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Monday, November 2, 2020

November 2, 2020

One year ago today: November 2, 2019, social mixture, my eye.
Five years ago today: November 2, 2015, 1 or 2 a month.
Nine years ago today: November 2, 2011, Internet Explorer sags.
Random years ago today: November 2, 2014, China is 25% desert.

           What’s this, a driverless race car swerves into wall for no reason. Bull donkey, the reason is object-oriented programming in the hands of half-educated pea-brains. I didn’t say millennials. I didn’t have to. Or how about proctoring software that monitors the computure mouse and student eye-movements to determine if they are cheating. Hey, these students did not protest the software back when they were warned, so they are stuck with it now. At the highest estimate, 70% of students attempt to cheat. I never cheated. I didn’t have to.
           What a hoot as the libtards pull the last of their outdated tactics out of their arses the day before the electrion. They call Trump wretched with a scabrous brood of grimy grifters, as if name-calling is going to help the leftists now. They are playing up the fake 250,000 COVID deaths without mentioning how many times more veterans died waiting for treatment under the Obama regime. Did you catch that 96 mile long Trump caravan in Utah, formerly a Democrat stronghold. But the biggest laugh is the liberals who flee the mess they created in California and still vote Democrat in their new Republican locations.

           This photo is a little lizard on my windowpane the morning I left for Tennessee last month. I am not going out in this freezing weather to get you any newer pics. I’ll see what I can scrounge up. Aha, those of you who’ve spotted late-breaking stories will be glad you read down so far. Marti is fine, the ploy of calling the eveing shift staff payed off. They are more apt to know the people and less cranky about regulations. She’s fine, one of the few solid pieces of news since this insane COVID nonsense began.
           Did I say nonsense? Yep, it appears some actual facts are leaking ouf ot the CDC that are not so flattering on their already suspect numbers of real COVID deaths. Coult be as little as 8%. Same as before, Trump has predicted the who lockdown nonsense will cease right after the election. If he wins, it is exposed as a Democrat scam, if he loses, the Democrats must switch sides or kill their own economy.

Picture of the day.
Belem Tower, Lisbon, Portugal.
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           The trip to the vet. You know how fond I’ve become of the doggies, particularly Sparkie. He’s got an inoperable bladder problem. You could read back many years to know I view such conditions as a result of a good life. Living long enough to get some things is a blessing. We will not know for sure until later. I’ll keep you posted on the general picture, but some things have been going wrong for a while. If it is cancer, even with the best treatments, life expectancy is six months. Have you lost a pet recently?
           Here’s Sparkie at the lake around noon. In the old days, he’d scatter them smarty-pants ducks, paddling around his shoreline like they own the place. Maybe he’s softening in his old age, he shares the sofa with the cat these days, y’know.

           If you want to see what happens to societies that don’t pay enough attention to the gradual takeover of their political system, look at Australia. They’ve slowly become a leftist controlled police state that the average citizen never noticed until the COVID crackdown. Don’t I mean lockdown? No, crackdown. People have been arrested and jailed for being more than 100 yards from home. The police have become bodyguards to the ultra-rich political class.
           Their communications are monitored and everything they own is subject to arbitrary confiscation. Personal freedoms have all but disappeared. They are required by law to register to vote, even it no candidate or party appeals to them. They’ve been subverted by the same plan the leftists had for America before Trump appeared and poked them in the eye. But Australia is not America, they don’t have enough of anything to stage a revolution, [which is] the only known process for changing a socialist regime.

           On the up-side, my guitar-playing buddy Trent has an interesting job interview soon. Details remain sparse but it’s one of those situations not to be underestimated. I have to cut you short here. I’m bagged. See below, “free wife”, how do they even? (The CNN is also free, which is the only way it much gets around any more. BWAAAA-ha-ha-ha.

Last Laugh