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Friday, November 27, 2020

November 27, 2020

One year ago today: November 27, 2019, 70% is a lot.
Five years ago today: November 27, 2015, on-line tutorials can suck.
Nine years ago today: November 27, 2011, thanks to bingo.
Random years ago today: November 27, 2014, a study table, I say.

           Turkey for breakfast, what did you think? Also, I brought a bag of sweet potato that provided the biggest variation in our last five meals. I think they don’t make a turkey right-sized for two people. Instead of an early start, I brought up a ton of videos that JZ would never otherwise see. He doesn’t have cable, just the free Wal*Mart antenna shows. That means he even gets his weather report from CBS, the poor soul. Anyway, turns out one of his sisters-in-law is a big Trump fan. That probably draws flak, so JZ’s fascination with all the emerging facts & figures gives him plenty of ammo to side with here. Good.
           Because the lid is coming off the election fraud. I repeat, the left MUST keep out of the courtrooms. They are organized only at the criminal level, their charade will implode as soon as they are required to reveal their operations. We’ve heard nothing for weeks except how the people questioning the election are loners and losers and how Biden was 90-95% sure to be sworn in this January. So, what’s with all their sudden silence? Like many on-line comments point out, the time to worry most is when the children are silent.

           Here’s a view of JZ at the Metromover station. It’s not my favorite place to girl-watch but he’s okay with it. Hey, JZ, quit staring and start social distancing. If anyone has proof that Miami is not designed to screw people over, I would like to see it. This time it was my prescriptions. They get renewed in Miami, faithfully, for around ten years now anyway. Until you are pressed for time. My doctor changed clinics, to which the popular view is, so what? I can answer that. Without notice and certainly without asking if it was okay with the people on the receiving end, we’ve received yet another blessing from the wonderful Internet. When it is same doctor different clinic, they cancel all the active prescriptions. Because they are AOLs, that’s why. In the end, I drove home, deciding to straighten it out from here.
           JZ is making an honest effort to walk a mile every day. I’m used to it, walking the dogs anyway. So here is today’s video project. You’ve seen it, but not the explanation. This is the “Bayside Banyan”, even if this is not Bayside and that isn’t a Banyan. The experiment was to find out the easiest way to make this brand of amateur trick photo. Seems easy until you try it. Are these a series of stills, or is it edited footage with the talent standing still for a few seconds. Which method is better, hint, did you notice the tree leaves moving?

           Anyway, here’s what came of the experiment. The results are okay, considering JZ is the most un-camera person you are likely to meet. He cannot take any kind of photo, pose, ham it up, go along with a routine, memorize lines, or ad lib. He was told to stand beside the camera without touching anything, to make sure the unit did not get culturally diversified. He must have stood to close.
           Because moments later, we found a life-size plastic Miami Santa on a park bench. JZ was instructed to sit on the bench and motion with his hands the dimensions of the bazongas he wanted for Xmas. But later when I went to download the file, it was gone. I had made the mistake of having JZ hand me the camera after the banyan show was over. He picked it up somehow that deleted the goods. I decided to head north, he handed me a tinfoil of lunch for the road. What a surprise, it was turkey.

Picture of the day.
Yellow River, China.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Making great time on the empty central freeway, I see the tires are worn after only 250 miles. I must fix this whether it amounts to a repair or a new vehicle. Since it is so hard to find tapes with lectures or intellectual material, I listened to another audio book. You can always tell a half-author by the extent of their stereotype filler. In the last tapes, we got treated to pickle and cookie recipes, this time every chapter the Chinese triad or Italian mafia go out to dinner, we get a detailed description of what they ordered. Filler, really. Who cares what sauce, how much garlic, if it was real olive oil, or what brand of wine. This dates the tape to the final quarter of the last century.
           I gather from the few stations that reached me, this legislative hearing in Pennsylvania is not going so well for the communists. Biden is still hiding, even though he knows the press will only ask him about his favorite ice cream. There are few news comments on how “unfair” the recount is and it’s back to the “election infection”. It’s amusing to see certain foreign countries laugh at what they see as US misfortune and failure. They are pathetically overlooking that such a thing could never happen in their countries, yep, they are right about that.

