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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October 6, 2020

One year ago today: October 6, 2019, a nation of wimps.
Five years ago today: October 6, 2015, Gorilla Glue fails.
Nine years ago today: October 6, 2011, MicroSoft tradition.
Random years ago today: October 6, 2018, an unfinished post.

           The Trump-haters and their press go to work on the virus again, like they’ve been working it for six months. Except for one barfly I know who caught it back in March, I don’t personally know anybody who’s caught it. It’s not the social distancing since that was never sincerely followed in most smaller towns unless somebody was looking. The box stores around town have a mask policy that is more of an annoyance, really, since most other public places could care less. For many people the mask is just the next issue of the day, it just proves what a bunch of followers they are. As Tucker points out, the average age of people who die from carona virus in this country is 78 years, which is also the life expectancy.
           They’ve had some of the scripts prepared, which got released even though they did not quite fit the situation. The real story is that Trump intends to declassify all the documents pertaining to the fake hoaxes he was put through, enough to implicate the entire “Group of Eight”, and a host of intelligence agencies. The Democrats and their henchmen press need anything they can to draw attention away from that story. It would seem the only thing they had ready was nonsense about Trump taking flu medicine that leaves him “unfit’ to lead the country. If that ain’t rehearsed, what is?

           The new 1100 Watt microwave has been initiated. Popcorn, the real kind, not the stuff in the bags. I have nothing against it but it pops unevenly in a “college” size microwave. The only higher rating popular for home use is 1250 watts, but I’m not paying a 50% premium for that. Microwaves get splattered so fast no matter what you do. I always cover dishes and it only slows it down. There you have it, my microwave is a bigger story this morning than politics.
           Just kidding, I’m following the process, not the election that much. I say the Deep State is completely involved in the misconduct against Trump and that is only the beginning. The Deep State has used tax probes, unwarranted searches, and kangaroo courts against their enemies. Few people alive in America have not noticed the coincidences between those goings-on and what happens in the movies. Did someone ask what that is behind my new microwave? It is extra insulation, this area will be where the fridge is to be relocated. There is also a reflective covering placed behind the drywall, which I’ll get to eventually.

           Will they lock up the turban lady? The crowds are chanting to lock her up, but that did not happen with Hillary who is infinitely more crooked. But the Omar has stepped over the line, even some fellow Democrats are turning against her. She may have won Trump the state, it looks like nobody there wants to be associated with her. But her biggest mistake was telling Americans how to run their country while wearing that turban to imply her way is better than the American way. I can’t see anybody rushing to her aid. She’s played all three cards, the black, the woman, the Muslim, and lost every hand.
           This is the pie in the oven y’day. Note it is on a tray in on the bottom rack. You got to know how to make the crust right. The foil around the edge is taken off for the last ten minutes. Even so, I did not quite get it right. If you use a higher rack, the crust can over-bake. This pie is six servings.

           I got up this morning a little off balance and my morning coffee barely kept me going. See, it’s one of those bouts where my system things I have to get up to go to work. This is almost a week now. If it persists, maybe I should go back to work. I’ll keep you posted, meanwhile the plan is to get out of town some day this week. This condition is always triggered by my surroundings, so make a change to break the sequence. There is a hot rod museum in Punta Gorda. Not my top interest, but look at the great time the Reb & I had in Nashville. Then again, any time with the Reb is great.
           In fact, let me bring up Punta Gorda on-line. Let’s rule out Fisherman’s Village, we always go there. We’ve seen the Octagon wildlife sanctuary. I don’t do parks in the Florida summertime, ah, here it is, the Muscle Car Museum. Hmmm, it is open on Sunday and no ChiCom flu restrictions. These bigger museums always have departments of other stuff. The Lane Motor Museum was early February last year. They had bicycles, juke boxes, canoes, and an airplane. Or was that the Tennessee State Museum. Hey, the only museums I don’t like are things you can figure out. There’s one of them up the street from the post office that I have to pay for on my water bill.
           Tell you what, I’ll leave the yacht lady a message and see if she wants to go. I got lost near that address before and it is only maybe six miles from her house. Otherwise, no commitment to any plans. I got some DVDs from the Thrift and the weather says stay inside and watch them. Question. How come in the movies the guy always runs down a brick wall alley with a fence that he has to climb over? How about those alleys just wide enough for a police car. When they catch up with the guy, how do they open the doors?

