Tennessee is beautiful this time of year, the leaves are turning which I have not seen on this scale since 1979, when I saw too much of it. That’s the year I left for temperate climes, I hope I never see another blizzard. I may be in Tennessee a while, the daily routine is not that thrill-filled, so here is another picture from the car museum. Not only were the interiors larger, so were the engine compartments. Seen here, almost every part could be removed with dismantling something else. For motor enthusiasts, there were dozens of cars with the hoods up, enough to keep you busy a long time.

Picture of the day.
St. Petersburg (Russian) coffee shop.
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           Walking the dogs twice, we were outside for four hours centering on noon. I’ve skip over that except to say Sparkie is not going to recover without some drastic measures. This picture is also from the museum. This explained to me more than anything when i was younger about inflation. The system was so used to price increases that even six-cent loaves of bread needed a dial to keep up.
           Other than car rides, there are few chances for a break since house chores are endless. We’re ahead of it and I thought to watch the political debate, the first time in my life I’ve done so end to end. Again it was solidly anti-Trump. Questions were asked in a negative fashion against his stance. For example he was not asked how happy 40 million Americans would be to get their old health coverage back, but how sad 20 million would be to lose their coverage.

           Sleepy Joe is holding up, which surprises many. But he’s doing so by lying through his teeth in classical political fashion. Blaming Trump for the chaos in Democrat jurisdictions, claiming When accused he avoided specifically denying anything by saying things like, “It’s been confirmed that nothing was inappropriate,” By whom, Joe? Since when? And then immediately bringing “family” into it. The MSM will of course tout this as a solid win for Joe but it isn’t fooling many on the other side.
           A classic poitical move is to take the old I-could-have-done-better stance. Joe botched his first stab at virus control back with H1N1. He mixes fact with speculation, saying things like 200,000 Americans have died, a fact, which can only be countered by asking how many more would have died if he’d been in charge, which is speculation. The political class are experts at framing questions this way. And the moderater was not asking both guys the same question in an annoyingly pro-Joe manner, often putting in a twist after first hearing Trump’s response. I don’t people who do that.

           His worst lie was over medical coverage, saying nobody lost their coverage., but avoiding the fact their prices tripled in the process. Sounds too much like Obamas you-can-keep-your-provider fiasco. An hour before the end, the moderator showed her true stripes by cutting off Trump, but not Biden. And how dare Biden keep saying Trump has done nothing. That’s going to cost you, Joe. Same with his response on the stimulus package, he uses the phrase “all Americans” to include free money to illegals. All the time-tested liberal elements, but Joe has come up with a novel defense. That he beat 20 other Democrat candidates because he disagreed with them. He failed to describe what form that disagreement took.
           Joe thought he took the lead on the immigration question, which was not about immigration, but over re-uniting families. On he went about children torn from their parents arms, and that 500 of these children’s parent’s can’t be found. Question, why is it up to us to reunite them when the familes know darn well were they are? Why are the parents hiding, but of course that question will not be asked. Like where was the question of how many miles of wall have been successfuly built despite Democrat foot-dragging.

           The left has turned this debate into another joke. Overall, I’d give the edge to Trump’s non-political way of answering, but think he should have concentrated on Joe’s unfounded statements such as raising minimum wage does not hurt businesses. Joe, if it helped them, they would do it without your interference. I would rate the debate a Democrat success under the rules of the old corrupt system. Which is what people voted against last time.
           I for one am sick of hearing about climate change as a political issue. I’m not taking sides except to say they’be been wrong too often. Like most people, I don’t want to hear about it while the borders are open, we are swamped with illegals, and jobs are disappearing. Talking about it is a waste of time until immediate issues are resolved. The temperature may rise a degree in the next decade, but people need a job today.

Last Laugh