           The Reb called, she’s still rattled by events the past month, and it’s been a trial. Like myself, she is more against the corruption of the voting system than for against any candidate. I tried to find the broken pipe video, it’s been removed. She doesn’t watch news feeds. CNN is claiming in the recount that 113 more votes have been found for Biden, so give up, go home. That’s the recount where they have the same unmonitored people counting the same fake ballots. Ha, let them dig their own graves a bit deeper. Now a more sinister event.
           From a source I cannot specify, the normal number of small airplane flights per day in and out of private airports in the DC area is 200. For the past several days, it has shot up to 1200. And the flights are southeast bound. Hmmm, the only landing fields in range are Bermuda. The air traffic people suspect people by the hundreds are being ferried out of DC as the Democrat panic surges. This was why some where advocating canceling Democrat passports a year ago. It’s Bermuda, I tell you. Run, libtards, run! Whether they get arrested or self-deport is fine by most of us.

           Blog rules I have to tell about the best or worst of anything if it happens that day. When I left here, I forgot the quiche cooling on the rack. That was Monday afternoon. I got home late today to find a crop of penicillin. Those of you with queasy tummies, don’t look at this or any picture of Kamaladingadong Heels-Up Harris.
           This photo actually shows how rich and fresh this recipe had to be, since it was relatively cool weather while I was gone and we still got this crop happening. But dang, shown here is 3,500 calories into the compost heap. Hmmm, I’ll leave it out a while see if the squirrels want any. Later, yep, they did, ate all around the bad parts. You’re welcome, guys, just don’t eat my avocados. For unknown reasons, the birds have not been feeding since before I went away nearly six weeks ago.

           One change noted on this trip could be good or bad. The music scene also go a reset. The closest thing I’ve seen was the advent of Karaoke, where many clubs opted for it. If you picked up a used rig, it was considerably cheaper, putting the worst bands and musicians out on the sidewalks. In the end, it can’t really compete with live, but the damage has been done. This round, have the musicians just disappeared? My guess is they had to find day jobs, which is roughly the same thing. Remember, I lived through what it took to get where I am. I came from not just a non-musical family, but an anti-musical one. Believe it or not, when I was 13, I never knew if the old man would come home drunk and kick in the speakers.
           None of the places we went this trip had any entertainment at all, juke boxes don’t count. Once again, those likeliest to survive with be the ones living in mommy’s basement or with an uncle in the business. I pity any who were relying on music as a primary source of income, but then again I’ve always viewed this lockdown as just a game to shake out the cash-flow element of small business.

           The unknown ailment. It’s over but it’s bloggable for being new for me. I got some brand of infection on my left jaw. One side only, so I knew it was not a media issue. Arising around an hour after I left for Miami, it got progressively worse until I could barely swallow. Next, a grape-sized lump forms under the jaw and the soreness moves up the eustacheon tube to give me a nice head-ache. So I’m stuck Thanksgiving eve wondering, virus or bacteria? I figure, give it until morning. I get up in terrible condition, but not any worse. Then I read on-line that it is possible to get this kind of thing from a pet dog and guess who was having lymph swellings recently.
           I wasn’t into self-diagnosis but something about hitting the Emergency ward on Thanksgiving said, keep waiting. Sure enough, by mid-afternoon, the lump was slightly shrinking. A few hours later, still sore but definitely abating enough to go pub-crawling. By this morning it was just annoying, by arrival here late afternoon, it wasn’t there unless I thought about it. I’m monitoring for any other changes, though there are no outward symptoms. No redness, nothing. Guess I’m a tough old peasant.

Last Laugh