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Friday, December 18, 2020

December 18, 2020

One year ago today: December 18, 2019, um, it’s a photo-essay.
Five years ago today: December 18, 2015, filler and loose ends.
Nine years ago today: December 18, 2011, 4WD brunch-wagon.
Random years ago today: December 18, 2006, Ford builds sucky headlights.

           Today I burned seven barrels of yard cuttings, including the logs you see here. I’m surprised this blog has not been suppressed, but should I be? You see, unlike youTube and Google using idiotic so-called A.I. algorithms and low IQ low-effort staff, you actually have to read and understand this blog to get the full message. The eFAG cartel ain’t got time for that shit. So here is a video you should see, about the COVID injections falsely being called a flu vaccine. Watch for two things. What happens to this nurse, and how long before link goes dead. (Surprise, big media did not block this video, instead blaring that it is unrelated to COVID. Like they have any credibility left.)
           This comes hard on the heels of news from Eluru, India, where hundreds have fallen ill from what this blog has termed the “Nobody Knows” disease. Eluru was the first major area where COVID vaccines became mandatory. Bill Gates has since been kicked out of India. They get sick, vomit, collapse, and for the most part, wake up in an hour apparently okay again. The authorities, such as they exist over there, are investigating the drinking water and say a primary cause may be “eating vegetables” from fertilized land. They say with their national equivalent of a wink. If you have not yet heard of the "Nobody Knows" disease, that's probably because I just named it that 48 hours ago. You heard it here first!

           Ah, the now the media is finally picking up that inflation will be rampant in less than four years. The end of the middle class has been accomplished. Outwardly the appear to exist, but unlike their ancestors, here’s the difference. Since 1970, they were up to their necks in debt over it. Now they are in over their heads. They cannot possibly pay back all the money they have borrowed. I’m taking another look at items that traditionally survive terrible inflation. Yes, this blog has predicted fantastic inflation for 20 years—but at the same time recognizing that the government has been artificially holding it down. It’s a pressure-cooker.
           Do I speak for many? I dislike these media people who keep harping over the feeble point that there was “not enough” fraud to overturn the election results. They are assholes, are you listening TimCast? Listen to yourselves. Have there been “not enough” murders, suicides, plane crashes, or rapes this week either? Who decides? Who defines what the acceptable level of election fraud is, so you’ll know when to become journalistically concerned. He was involved in the crime, he should not be allowed to be President, so don’t hand us crap. It’s like telling us it depends how much money a bank robber stole. Like I said, assholes, but TimCast isn’t the worst one, just the chosen example because he should know better.

           It warmed up just enough to work on the window frame, it is in worse shape than I thought. The photo shows the extent of water damage. Even when the A/C has a drain pan, you should still drill a small hole away from the wall or run a special drain tube. It remained chilly all day, so I worked near the barrel fire. It was reminiscent of the farm and you can have it. The only enjoyment was that it was my land and my work. There’s the ticket, folks.

           Every other day we hear about Russian hackers in some American city network or the defense department or other. Good. By 1983, I was issuing constant warnings about networking databases using any type of MicroSoft/IBM code. For the very reasons there are such massive security breaches, I told anyone who would listen that those database products were built for stealing. The Internet came along later with browsers, which made the problem even worse. It was all foretold to those who would listen.
           This computer is on the Internet, but it contains no files. It’s sole purpose is to upload the posts. The files are only active when they are being uploaded from a separate computer where they are composed. Not a bad security system for a lousy twenty dollar computer. Oh, and does your e-mail have an easy to type easy to remember password? Mine has a two-password system. The first is 17 characters long, the second is encrypted at 18 characters long. Your e-mail should be the toughest account you have to break into. Inconvenient, some say? We shall see.

Picture of the day.
Carefully posed UCLA campus pic.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           ee the plastic sheet in the background? Behind my rack for hanging tools. This was that mystery leak I have no time to track down. Somehow water is flowing backwards up the ceiling and dripping on my work table. Hence, until I get a new roof up there, this plastic is the barrier of choice. The roof right now consists of a triple layer of tarpaper and a topping of thick plastic. This will soon be improved now that I’m convinced how valuable that shed really is.
           What’s this, some major social media giants are beginning to ban hunbots? If so, that would be the most responsible socializing they’ve done. Has anyone besides me noticed the lack of advertising by on-line dating sites lately? Anyway, there should soon be a lack of MLM recruiters. The lockdown has turned the Internet into a goldmine for these lowlifes. Their recruitment, it is the usual lame testimonials of how selling junk has changed people’s lives. What? A hunbot? Oh, that’s the nickname for the fake messages they use starting with, “Hey, Hun” Say what? You want that in millennialese? Okay, make that “hey, hun.” Sorry, I once learned to type. Took almost three months, but I figured if you are going to express yourself, make some attempt to be professional. Lamentably, we live in an idiocracy that beleives otherwise.

           The scamdemic is forcing countless people into the waiting clutches of these MLM demons. The product is always shoddy, a flimsy excuse to get people to order up an initial batch they will never sell. True, I’ve done some dabbling in MLM, such as the currency exchange of earlier this year. But I did so fully conscious it was a pyramid and dropped it like a hot potato when it became obvious the “free tutorials” were not about how exchange rates fluctuated, but about recruiting more members.
           Many sites are finally listing MLM schemes under “frauds & scams”. That’s the latter-year hipster Internet, always late and sometimes never. I rather consider the way Facebook abuses user information as the base-line of an MLM scheme. The way the information seeps up the chain of command and then back down. Facebook has “declared war” on the way Apple increasingly builds in anti-tracking options on their phones. Facebook also claims it is “protecting” the user data it collects without the consumer’s permission or even awareness. What? You ask, “What is an aware smartphone user?” It’s an oxymoron and I’m sticking with that answer.

Last Laugh