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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

November 3, 2020

One year ago today: November 3, 2019, pioneering abuses.
Five years ago today: November 3, 2015, more house-shopping.
Nine years ago today: November 3, 2011, ten years in jail.
Random years ago today: November 3, 2013, Great Salt Lake.

           Here’s the type of ridiculousness you get from the crowd with the wrong perspective. I saw this sample of a smart phone bank balance inquiry. Seriously, you want anyone to believe Bruce is a sample American? With $11,000 in his checking account and three-quarters of a million in a trust fund? Then again, maybe Bruce is related to the Bidens and has traveled recently. BWAAAAA-ha-ha-ha.

           It’s the big day, the one that will change the course of history. So I took the doggies on a car trip up to Wal*Mart for, well, for a while. The plan was again to give the Reb an entire morning off. My interest is in a happy situation but I’m sad to say our beloved companion Sparkie is not faring well. There’s hope for a control which we’ll begin this Thursday. If I didn’t say, it appears to be an inoperabe bladder condition. He has small bouts of aimless wondering. There are no exciting times this trip, just a recounting of events of the day.
           The world’s focus is on the election. I predicted most of this in writing a year or more back, along with a fairly good description of the circumstances. One thing I was sure of was voter turnout. Elliott and I had discussions of the hidden vote. He says it would be the housewives who consider Trump a chauvinist. I said that is an item on the libtard wish list. I know there was a group due to turn out but I never imagined it would be white males. That’s correct, and the explanation seems easy now that it’s happening.

           What’s happened is this group lost interest in voting over the long stretches when both poitical parties were nothing but crooked hacks. They [taxpaying white males] felt outnumbered by the collective votes of minorities who could stomp on them over every issue. I lived through this period and confirm how disheartening if became. The white male vote—the ones who were the taxpayers funding the systems—had the least say in how things were done. And the leftists were already at work shaming anyone who dared to speak up. Stay with me here, as I explain the way it played out.
           Okay, white males became a virtual minority. It was presumed, as it still is today, that they had everything their own way. Not so. I was there and every minority, yahoo, crackpot, socialist, deadbeat, and smooth-taker was getting some kind of government handout. No white male could speak out against any of it, even guys I knew to be rednecks would keep it to themselves. The white working taxpayer had no one to champion his cause. The bleeding heart liberals had an entire specturm of intimidation tactics to turn on anyone who stood in their way.
           Today, those men turned out in force. They have a voice and his name is Trump. Am I the only one who’s having trouble finding an Internet source that just provides the election results without all the bullshit? A simple tally of who voted for who and where has been impossible to find. It’s out there, but I have not found it yet. There are even sources that offer you a selection of which bias you prefer. The mainstream media are, predictably, announcing a Biden victory in every jurisdiction.

Picture of the day.
Incoming waves.
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           And this old blog was right about Trump being ready for the riots. It’s not top story yet, but there are videos of National Guard troops patrolling the more likely flash points and stores boarding up windows. That, folks, is the legacy of liberalism, they are the sorest losers in history. By late afternoon there were constant reports of Trump bettering his leads in every district over his 2016 numbers. He seems to have overturned several states that were Democrat strongholds.
           How about the situation in Utah? Not only did the white male vote fade away but mass immigration from California began voting in Democrats. The dwindling taxpayer vote and general complacency gave the liberals the upper hand. I don’t know of anyone who liked it but the liberals had pandered to so many minorities, the people paying for all this felt overwhelmed and undermined. Today may be payback time.

           Forget the pollsters. They not only took sides, they were spreading lies designed to discourage Trump voters. I have not heard of widespread fraud yet, but there’s a reason. You see, the Democrats need to target those districts where the vote is close This time, those spots are very few and quite well scrutinized. The usual liberal tricks are not likely to pay dividends. They have gone just too far away from the principles this nation was founded on. God forbid we ever become like the rest of the world. Yes, we have differences and the reason is [because] differences are allowed here. It's too bad we also allow those who seek to cash in on those differences.
           By quitting time, who you believe is a coin toss. I cannot find a single station or channel that gives the numbers. They insist on making up your mind for you, so [the whole lot] get lumped together as propaganda in my mind. The MSM is screaming that Trump is falsely claiming victory before all the votes are counted—but that is precisely the situation where voter fraud works. Wait for the initial round of results, then flood the areas with razor-thin edges with enough fake ballots to win. Like many Americans, I’m beginning to wonder just how prevalent this practice has been in the past.

           What Trump is announcing is just what we expected. When you have an absolute majority in the number of valid votes that are possible, you can’t lose except to shadow ballots which mysteriously materialize in the hotly-contested zones. What’s really happening is in the states where Trump has huge margins they’ve simply stopped counting for the day. The Democrats are basing a lot on the remaining ballots being counted while Trump seeks to block any votes that take place after the election is over for that very reason. (The law is on Trump’s side.)

           TMOR here is a simplification of what is going on. Biden appeared to have the lead because most of the early mail-in ballots were hard-core Democrats. Trump’s supporters and Republicans in general tend to vote in person. Thus, Biden's lead quickly diminished on election day. It is customary to stop counting votes in a district when one candidate has such an advantage that the remaining votes won’t make any difference.
           However, Biden is insisting those votes still be counted, which would also allow the counting of votes of dubious origin. The Biden squad don't so much want legitimate votes counted as they want the people doing the counting to remain at their posts. Trump has asked the Supreme Court to disallow any votes cast after the fact, which means no counting after a winner has been determined. This prevents the Democrats from rushing truckloads of harvested ballots into closely-contested districts at 4:30AM as has happened so often in the past.

           One should note that in almost every election where the Democrats won, voter fraud of this type was suspected. But that was the era of Kennedy and Nixon, when who won did not make a lot of difference because America was still the country envisaged by the founders who fought for that freedom. It was considered ungentlemanly for the Republicans to make a scene over the phony results since for both sides, it was business as usual. Things did not heat up until the liberals infiltrated the Democrat party and were trying to change America into something else. Believe me, the lunatic left hates Trump with a burning passion.
           Furthermore, it is evident Trump stationed the National Guard around the likely Democrat libtard flash points. I told ya, he was ready for them this time. It is also my opinion that this is the duty of the National Guard, to quell violence in the streets. It is illegal to use the army for that purpose, as is customary in most of the countries that criticize the USA, if you get my meaning.

Last Laugh