Picture of the day.
Camel saddle.
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           Still reviewing the books for the past year, changing times meant budget items got shifted around enough that the total expenditures were not that bad. The expense of the car was offset by it being cheaper to live in Tennessee because I was not buying materials for this house. See how that merry-go-round works? I could not let a day pass without something getting done, so I was wiring the counter outlets in the new shed. I ran out of triple-wide boxes. I have quadruples, but it turns out those must be for switches only because I never could find any cover plates. Unless it is some custom order and I rarely do those for security reasons.
           I tested the wiring on the spinner motor and it seems okay. I hope it isn’t the motor itself, but that is going to be checked soon. If I bust something, I’m still out the wringer part. A full size washer is in the offing soon, but some new situations are looming now that could prove on the costly side. I moved some lumber and did some chores. I’ve learned to do my exercises after working. In the beginning the theory was the pulleys would limber me up. Nope, the just made me tired and the work slower. I discovered the work itself is a good warmup. But for energy, it’s a one-two that leaves me that much extra tired. Hey, after what I’ve been through, the blog world should be lucky I still have the stamina.

           This is a four to five day supply of canned food. Should things collapse, my staple is no longer rice, but canned refried beans. I learned to like it. What about the pineapple. I just unpacked and haven’t put everything away yet. Now that you mentioned it, I don’t mind canned pineapple. This one was on sale for 98¢ so I’ll save the stump to see if it grows. I used wire cutters to modify the bird feeder when I notice the cardinals had trouble getting at the seeds. The plan is I cut small pieces out of the mesh and bent them outwards. My thinking is the birds will fare better because they are used to twigs and such getting in the way. I also moved the feeders further apart after noticing the smaller birds will tolerate other species.

           I’m reading another novel on a Mars expedition. The material becomes more realistic as knowledge of the surface has increased. One thing I don’t care for is the Star Trek crew selection. I believe on any such “international” space undertaking, there are less qualified foreigners on board than if they’d selected Americans. I mean, after all, they are riding on American rockets. Can you just see the Chinese putting foreign astronauts into orbit. Anyway, logical or not, that’s the way I feel about that issue. Taking minorities along for the ride is expensive.
           Plus, I doubt the program has any real goodwill effect in some of the third world countries that still don’t have running water. Most people could not name a single non-American astronaut who was not American anyway. I wonder if that is any different elsewhere. People these days know a publicity stunt when they see one.

           This morning I made a few improvements on my KaZooZoo. You remember that, don’t you? (April 11.) Now I can’t find it. I wonder if somebody broke in here and stole the prototype. Somebody who didn’t need a new microwave or any stereo equipment. Or computers or musical gear. For a buy who doesn’t play guitar, I’ve got four, five if you count Tennessee. And two basses. I’ve still got that five-string that I never caught on to. The thing is my KaZooZoo. Rather than round up a posse, I’m going to let it find its own way back home. They can steal my KaZooZoo, but they can’t play it.
           Another thing getting hard to find is 150W light bulbs. There is a 200W model but only in clear glass, which gives a harsh glare. The Internet says it is for ceiling fans, chandelier, and enclosed outdoor fixtures. Yeah, so why is it clear? I’ll check tomorrow at Home Depot. These LED and ‘CFL bulbs are a good idea, but too damn expensive. And for some reason, they don’t last any longer despite the fantastic claims. The 200W bulb also has a long stem that makes the bulb more exposed. What’s more the 200W bulbs are rated for only half a year if used three hours per day.
           Lastly for today, Eddie Van Halen may be a goner, the rumor is this time cancer is going to get him shortly. He’s sold albums I can’t count, but I remember him most as another guitar player who could not keep a bass player in the band. I call it the Clapton Effect, where he forces other musicians to play simple parts so his guitar work stands out. I don’t know if that was the case with Van Halen, I’m just saying when bassists keep flipping, that’s the usual reason. He had his followers, turning the guitar neck into a percussion instrument.

Last Laugh