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Thursday, December 17, 2020

December 17, 2020

One year ago today: December 17, 2019, a non-millennial repair.
Five years ago today: December 17, 2015, these Canadian foreigners.
Nine years ago today: December 17, 2011, around 7:00AM.
Random years ago today: December 17, 1981, not originally for publication?

           Another session in the shed, that’s my thing these days. How’s that for a 1960s tag phrase, it’s my “thing”. The leading project is the window, the unit I’m installing on the east wall as a double. That one has the frame damaged by the window mounted A/C. The rot is quite extensive, I have it up on the sawhorses. Yes, I do have a picture, shown here is the water putty repair to one of the worst sections. I’ve got something today I did not have two years ago when this window was slated for repair. It’s called “experience”. I see now that the factory that built this window frame wanted it as strong but as cheap as possible.
           I look at the joinery and realize I don’t have to duplicate all those fancy rabbet and angle cuts. I have not done it yet, but I believe I can manufacture one entire solid piece with the same dimensions. As long as it works, it will be painted over anyway. The major joining technology will be gravity, both superior and more permanent that what was there before.

           The latest on the election is, from what I see, turmoil. This is opinion only, but it looks to me like the Democrats must have promised their corporate masters that Trump would roll over and play dead on November 4th. They had not planned on a drawn-out fight and those people can’t seem to do anything without spending tons of money. They drank their own bathwater with the 2016 Hillary polls, but don’t seem to have realized how narrowly they got away with their illegal ballot activities. Now they are doing it again, they’ve declared some 50 times now that Trump “lost” the Supreme Court battle over election fraud. Nope, never happened.
           It appears the radical left are pointing fingers at each other, the promised slick announcements that Biden was the president-elect have not produced results. TMOR readers, Biden is NOT the president elect, he has only been chosen as the Democrat candidate for the position. It’s somewhat complicated, but the Constitution is written to prevent this brand of illegal takeover—that’s why the Democrats want to change the document to legitimize what they’ve been up to. There is talk of holding another election under martial law, that is, with the military watching the voting booths and the counting.

           What’s more likely is the Democrats, who have already run out of money, are split on the issue. If you don’t follow American politics, it is like so. Before Trump came along, both parties too political donations, which is a form of debt. No matter what they promised to get elected, once in power they had to start repaying those debts and no promises were ever fully kept. But Trump was not an insider—he paid his own way, and won with no debt. Result? He began keeping promises. This infuriated the Democrats and a goodly number of the more corrupt Republicans.
           Now, the Democrats are in too deep to back out. Remember, they still owe all the money and favors they promised in 2016. And this time, nobody is sure, but they have been spending donor money on an unprecedented scale. Rumor is the going rate to sell them your blank official ballot was upwards of $300. They had also counted on bowling over all objections with the media smear campaigns and that has barely worked this time. What must really be troubling them is they stalled all manner of criminal activity such as Swalwell and Hunter’s peddling thinking after November 3, they would just crush the investigations. Now they have that to contend with.

           I’m glad I only need to fix windows. I did some painting, dismantled the belt sander to find the capacitor was popped. Then drilled a ready access rack for my screwdrivers and measured the lumber for my new set of kitchen steps. What’s missing is an 8 foot 1”x6” plank I need to built another tool box. Only half my valuable tool collection has a decent box. You ask, how can I lose a board 8 feet long? Maybe it is in Tennessee.

Picture of the day.
Casapueblo Museum & Hotel.
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           It’ll be tough going to get by the next couple weeks without a lot of election talk. But, the soul of the nation is at stake. If Biden gets in, there will never be another fair election in this country. Rumor is the SCOTUS rejected Trumps first suit because they feared it would cause riots. If so, they should all be rounded up themselves and packed off to Gitmo as traitors—and chckenshits Along with the 50 “former senior intelligence personnel” who signed that petition that nothing funny was going on. It seems from one slim chance, Trump now has several paths to victory and even if he comes close, his fame is up near the top of all history.
           Rumor is if Biden somehow pulls this one off, Texit happens. Texas leaves the Union, forms its own Republic with Trump as President and Cruz as Vice-President. The move would cut off such a major source of taxation to the Democrats that a lot of their operations will cease or go bankrupt.
           And that is why you need to relax and view these mold spots on my mailbox. Kind of neat camouflage, wouldn’t you say. With three or four exceptions per year, all the mail that arrives here is addressed to “Occupant” or some former resident.

           I’ve never been in Nevada except passing through. Nothing there interests me, but I paused to read the outcome of the vote recount. The stats I saw, not knowing it this is official, but they said:

           19,000 non-residents voted
           4,000 non-citizens voted
           8,000 voted from fake addresses
           15,000 voted from a commercial address
           1,500 dead people voted
           42,000 people voted more than once

           To me, that adds up to 89,500 bad votes in State where Biden’s statistical lead was only 22,657. The odd thing is not the sheer number of fake ballots. It is that all of them were cast for Biden. Tell me again there is no evidence of fraud.

           [Author’s note: it took some negotiating before the following article got posted. Yes, there is a reason this topic has been thoroughly covered in this blog before. But, shall we say, readership has been sagging lately. I can’t compete with big media Trumpism. Some say the article is included just for effect. If so, is that such a bad thing? Maybe I include it just to get a free dig at the people who call me a liar? But I staunchly maintain I don’t need any reason to insult weak-minded jealous people.]

           From talking about women y’day, I got the usual amount of flak, 50% think I’m exaggerating. It is interesting to me that that 50% fit squarely into the group that never score except by accident. Since I enjoy a night on the town as much as anyone, I often wind up with the gang and I’ll draw two distinctions here. I’ve seen these guys to which I refer in a pick-up situation and seen how they fare. So when I say they never succeed, I’ve seen it to be fact. I’m fully aware every guy could tell you a tale from the trailer court about how women come on to him. I’m not referring in my life to rare random incidences, but the degree and frequency with which it happens to me. I am not bragging about scoring, right there you know I’m not out to impress anyone. I never really kiss and tell, ladies.

           This brings me to the second distinction. Other men who claim women come on to them, yet you just know they are too bland for it to be true. They are lying, and I’ll tell you how to spot it, and which point you’ll know the clues have been there all along. If he really was the type that women fall over, there would be subtle clues that get into the way he talks about it. The dead giveaway he’s lying is he tells the story solely from the point of view that other men would relate to.
           I can’t tell you what to listen for, but I can suggest how to pick up on the lie. Where most men fear rejection, women merely dislike it. Notice I can and often do empathize with the women’s point of view, that I can imagine how they feel when I don’t respond. My point is, if it happens to you regularly, you cannot help but spot how it looks from the other side. A man who is telling the truth will be affected by it, a man who is lying isn’t even aware it exists. It is also a complicated subject, so that’s all for now.

Last Laugh